Our children won’t always be children. They will grow and begin to take paths of their own, have things they can call their own achievements, with goals and heights to attain.
Sometimes, things can get really overwhelming for them. But, it is of great comfort if they know that their parents are proud of them, and they have the support of their parents.
Every daughter who has done so well in whatever she does deserves to be celebrated. Even when they do not meet our expectations, we should still be able to hold their hands in encouragement.
A lot of times, as a dad or mum, you really want to celebrate and encourage your girl and tell her how proud of her you are. But, because of the great joy and well of emotions in your heart, you get lost for words on how you should celebrate your daughter.
Compiled for you are these I am proud of my daughter quotes. Your daughter will be delighted and encouraged to receive one or two of these messages from you.
If you find it challenging to communicate these quotes to your daughter, use customized stickers from CustomSticker.com. These affordable and practical stickers can be placed in visible spots like her bedroom wall, notebook, or household appliances, offering ongoing encouragement and support.
Go on and make a choice now!
Always Proud of You My Daughter
My darling, whenever I see you, whenever I really look at you, I feel my heart will burst because of the joy and pride that just wells to an overflow in my heart. You are everything I prayed for in a daughter, and even more. True and through, you are my own daughter and I am always proud of you, darling.
1. You are the best young woman in the universe; never let anyone tell you otherwise. I am proud of you, my darling daughter.
2. I know you get tired and you feel like quitting, but your strength is something I’m yet to figure out. Mama is so proud of you and she celebrates you.
3. I’m glad that I could give all the encouragement and support you needed. Looking at you now, all I see is a successful lady. You have made me proud, my dear.
4. I brag about you, and I don’t care what anyone else thinks of that. I have a brave, beautiful and brilliant daughter and I want them to know that I am really proud of you.
5. What is worth doing, is worth doing well. My darling, you are doing well and I am impressed, I must admit. Go, girl!
6. Whenever you need me, I’d be here for you. I’m here, as your cheerleader and biggest fan. Keep making me proud, Hunny.
7. Your win is my win, and every victory you clinch makes me swell with great pride as your dad/mom. Honestly, I am proud of you, my daughter.
8. Do the things you have to do, and even the ones you’ve always thought you can’t. I’m proud of you, and that’s enough to make you forge ahead. Cheers, my princess.
9. Even when I expect less or little, you have always given me more and much more. You’re my fighter and go-getter. You make me so proud, dear.
10. It’s not a crime to be an excellent young woman, and you have given your all to be where you are right now. I’m delighted to be your parent, my baby girl.
11. If I am not proud of you, my daughter, who else will I be proud of? You’re everything a parent could pray for and even more. Your efforts are blessed.
12. No one loves you and roots for you more than me. I’m so sure of this because you have made me proud and I want you to always do better. So, I’d be pushing you to greatness. You’re my queen!
13. Never fear falling because I’d always hold your hands. Sweetheart, you can always count on your parents. We are, that much, proud of you.
14. I’d choose to have you as my daughter over and over again, as long as I’d always be this proud as a parent. You always outdo your last, and for that, you deserve all the pampering in this world.
15. I promise to be where, what, and who you need me to be. I’d do anything for you, and anything you do, I’d be there by your side. Keep it up! I’m proud of you.
Proud of You Daughter Quotes with Images
Dearest daughter, thank you for everything that you do. Dearest, you go way beyond amazing. You should hear me talk of you amidst my colleagues and friends. Thank you for always making me proud of you and being bold enough to talk of you in public. You are my spitting image, in looks and deed, and I’m so proud of you, my daughter.

16. All the energy in the world seems to be in you because I’m amazed at how you’re able to do so much in very little time. My baby, you blow my mind!

17. I have every reason to be proud today, tomorrow and every other day. You, my sweet angel, are enough reason. I’m proud of you, dear

18. I can feel my head in the clouds this beautiful day, and it’s all because of my star girl who keeps shining bright. Shine on, my daughter.

19. I see you work so hard, and I wish I worked as hard as you when I was younger. Anyway, I’m glad I raised you well, and you’re making me proud. Cheers, sweetie.

20. I’m so proud of how much you have grown, and how incredible you are turning out to be. As you grow older, I’d be by your side to see the great woman you’d become.

21. Dearest, keep aiming high and one day, you’d reach that height. I believe in you, I am proud of you and I know that all your efforts will yield wonderful results. I love you, my super amazing daughter.

22. For every time I feel this proud, I want to give you a perfect gift. Finding that perfect gift for a perfect daughter like you is so hard. However, I’d keep trying to ensure you get the rewards you deserve and so much more. I’m really proud of you.

23. You make me proud in many different ways, and each time, I can only be grateful for bringing such a beautiful girl like you to this world. More power to your elbow, my love.

24. Don’t worry about anything. As long as you strive to be better, you’d always be at your best. Don’t ever feel like you are not enough. I’m always proud of you.
25. Congratulations on your most recent achievement. It is laudable and worthy of all accolades. Indeed, I am proud of you, my cute daughter.
26. Everyone thinks you’re too good to be true, and your prestige is influenced. However, they don’t know how much you have laboured to get these credits. I see it all, and I’m proud of you, dear. I am!
27. Every part of you speaks goodness and intelligence, and I’m proud to have you as my daughter. Keep being the leading girl.
28. In my heart, there’s a special place for you, my daughter and I’m grateful for the treasure I have in you. Here’s to more success for you: Make me proud, as always.
29. You look like me and you’ve taken after me, in almost every manner. I’m always proud to see myself in you, and I’m more proud whenever you excel. Lots of motivation from here, my girl.
30. I want to see you make every hope and dream, a reality. I am always proud of you, and I want you to keep doing what you do. I love you, my dear daughter.
Proud Dad Quotes for Daughter
My very own princess, Daddy is so proud of you and all you’ve been able to achieve in your very young life. I see you doing better in all that you set your heart and hands to do; I see myself being prouder of you than I have ever been. Here are cheers to greater and better days ahead, my princess.
31. Not only for being in existence but also for being the very best that I am so proud of, thank you, my beloved daughter. I love you!
32. A lovely and endearing addition you have been and remained to me. I am always so proud of you, dearest daughter. You are one with whom I am pleased.
33. In life there are ups and downs, and so, success may not come every time. I am proud of you for coming this far. Cheers, daughter!
34. I am so proud of you. I want you to know that no matter what you do in life, I will always be here, wishing you the very best. Cheers to more!
35. Dear daughter, thank you for making us proud. We will always be here to support you in everything and all the way. Love you, dear.
36. It is not easy to be where you are. You have come a long way, crossing many hurdles and I am very proud of you.
37. Even when the entire world is against you, do not listen to what they say. Keep on doing your best, the sky is just the starting point. I am proud of you!
38. One thing I am always certain of, even before you start any project, is its success because you never give up. I am proud of you, dear daughter.
39. Every single day, you make me feel proud of your kindness and hard work. Keep doing all you do. I am so blessed to have you in my life.
40. Even before you start the race, you have won. All you do in between is practice the winner’s celebration. I am so proud of you, my dear.
41. Your foundation is rock solid. You have proven time and again that nothing can shake you. I am super proud of you, dear daughter.
42. You are so hardworking and principled. You never give up on anything that you have set your mind to. I am so proud to have you as my daughter.
43. Your determination and strength are admirable. You have chosen to never give up in the face of challenges. I am so proud of you.
44. I am always dazzled by your excellent performance and proud of you for effectively seeing to all that is committed to your hands.
45. You, my daughter, furnish me with so much pride. You always come out the best in everything you do. Cheers to even more!
Proud of Your Accomplishments Quotes for Daughter
Nobody does things the way my own daughter does! My darling! I am so proud of you. See, I have told everyone of everything you have accomplished this past year. That’s how proud I am! I wish you can hear me screaming right now! You make you so happy, my dear child, and all of your accomplishments give me joy. Pure joy!
46. I know life has not been all easy and rosy for you. But finally, there is a better future ahead. I am so proud of your achievements. I love you, dear.
47. Life sometimes can be difficult but I am glad things are working out for you. I am proud of you and all you do.
48. You make me a proud parent every time. Your hard work has finally paid off and I am so proud of you. I love you, my dearest daughter.
49. The way you treat me warms my heart, really. I am so thankful to have you as my daughter. I am proud of you, my dear. Never forget that!
50. Dear daughter, I hope you know how much you mean to me. You are everything to me and I am always very proud of you.
51. My lovely daughter, I want you to know that I will forever be here for you no matter where life takes you. I am deeply proud of you.
52. Seeing you achieve all that you were working for makes me so happy and grateful to have you as my daughter. I am so proud of you, dear.
53. Baby girl, you are one of the best things that ever happened in my life. I will forever treasure you and I remain always proud of you. I love you, daughter.
54. All I can say is that I am so lucky to have you as my daughter. You are my dream come true and I am always proud of you, dearest.
55. Daughter, never stop chasing your dreams. Whatever you do in life, know that you have me as your biggest support and I am always proud of you.
56. My lovely daughter, this is a reminder that you are very special to me. I will forever love you and I am proud of you.
57. You brought so much joy into our hearts and lives and I am so proud of what you have become, and will yet be. I love you, my daughter.
58. To my beloved daughter, I am happy and proud of the kind of woman that you have grown into. You are amazing and beautiful true and through.
59. Raising such a daughter as you have been an amazing experience. Each day when I wake-sleep with the memory of you, I am so proud!
60. Having a daughter like you is such a great blessing. You are the reason for my happiness and I am always proud of you.
Proud Mother Quotes for Daughter’s Graduation
Look at my baby girl all grown up! Today, you are the best graduating student to me. You’ve put in a lot of hard work in school: sleepless nights, prep for tests and exams, attending lectures and all that. Mama is super proud of you, darling. Happy Graduation, darling. Mama is so proud of you.
61. My amazing daughter, don’t hold back from pushing for your dreams. I am always proud of you and will always have your back. Go for it!
62. You are a blessing to my existence. Not a single day have you ever brought disappointment to me. I am proud of you, daughter. Happy Graduation, darling. Mama is so proud of you.
63. Since your childhood days, you have been such a hardworking girl. I am so proud to have you as my daughter. I love you very much, my dear.
64. My daughter, I am so proud of you. You have never let me down. I am thankful to have you in my life. I love you with every fibre of my being.
65. Dear daughter, you are a blessing to my heart. I am already proud of you, no matter what happens in life. I will always love and support you.
66. There is nothing as satisfying as having a daughter like you. I am so proud of the responsible young woman that you are growing into.
67. Beloved daughter, never think that you are alone. I am always here for you as long as I breathe. I love you and will remain so proud of you.
68. You may already know that I am proud of you, but I will still always remind you. You are one of the best gifts the Lord gave to me.
69. My daughter, do ensure you follow through on your dreams. I am always proud of you in every way and I love you so much.
70. Believe in yourself, daughter and do not be deterred from your dreams. I know you can and will achieve it. I remain very proud of you!
71. The future is so bright for you, my dear daughter. I am proud of all you have achieved. Continue doing your best and always count on my support.
72. I love to see how organized you are. You have made my life much more beautiful. I am proud of you, my lovely daughter.
73. Thank you, sweetheart, for doing things that make me feel proud. You are a gift I am forever grateful to God for. I love you, daughter.
74. Like you have learnt from me, thank you for proving that with discipline and determination, nothing is impossible. I am proud of you, my daughter.
75. I am so proud of you. You have always remained focused. Never give up as there is an even greater future ahead of you. Cheers, darling daughter!
Proud Sayings for Daughter
Sweetie, you are doing so well. It is an understatement whenever I say that I am proud of you. You are doing so well for yourself, and we all, in the family, are super proud of you. Keep doing well. Keep doing fine. The sky is only a starting point for you. Love you, darling, and I’m so proud of you.
76. You remained calm and overcame every challenge as they came. You are a shining example to many people. I am very proud of you.
77. Since the day I received the gift of you, my daughter, life has been full of happiness. You make me proud and I love you without any reservation.
78. Thank you for being the reason why I am this excited as a parent. You are a treasure to my heart and I am so proud of you, dearly beloved daughter.
79. Do you know why I usually talk about you? It is because you have made me proud, and you keep doing so. I am so proud of you. Cheers to more, my princess.
80. No one makes me feel the way you do, you are the queen of my heart and I am so proud of you. I love you, my sweetheart.
81. You and your siblings make me know what happiness feels like. I am proud to have you in my life as a daughter, my dear.
82. What you have done for me is more than I ever imagined. You are where I have always desired to be forever. I am so proud of you, my daughter.
83. You are, for me, like a heartbeat, the lovely daughter I am blessed with. Today and always, I’ll tell of how I am proud of you, sweetheart. I dearly love you.
84. I’m so proud of you, my sweetheart. From the moment you came into my life, you have been only sweetness and satisfaction. I love you, dear.
85. Dear daughter, this is the day you worked so hard for and I am so proud of you. Wishing you the very best in future endeavours!
86. Thank you, daughter, for all that you do for me as your parent. You are such an amazing child and I am always very proud of you.
87. I am more than excited that your prayers have been answered. This is what you put much effort into. I am so proud of you, my daughter.
88. Darling daughter, the results are beyond amazing. You have done far beyond commendation. I haven’t been more proud as a parent.
89. Dear daughter, it is a blessing to have you. I am proud of the goal-oriented and vision-driven lady you are. Cheers to greater achievements!
90. I am really proud of you. You have been such an amazing daughter; you deserve all the happiness the world has to offer. Cheers!
91. Be focused on yourself and your lofty goals. Others may judge you wrongly but always remember that I remain proud of you, dearest daughter.
92. Seeing all you have achieved at this stage shows you are really going places. I am proud of you, my daughter. There is no limit, dear!
93. My little daughter has grown into an intelligent lady who does not fear to fail and that is why I am always proud of you. I love you!
94. You are an inspiration to many people and you are an example worth following. I am so proud of you, my daughter, and I commit to doing whatever I can to see you do more.
95. Dear daughter, you have set out to bring me joy. I will always be there to support you anytime you need it. I love you and I am proud of you.
96. Seeing you grow and become who you are today is God’s favour. I am proud of you. Keep rising higher and higher. I love you, daughter.
97. You have achieved more than I had ever imagined. Continue with the same spirit. I am really proud of you, my daughter!
98. All that you set out to achieve, you gave your all to it and didn’t stop until you did it. I love you, beloved daughter. Thank you for making me proud.
99. A parent can open the door for training, but a choice must be made to enter. Thanks for making the best choice. I am very proud of you, daughter.
100. No greater gift God has given to me, than you, my daughter. I am always so grateful for how proud you make me, every time. Cheers!
These are the warmest I am so proud of my daughter quotes and messages you’d ever find. Your daughter deserves every encouragement she can get from you, and you shouldn’t hoard such kind words from her.
Go on, make your choices from the list of messages above, and send them to your daughter right away!
May you always be proud of your dear daughter.
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