2025 Thanks God for Everything You Gave Me Quotes

We are commanded by God to give thanks in all situations because He loves us and loves to do good to us.

But beyond that, we all know gratitude inspires the heart to want to do more and God is not exempted from this.

For everything God gave us, we should indeed show gratitude.

But if you are lacking the words to say, we have provided a comprehensive collection of thanks to God for everything You gave me quotes to help you get started.

Thanksgiving Quotes and Messages to God for Everything

Once again, you’ve proven that you’re grateful for life and every other thing the Almighty God has given you and here’s a token of gratitude, in Messages and Quotes, to help you say your thanks to God for Everything He has given you. I’m here saying, thanks to God for everything He gave me too!

1. I remember where you found me, Lord. When everyone had left me, your love moved fast, ahead of every other thing. Thank you for everything you have given me, Father.

2. Today, I am thankful for the wisdom to make wealth. To take care of the needs of myself and family.

3. I thank God for all his provisions, for his longsuffering towards me, and for his divine mercy.

4. I thank God because I am alive and well. Being healthy is my most precious gift of all.

5. I am completely grateful for all the beautiful moments I have had in my life, and I pray for more.

6. I am thankful for the gift of an incredible man, my husband, who fills my heart with joy every day of my life.

7. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of child bearing, for making me fruitful, and for establishing my household.

8. You have blessed me abundantly, oh Lord. I will praise you forever. No one on earth can ever be compared to you, Father.

9. Thank you oh Lord for your love and protection upon my life and family. You are deserving of my praises.

10. Thank God for my daily bread, for shelter, and a roof over my head. My heart is full of praise.

11. Father, I am eternally grateful for giving me a job I totally enjoy and for making my life meaningful.

12. You have done so much for me, much more than I deserve. Thank you for your protection upon me and my family.

13. My heart is full of gratitude and endless praise for your divine mercy, forgiveness, and loving kindness.

14. My Lord, I thank you for guiding my steps each day, and for enabling me work according to your divine precepts.

15. Dear Father, I couldn’t ask for more because you have been so good to me. Your being in my life has brought me so much peace.

16. My heart is full of praise, for the love and favours you have shown me, dear Lord. I pay allegiance to you, Lord.

17. Today, all I want to do is to praise you with all of my whole heart, body and soul. You are my eternal excellence.

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18. It’s an awesome feeling waking up to another opportunity to start again, I appreciate God’s second chance.

19. Dear God, I do not wish to ask for anything, I just want to say, thank you Lord for all you have done for me.

20. Thank you God because, I know that by your grace, tomorrow will be better than yesterday.

21. Who am I that you love me this much, Lord? Thank you for saving my soul from the destruction of the enemy.

22. It is not by my righteousness that I have lived to see this day. Thank you, Father, for your constant love and protection.

23. I have been in situations that could have swallowed me up but here I am today still standing. Thank you, God.

24. Thank you for being a strong tower for my household. Thank you for granting my family genuine salvation. May your name be praised, forever.

25. Thank you Lord for teaching me to trust, and always obey your word. You do everything at your own time.

26. My heart is full of gratitude for the free oxygen I get to breathe without any difficulty everyday day of my life.

27. Words cannot express how grateful I am for all that you do for me. Both in secret and in open. I can’t thank you enough.

28. Thank you, Lord, for lifting me up from the miry clay and for setting my feet on prosperous land.

29. Dear heavenly Father, you are the only reason I have made it this far in life. Thank you, great God.

30. I’m not the best person on earth but you still care for me. Oh Lord, from the depth of my heart, I say thank you.

31. Thank you for being an awesome Father.
You are a good God, and I will praise you forever.

32. God of awesome wonders. Hallowed be your name. Thank you for putting me in the midst of dream builders, in the disguise of friends.

33. Thank you for guiding my steps and for keeping me safe from the fiery darts of the wicked.

34. Forever and ever, my heart will thank you for all the beautiful things you have done for me.

35. With your holy hands, you have healed my infirmity. I will worship you forever because you are too good.

36. I am not deserving of your mercy and kindness but you gave it to me without reserve. Thank you, omnipotent God.

37. Thank you, Lord for restoring me to perfect health when I had almost given up.

38. You have made me flourish like the palm tree. You are my rock of Gibraltar.

39. Father, you have given me every good and perfect gift. May your name be praised now and forever.

40. I thank you so much, my Lord and king, for the countless times you have rescued me. I am a living testimony of your mercy.

41. Almighty God, I feel your presence everywhere around me, I won’t be afraid of the enemy anymore. Thank you for protection.

42. Your mercy and peace has followed me. Thank you, Lord, for the grace to live another day in your presence.

43. You made a way for me, sweet Lord. You have caused the dry bones in my life to rise again. Receive all the glory forever, my King.

44. Dearest Father, thank you for anointing me with the oil of favour and gladness. My soul is no longer alone, it has found fulfilment in you.

45. Thank you Lord for your light and unending peace in my soul. You are the one that really matter.

46. I have only one life to live and that’s for you, Lord. Thank you for blessing me abundantly.

47. God in heaven, everything you do is good, thank you. You are the life in me, and everything I see.

48. Waking up to the sounds of the birds, and realising how beautiful God’s creations are. You’re the air I breathe and the change in me, Lord.

49. I will praise you forever, oh Lord for you have made me beautiful. Your spirit is my constant friend. With you, I will never be alone again.

50. You have turned my mourning into joy, oh Lord! I can’t help but say thank you, for keeping me strong and making me see better days.

51. Dear Lord, I want to thank you for my future, for laying my heart to rest and making me feel at home in your presence.

52. Thank you, Lord, for being my Shepherd. Thank you for your love and mercy. Thank you for letting me find greater victory in you.

53. Thank you for letting me live to tell the story of your love, Father. Thank you for not leaving me at my worst.

54. I’m grateful for your love, it has always been relentless. I have a roof over my head, people to call family and friends, and the freedom to be called your own.

55. I trusted you for my success and that you have granted me. Thank you so much, for granting me success in my exams.

56. Today, my faith has become so deep! Thank you, Lord, for being with me through every step of my healing.

57. Thank you, Lord for a very successful wedding ceremony. All the days and nights of planning have been worthwhile.

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58. My health isn’t great but I’m still here, alive and hopeful. Thank you, my Lord for not letting me go. My hope is rooted in you.

59. Today, I am thankful for the ability to learn and take corrections. Thank you for helping me find my way. Your love is shaping me in every way, Lord.

60. You are my living water, I am just a lump of clay in the hand of the Potter. Thank you Lord for not leaving me a castaway.

61. I look at my hubby and children, I wouldn’t have merited such a great family. Thank you, God for blessing me with extraordinary blessings.

62. You saw me beyond the surface, my Lord. You saw the truth about me and yet you didn’t abandon me. Thank you for making the gospel come alive in my heart.

63. Thank you for healing my shattered heart, Lord. As long as there is breathe in me, I will always sing a song in your praise, Lord.

64. Dear God, I want to declare that you are enough for me. Thank you, Lord, for all the things that make me happy. I reverence your majesty.

65. There is always something to be thankful for, no matter how little. Thank you, Lord for the breath in me and all that you have freely given.

66. Thank you, Lord for drawing me close to you, thank you for breathing on me, and for letting me see your face, my King.

67. Lord, thank you for my wonderful children and all the kids all over the world. Thank you for keeping them safe.

68. Thank you for the privilege to call you my God.

69. Thank you, Lord for giving me great friends. Thank you, Lord, for letting me enjoy the fruits of your blessings.

70. Thank you, Lord for making my cup overflow. Thank you for giving me amazing parents who support my progress in life.

71. Thank you, God for the blessings of your love and protection upon me and my entire household.

72. Dear Lord, thank you for helping me find my way. I have never had to deal with any limitations.

73. Thank you, for the comfort of a good home, and allowing us to love and care for one another. I’m grateful, Lord.

74. I look up to the skies and I see the twinkles of the stars. Thank you, Lord for the gift of nature and for letting us benefit from all you have created.

75. Dear Lord, I thank you that I had the opportunity to get a good education. Each new day, I become a much better person.

76. For the air that I breathe oh Lord, I thank you for letting me live in the glory of your grace.

77. The warmness of the sun lengthens my days. Thank you, Lord for this bright and yellow sun that shines on the earth, and brings us great blessings.

78. Thank you, Father for every second, minute, and hour I have to live on earth. Thank you for allowing me find solace in you, Lord.

79. Lord, I thank you for the abundance of water all around us. It’s a great part of your blessing to us.

80. Dear God, thank you for the gift of your love and the love in our hearts.

81. Thank you for letting me worship in the awesomeness of your presence. I worship you, my God.

82. Lord, I thank you for the kindness you put in the hearts of people. May your love forever be in our hearts.

83. Forever, I will adore you, Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. You have made all things new.

84. Lord God, you are the author of all things, everything you have created are good and beautiful. Thank you for letting me enjoy the beauty always.

85. I am grateful that I have eyes that can see, ears that can hear and a tongue that can speak. Thank you, Lord for strengthening my faith in your word.

86. Lord, I appreciate every day that you let me have a life. You are an ever-merciful God.

87. Thank you, God for a sound mind and the ability to reason. Thank you, for preserving my youth.

88. I look around me and God’s blessings are all I see. Thank you, Lord for the assurance of my faith.

89. Thank you for your glory, Lord. Thank you for the beautiful moments that make my life meaningful and sweet.

90. All that I can say is that I love you, Lord. Only you will be my God and I will love you forever.

91. Father, I thank you for your divine breakthroughs in my life. I could never have done it without you.

92. You are my hope, dear Lord. My tongue is full of your praise, for all your blessings and kindness.

93. Dear Lord, today I want to thank you for saving the world. Thank you for allowing us find perfect peace in you.

94. Thank you, Father, for allowing great people find me. Thank you for the good connections that make me prosper.

95. I am super thankful, for every challenge you have empowered me to conquer. I am so grateful, Lord.

96. Thank you, Father for being so good to me. You’re a good God.

97. Thank you for sustaining my faith, Lord. I have lost count of all the times my flesh has won, thank you for letting me find you again.

98. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of each new day, I am not worthy of all the mercies you have shown me. I will always run to your outstretched arms, Lord.

99. Thank you, God for loving me even when I feel unworthy. I don’t wish for any other life than the life I have in you, Lord.

100. You hold my hand every day, you walk with me always, healing all my infirmities. Thank you, God. You are my portion forever.

Give thanks to God for He is good, for His mercies endures forever. Say thanks to God today.

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