Thank You for Always Being There for Me When No One Else Was

Thank You for Always Being There for Me When No One Else Was

No one can’t be exhausted with appreciation messages for acts of kindness because it takes a good heart to extend love to another person. Life comes at us sometimes at different angles; we say strong in some and rely on the support and strength of others in some. So, when we have these people around us, we should count ourselves lucky to have them.

Developing a heart of appreciation keeps our helpers close and because we know the importance of sending love and thank you messages to helpers, we have decided to compile in this section thank you for always being there for me when no one else was messages and appreciation texts here.

They are written with you in mind because we know how you felt when these helpers came your way. They could be our family members, friends, bosses, colleagues at work, or even people we do not expect to receive help from. Whoever they are, you need to send to them messages expressing gratitude to tell them how much you appreciate what they did. Please, start using them right away.

Thank You for Always Being There for Me Through My Ups and Downs

I have decided to use this medium to express my appreciation to you for always being there for me through my ups and downs into his year and in the time past. You have been my major support and when I look back, I can say you are the reason I have come this far. Thank you so much.

1. I express my profound appreciation to you today for being there when things were not going well with me. Thank you so much. Thank you for being there for me.

2. Thank you for always being there whenever I need help. Thanks for not turning me away. You are a true friend. It is such a relief to know that I will always have you in my corner.

3. Your love, sincerity and guidance saw me through in my periods of tribulations. I cannot imagine where I would be without you. Thank you for being a comfort when I needed it the most.

4. You are a blessing to me because having you in my life is such a privilege to me. I feel extremely lucky and privileged to know someone as lovely and kind as you. Thank you, my dear friend.

5. I will forever treasure you in my life. How lucky I am to have someone like you in my life. Your presence is a guarantee that I don’t have to go through times of sorrow alone. Thank you for being a true friend through it all.

6. Big thanks to you for being beside me when everyone else left. When I couldn’t stand on my own, you were solidly my support. I appreciate your kindness to me

7. I can’t thank you enough for what you did in my life. You have been such an anchor in my life. I don’t know what I would do without you. You are a friend made in heaven.

8. Today is not a day of crying because you helped me out of my trying times. Here is a short note to say that I couldn’t do it without you. Thank you for being there for me when times are trying.

9. In my ups and downs, you were the stabilizing factor. You are GodSent to me. Thank you so much. God bless you abundantly. Words can never express how grateful I am that you’re always there for me.

10. With you, my hope was revived and my life is given a boost. Thank you so much for everything you have done in the past. I hope you realize just how much I cherish our friendship.

11. I would always remember you forever and wherever I find myself. Thank you for being there to cheer me up in difficult times. You are an exceptional person.

12. Life came to me so hard that I cringed, but with you, I received the confidence to see it through. I know I wouldn’t be where I am today but for your assistance. Thank you for being a true friend.

13. I wish to list them, but I found out they are so numerous. You stood by me when all finders were pointed at me. Thank you for being you and for caring about me. I will never forget it.

14. Your words motivate me, your presence inspire me. Thank you, dear friend, for helping me believe in humanity once again. Thank you for making time for me in your life. I treasure our friendship.

15. I want to thank you for always being there for me. You are a friend in a million.

16. Dearest brother, thank you for being a brother on whose arms I can lean on. I can’t begin to count how you went all out to help me in my ups and downs. Thank you so much.

17. Your love, your light, your strength were my support in my downtimes. Thank you for helping me to over those challenges I came across.

18. Thank you for holding me up when I couldn’t support myself. Your support is what got me through.

19. You are rock-solid support to me. I pray that you continually increase from strength to strength. Thank you for always being there.

20. I may not be able to pay you back for every act of kindness shown to me. Thank you for always being there for me when times are hard.

21. Thank you for being there for me. I relied so much on your positive vibes and thanks for always churning them out. Your presence counted so much in my dark moments.

22. I needed someone, you showed up; I pray that when you need help, men will arise for your sake. Thank you for being there when I was in a time of such profound need.

23. In my times of need, you for being there for me. When I was at my lowest point in life, you brought to my joy. Thank you so much.

24. Thank you for being there when I needed you the most, my dear sister. I will always remember this. I hope you know that I cherish you so much. Once again, thanks for being there in my difficult times.

25. I hope I can thank you enough for your support, love and care over me when I was down. Dear uncle, I am so grateful for all you did. Thank you so much. Thank you for always being there for me.

26. With your guidance, I was able to walk through my ups and down still standing. Thanks for holding my hand through it all.

27. Knowing you is a blessing. Having the assurance that you got my back gives me the strength to pursue all my dreams. Thank you so much for being there for me in my most trying period.

28. The knowledge that you will be there for me in my difficult times alone is worth more than gold. Thank you for being a true friend. I appreciate what you do for me.

29. Thank you for always being there for me. I hope that you will realize how much I appreciate and treasure you. Thank you so much.

30. Even when it wasn’t shining, you supported me and brought light to my life. It will forever be in my heart what kind of a nice person you are. Thanks for being there for me.

Best Thank You for Being There for Me Always Quotes

With special words and quotes like to whom much is given, much is expected, I have come to say thank you with all my heart for every act of kindness shown to me always. I can’t thank you enough for being there. I hope that your love continues to radiate and you also receive help when you need it. Thank you.

31. Love brings peace and kindness. Thank you for exhibiting these in my life when I needed them.

32. To weather the storm is to find support and strength; dear brother, thank you for being there when times were hard. I survived the storms because of you.

33. The sacrifice and the show of love done to a friend are never lost; they are treasured forever. Your love, kindness and help saved me through the darkest storms. Thank you for being there for me.

34. True friends are pearls; they are to be treasured. Thanks for being there for me, my dearest friend when I was stranded and in my darkness of life. You were the messenger of light to me.

35. To the world, everything goes, but to me, only a few are to be treasured. Dear sister, you are not just part of the few, you are exceptional in all. Thank you for always being there.

36. Special people don’t always wear special apparel for identity; they are known for their acts of kindness. Thank you for being there for me when I needed a friend the most.

37. I thank God for your life, my brother. You are a reliable support system. Thank you for being there.

38. In a shambolic world, everything brings about the confusion but thank you for being there for me in all. You brought calmness to my soul.

39. A good friend is a treasure not found on the surface. What a gift to have a friend like you! Thank you for being there for me.

40. A helping hand can never be cut short. Dear aunt, I am glad that you and will continually be longer because, with it, you have touched much life. Thank you for being there for me in my time of need.

41. A heart that is grateful has more chances of having more help received. I am so grateful to you for never leaving me alone for the world to mock. You never left my side when I needed you. Thank you.

42. No matter how the battle is little, facing it alone makes it bigger. Thank you for not leaving me to it. The thought that I could always count on you made me stronger and more confident.

43. With a good support system, even the feeble hands are strengthened. I can’t thank you enough for your numerous support. Thank you so much.

44. Inspiration is the mother of invention and creativity. Your words of encouragement and motivation have brought out the best in me. Thanks for always being there.

45. Keep doing well, my dear friend. Thank you for being a source of wisdom and inspiration for me. I want you to know how much I appreciate all you do.

46. Words cannot express my heart’s praise and thanks to you today but I want you to know that I am grateful for all you did. Thanks for being there for me.

47. He who is thankful has opened the door for more blessing. Dear uncle, can I ever repay you for what you have done? Definitely NO! Thanks a million.

48. By many deeds of shame, we learn that love grows cold. Dear brother, thanks for the love that is always ignited in my life. With you, my passion for life has been restored.

49. Appreciation is the mother of thanksgiving. Thanks to you, my favourite friend for your optimism, love, jokes. They were relevant to my healing process. I will never forget. I appreciate you for being there.

50. The face is the window to the heart. I am glad because, with you, I can smile again. You are the guardian angel that appears to fix me when things go south for me. Thank you.

You won’t hesitate to thank someone who put everything aside to render help to you, would you? That’s the case when you look back and see how much other people have impacted your life over the years. So, with these thank you for always being there for me when no one else was texts and short notes here, you would be doing the right thing. So, get on with it. Please extend to your friends.

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