Never Hurt Someone for Your Happiness Quotes

Never Hurt Someone for Your Happiness Quotes

There are people who love to be miserable. They like to make others miserable. They feed off the negativity of others and have no problem hurting them. My advice to you is to avoid these people at all costs!

If you’re going through a rough time in life, they will take advantage of that and make it worse. If you’re happy with your life, they will try to bring you down by making you feel guilty about it or making fun of the things you enjoy doing. And if you’re sad and lonely, they’ll do everything they can to keep you that way because they don’t want anyone else to be happy when they’re not!

It’s sad how some people live their lives like this but there’s nothing we can do about it except avoid them like the plague…and pray for them! Go through this collection of never hurt someone for your happiness quotes and thank me later.

Never Hurt Someone for Your Happiness Quotes

Never hurt someone for your happiness. If you really want to make progress, you need to be at peace with everyone, including your enemies. Quit being bitter.

1. Turning the other cheek, ignoring what someone did for your peace of mind. True happiness is choosing to not hurt others, even if it’s for your own happiness.

2. Never hurt someone for your happiness. Be someone who chooses happiness over hurting someone else.

3. Hurt people hurt people. Your happiness doesn’t depend on hurting anyone, so keep on living the best you can.

4. Never hurt someone for your happiness. If you choose to move on and be happy, it doesn’t mean they did something right.

5. The next time you’re tempted to tear someone down, think about what it would feel like if someone did that to you. Choose not to hurt people by being true to yourself and doing your best.

6. Never hurt someone for your happiness. You can choose to be happy without sacrificing others’ happiness.

7. Never hurt someone for your happiness. Sometimes, you have to choose your happiness over someone else’s. It’s not their fault that they’re hurting you, but it is your responsibility to make a decision for your own well-being.

8. Never hurt someone for your happiness. It’s better to be a source of light than a source of darkness.

9. Never hurt someone for your happiness. Sometimes it’s better to choose not to hurt someone than be right.

10. You only have one shot at this thing called life, so don’t let your happiness come from hurting others.

11. Never hurt someone for your happiness. Your happiness isn’t worth someone else’s pain.

12. There are only two options in life; choosing to walk away or choosing to hurt them. Never chose the latter.

13. You would be surprised how much you can hurt someone by lying to yourself, denying who you are and what you want.

14. Never hurt someone for your happiness. You can choose not to be held hostage by bitterness. To let go of the past and your worries about how life should have been.

15. Never hurt someone for your happiness. You don’t have to hurt someone in order to be happy.

16. Never hurt someone for your happiness. The best things in life don’t come to those who hurt other people.

17. No one else’s pain can hurt you as much as your own. You have to choose whom you let in, whom you trust, and how much you let them see of you.

18. You can choose not to be bitter. Because when you make that choice, you make space for happiness in your life.

19. Never hurt someone for your happiness. Don’t let them drag you down. Your happiness is your own responsibility.

20. If you want to be happy, let go of what you want from others.

21. Sometimes the right thing to do is choose not to be mad, to let go. The right thing to do is forgive and move on.

22. It’s easy to forget that happiness is an inside job. Choose happiness always.

23. Never hurt someone for your happiness. You don’t have to hurt someone to protect your own feelings.

24. The best thing we can do is to not hurt others. If you know that someone is trying to destroy your happiness, then don’t let them.

25. Never hurt someone for your happiness. You don’t need to hurt people who are close to you in order to be happy.

26. If a person makes you happy, but hurts you at the same time, never stay with that person.

27. In a world where we’re so focused on being happy and pleasing people, it’s easy to hurt someone because you aren’t happy. Don’t do that. Focus on yourself first—only then can you truly make other people happy.

28. Your happiness and well-being should come before other people’s hurt feelings.

29. Don’t wait for someone to be mean to you before you decide you are better than that.

30. Never hurt someone for your happiness. Choose to be kind. Choose to forgive. Choose optimism. Choose happiness. And always choose to love.

31. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Don’t allow people’s feelings get in the way of your happiness.

32. Hope is one thing that can never be taken away from you. You can choose not to hurt anyone.

33. Never hurt someone for your happiness. You don’t need to be concerned about hurting someone else in order to be happy.

34. You don’t have to destroy someone in order to feel good about yourself.

35. Don’t treat people like vending machines. Never hurt someone for your happiness.

36. There’s no use in trying to spare your own feelings by making someone else suffer. Never hurt someone for your happiness.

37. You wouldn’t wake up one morning and decide to be mean. You can control your behavior, so choose happiness today.

38. I know you want revenge but hurting someone for hurting you doesn’t make you happy. Wait for the feeling to go away, then choose forgiveness and peace.

39. If you’re not happy, then no one is happy. If you’re down in the dumps, then everyone has to be down. If you choose to hurt someone who has chosen to love you, you will end up hurting yourself.

40. Nobody deserves your wrath because they haven’t done anything wrong. Nothing is worth your tears. Stand up for what’s right, and be free of self-destructive thoughts.

41. Never hurt someone for your happiness. It’s hard choosing happiness over the hurt, but sometimes you just have to.

42. Never hurt someone for your happiness. Don’t stay to be hurt, but leave to be happy.

43. Happiness is doing the right thing even if it will make people angry with you.

44. Being strong doesn’t mean that you don’t get hurt. It means that after you’ve been hurt, you decide not to remain a victim but to continue fighting.

45. We can choose not to hurt someone for our happiness, instead, we should put the effort in to make that person happy.

46. You have to do what makes you happy. Don’t be afraid to choose that. As long as you don’t hurt anyone while doing what makes you happy.

47. Never hurt someone for your happiness. One should not hurt others in the name of happiness.

48. It is hard to be happy if you have hurt someone. Choose not to be angry, choose not to be sad, choose to be happy. Let go of the hate.

49. When you feel secure enough to be your true self, you no longer need to hurt other people to accomplish your goals.

50. Sometimes, it feels like the only way to be happy is to make someone else unhappy by hurting them. But that’s just not true.

51. We don’t get to choose whether or not we will be hurt, but we do get to choose who hurts us.

52. Don’t be afraid to speak up if someone is hurting you or others. Trust your gut and choose happiness over hurt.

53. Happiness is letting go of the things that hurt you, rather than holding on to the things that don’t help you.

54. People are going to let you down. You will lose people you love. And it’s not your job to prevent that from happening, but it is your job is to recover afterwards.

55. Honesty can hurt, but lies destroy. Choose truth even though it can be painful.

56. If you have to hurt someone to be happy, you’re not happy.

57. Never hurt someone for your happiness. Choosing not to hurt someone is not weakness; it’s strength.

58. That awkward moment when you realize that not hurting someone doesn’t have to be a sacrifice.

59. In order to achieve your own happiness, you have to learn not to inflict pain on others.

60. You don’t have to be a bad guy in order to be happy; you just have to choose happiness.

61. It’s hard to be kind when you’re hurting. But it’s harder to be mean when you know what it feels like.

62. Never hurt someone for your happiness. If your happiness depends on the misery of others, you’ll never be happy.

63. There are more ways to be happy than making other people unhappy.

64. There is only one person you should try to make happy in life—and that’s yourself.

65. Your happiness is your responsibility. You can make someone happy for the moment, but a relationship is sustained by the choices of two people. Your happiness shouldn’t hurt anyone else.

66. Don’t ever use someone else’s pain or suffering as an excuse for your bad behaviour.

67. It takes a strong heart to love but it takes an even stronger heart to continue to love after it has been hurt.

68. Never do anything that will make you unhappy. Never do something which might hurt another person. Never lie, never cheat, never steal. Never give up on what you truly want to do. The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times but to get up the eighth time.

69. Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There’s going to be stress in life, but it’s your choice whether you let it affect you or not.

70. Never hurt someone for your happiness. Hurt feelings don’t heal quickly, and the damage caused by your actions may last a long time.

71. Never hurt someone for your happiness. It’s wrong to hurt others to make yourself feel better.

72. Never hurt someone for your happiness! You’re a good person. You’ve always tried to do the right thing. You’ve been through a lot in your life, and you want to be happy.

73. When you hurt others, it hurts you too. When you make a choice that hurts someone else, it is hurting yourself as well. If you choose to hurt someone for your happiness, then it is hurting yourself as well.

74. You can find happiness in many ways. You can have your career go the way you want. You can have your hobbies, your relationships, and your family be just as you dreamed. But that doesn’t mean it has to be at someone else’s expense. Never hurt someone for your happiness.

75. Never hurt someone for your happiness, because your happiness might lie in their happiness.

76. People often try to hurt you because they themselves are hurting in some way. They are angry with themselves; they are angry with the world, so they take it out on those around them.

77. Never hurt someone who loves you a lot because you may never know the pain of losing someone when the time comes that he or she is gone forever from your life.

78. It doesn’t matter who hurt you, or broke you down, what matters is who made you smile again.

79. Never hurt someone who loves you unconditionally. Because they won’t hurt you back, they will always forgive and love you no matter what..

80. Don’t hurt anyone physically or emotionally. If someone does that to you, leave them at once and never look back.

81. Choosing not to hurt someone for your happiness does not mean you have to sacrifice your happiness. It simply means that for the sake of your happiness, you need to take responsibility for your thoughts and actions.

82. Sometimes the thing that hurts the most is holding on to something you’ve been trying to let go of for a long time.

83. Do not hurt someone’s feelings because they do not react well to your jokes as everyone else does. Sometimes, a joke is just a joke but what makes it funny is the person hearing it and laughing at it with you.

84. Forget what hurt you in the past, but never forget what it taught you.

85. There is no need to hurt someone for your happiness. If you love someone, set them free, and if they come back to you, that’s the best. You always learn something new when they are gone.

86. There is no need to cry over past memories. If someone has hurt you, forgive them so that you can be happy. If something is making you unhappy, walk away from it.

87. Never hurt someone for your happiness, because you will end up losing the best thing in your life, and that is the person who loved you.

88. Never hurt someone on purpose, because they will start to question everything you ever said.

89. Never hurt someone who cares about you a lot, because one fine day, you may realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars.

90. Never hurt someone’s feelings, because they will feel it even if they don’t show it.

91. Never hurt someone for your own benefit, because you will soon realize what a big mistake it was.

92. Before you hurt someone, feel. Before you criticize someone, feel. Before you say something, feel.

93. You can’t expect people not to hurt you if you go around hurting them first. So, never hurt someone for your happiness.

94. Never hurt someone for your happiness. There is nothing more painful than seeing your own reflection in the eyes of someone who used to love you.

95. If anything, the person hurting others is hurting themselves more than their victim. It takes a lot of energy for us to be mean. But kindness comes naturally.

96. Don’t hurt people intentionally because you can’t see the pain that you have caused.

97. Never hurt someone for your own happiness, because you will be happy at the moment but later on, you will be guilty.

98. Never hurt someone for your happiness. It’s hard to live in peace when you’re hurting someone else.

99. Never hurt someone for your happiness. You can’t be happy if your mind is consumed with guilt.

100. If you think about life, you will realize that you can never be happy if you hurt others for your own good. It doesn’t matter whether it’s not intentional or not, hurting someone else will never make you happy.

Hello there. I’m sure you had a good time going through the collection of never hurt someone for your happiness quotes up there. I’m also sure they will help respond better when people anger you.

Kindly drop your comments and share them with others. Thank you.

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