Be Careful Who You Hurt Quotes

Be Careful Who You Hurt Quotes

Almost everyone has experienced a situation where they inadvertently hurt a friend’s feelings or caused tension within the group. Being careless with our words can lead to intense guilt and it can be difficult to make amends.

We should be careful with our words and actions, whether it be written or spoken. We should be mindful of the people around us because we never know whom our words may hurt and who may hurt us back badly. We shouldn’t give in to the temptation of hurting a person just because he or she may have hurt us. Love is the key to making humanity a better place to live, not hate and revenge.

Some quotes about being careful who you hurt can help guide on the importance of minding others’ feelings as well. Below is a list of be careful who you hurt quotes you can use and as well send to others as a caution.

Be Careful Quotes How You Hurt Someone

There are always consequences, good and bad. Actions have outcomes, some more painful than others. Be careful how you hurt someone while going up, you may just meet fierce and furious while you are coming down. Be careful who you hurt.

1. Be careful who you hurt. Sometimes they will come back much stronger.

2. Be careful who you hurt, karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve.

3. Be careful who you hurt, they could be the one who saves you someday.

4. Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten. Be careful who you hurt in the process of your growth.

5. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Be careful who you hurt.

6. Sometimes hurting the ones you love is just a part of being hurt yourself. Be careful who you hurt.

7. Do not hurt those who are loyal to you, otherwise, you will regret it.

8. You may not care about what people think about you, but you do care if they hurt you. Be careful who you hurt.

9. You have to be careful with whom you choose to share your heart and whom you hurt.

10. Be careful who you hurt, people remember who hurt them and may not forgive.

11. Be careful who you hurt, those people can turn out to be the best person in your life.

12. Be careful who you hurt, your past could be their future.

13. Be careful who you hurt because Karma is always watching.

14. Be careful how you hurt someone, one day someone else will hurt you more than you hurt them.

15. Be careful who you hurt, because you may need them tomorrow.

16. Be careful who you hurt, be careful so you don’t hurt your helper.

17. Be careful with your words, once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten.

18. Be careful how you hurt someone because you may not know who they really are.

19. Be careful how you hurt someone because Karma is watching and waiting for them to hurt you back.

20. Be careful who you hurt, because they’ll be the ones who always remember.

21. Be careful who you hurt because the same person you hurt can be the same person who’ll save you.

22. Be careful who you hurt because karma has no expiry date.

23. Be careful who you hurt along the way, some people will hurt you back while the others will forgive you but always build a wall around their heart to protect it from you.

24. Be careful who you hurt along the way, as they can easily leave a scar that will last forever.

25. Be careful how you hurt someone, everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

26. It’s so easy to hurt people without even realizing it. So much that we end up hurting the one we care about most.

27. You can easily hurt someone’s feelings by just not paying attention to their needs. Be careful how you hurt someone.

28. Be careful who you hurt. You don’t know who is stronger than you are.

29. Be careful who you hurt. Some people may have loving hearts but still can stab you from the back.

30. Be careful who you hurt because years down the line when your life is falling apart and you’re alone and you need someone to pick up the pieces, the person you wronged won’t be there.

31. Be careful who you hurt for it may be the only heart that truly loves you.

32. Be careful who you hurt in life because they can remember.

33. Be careful who you hurt, you may need them again one day.

34. Be careful who you hurt in life because someday, you might be important to that person.

35. Be careful whom you hurt, someday they might be your boss.

36. Be careful who you hurt and who you trust. Karma does exist.

37. Never hurt a heart that loves you truly, because your heart can only take so much pain, and the pain given by the one you love is the worst.

38. Be careful who you hurt. It’s better to hurt your feelings than their feelings.

39. Be careful who you hurt, they will do the same to you.

40. Be careful who you hurt, because karma has no appointment.

41. Be careful who you hurt, because one day they may mean more to you than you ever knew.

42. Be careful who you hurt, because those scars will remain long after the pain has subsided.

43. Be careful who you hurt because karma comes back to bite you.

44. If you hurt someone, expect that they will hurt you back

45. Be careful with your words, once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten

46. Sometimes the people who hurt you are the ones closest. Be careful who you hurt and how often.

47. Be careful about hurting people, because you can never know the amount of pain you might cause.

48. Don’t be the reason someone hurts. Be careful who you hurt.

49. When you realize that every memory of you has a person or people who you hurt, be careful. A broken heart will heal, but it still hurts for a long time.

50. You might think it’s funny to make fun and laugh at people, but that someone has feelings too. And they could be so hurt they want to stop living.

51. Be careful who you hurt. Because karma always has a way of reminding you that the pain you inflicted on others will one day be inflicted on you

52. Be careful who you hurt while climbing up, you may meet them when returning.

53. Be careful who you hurt, remember that it takes only a few seconds to hurt someone, but it can take years to heal them.

54. Be careful who you hurt on your way to the top because those are the same people that you’ll need when you fall back.

55. Be careful who you hurt, those things can last a lifetime.

56. Be careful of the words you say. Once they are said, they can be only forgiven, but not forgotten.

57. We’re all guilty of hurting someone every now and then, be it physically, emotionally, mentally or whatever. But remind yourself that you shouldn’t be hurting people.

58. Don’t be the kind of person who hurts someone else to make yourself feel good.

59. Remember, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. Be careful who you hurt.

60. If you have ever made someone cry, even if it was an accident, don’t be surprised when you get hurt by someone.

61. Always remember the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

62. Be careful who you hurt because you might be the one left standing at the end.

63. Be careful who you hurt, your past could be their future.

64. What you say, will hurt someone eventually. Be careful who you hurt.

65. Don’t forget that everyone in life is fighting their own battle. So be careful who you hurt.

66. Don’t say what you will never mean. Don’t promise what you won’t keep. Don’t hurt the people you truly love. Words can break hearts and never be mended.

67. Never underestimate the power of your words. Be vulnerable, be honest and be careful who you hurt.

68. If someone hurts you, you have to learn from it and move forward. The happiest people are the ones who never let anyone or anything drag them down.

69. If your presence creates pain, you are doing something wrong. Be careful who you hurt.

70. Be careful who you hurt because the truth always comes out.

71. if you hurt someone, someone else will definitely hurt you.

72. Be careful who you hurt, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

73. In life, we all have to be careful who we hurt. For hurts left untended can sour into resentment and hatred.

74. Before you hurt someone, think about whether it will help end the pain, or worsen it.

75. Be careful who you hurt because karma has no expiry date.

76. Don’t do anything you might later regret. Be careful who you hurt with your words.

77. If you are fighting with somebody, be careful not to get them hurt. Because if you break their heart they will break your face.

78. Be careful of the people you hurt. One day, you may need them to stop hurting you.

79. Be careful of the people you hurt, karma gets a lot stronger as we get older.

80. Be careful of the people you hurt, they may be the ones who love you most.

81. Be careful of the people you hurt, because it’s okay to say sorry, but not everyone will forgive you.

82. You can’t be nice to everyone. You’re going to hurt some people, it’s inevitable. But the trick is caring about the people you don’t want to hurt.

83. Be careful who you hurt because they won’t forget it.

84. Don’t be a person that hurts others and then sits back and wonders why nobody likes them.

85. The people who hurt you will eventually face their own karma.

86. Be careful of the people you hurt, they remember it better than you will.

87. We are capable to forgive, but not forget. Learn from others’ mistakes. You can hurt yourself and still learn from your mistakes, so you don’t have to make them again in the future.

88. Be careful who you hurt, Someone you never know will someday be someone you always miss.

89. When someone chooses to be cruel, they should never be surprised by how cruel people can be in return. Be careful who you hurt.

90. Be careful of the people you hurt because they love, laugh, scream and cry just like you.

91. You can’t fix the mistake of being mean to someone once you realize what you did is not okay. It’s unforgivable, it leaves a scar, and it hurts them for life. You’re a better person than that.

92. Words can cut deeper than any knife. When you speak your true thoughts aloud, make sure those words are filled with kindness and love for others or it could be hurtful to them.

93. Be kind to the people you love, for you never know when it will be the last time you are with them. Be careful who you hurt.

94. Say these hurtful things and you’ll push them further away, say what they need to hear and they’ll be with you forever.

95. Don’t allow the mistakes you make to ruin your chances of living a better life. Be careful who you hurt.

96. The people who deserve your love the most are the ones you hurt the most.

97. Turns out it was the person who hurt us that really needed our help. Be careful who you hurt.

98. Be careful who you hurt, because everyone is fighting a hard battle you know nothing about.

99. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be careful who you hurt.

100. Be careful how you hurt someone because it will always be remembered and may fire back.

Hi there, I hope you found one or more from the list of be careful who you hurt quotes up there. You can go ahead to share them with loved ones or post them on your social media. You never can tell who will get cautioned by the quotes.

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