Thank You for Your Existence Quotes

Thank You for Your Existence Quotes

Gratitude is a way of honouring another person’s existence. When you recognize that someone has made an effort, or given something to you, it’s important to be grateful for what they’ve done. It’s not just about putting on a fake smile and saying “Thanks”. It’s about appreciating their efforts and recognizing the value they’ve added to your life.

Think about all the things you have: your family, friends, home, health… All these things are gifts that others have given to you. The more grateful you are for them, the more aware you will be of the gifts in your life.

If we take time to count our blessings, we can see how many good things there are in our lives rather than focusing on what we don’t have or what we’re lacking and we will also realise that each person is worthy of being thanked for their existence. Being grateful for somebody’s existence is a powerful way to show them you care.

Whether you are thanking your significant other, your parents, a coworker, or even the person that helps make dinner every night — it can bring happiness to the receiver while improving your mental health. Below, I provide a collection of thank you for your existence quotes I am sure you would love.

Thank You for Your Existence Quotes

Thank you for your existence. I would not know what to do if there were no you. You are in my thoughts all the time, and when there is no you, I feel empty inside myself. I wish that we could be together forever and grow old with each other as our love blossoms even more than it already has.

1. Thank you for your existence. The world would be a hell of a lot better place if everybody was more like you.

2. Thank you for existing. Because of your existence, I now appreciate life more.

3. Thank you for existing. I know it sounds cliche, but you are the reason I wake up every morning. Your existence has given me meaning and purpose in this short life of mine.

4. Thank you for existing, for the smile on my face. You brighten up my day by just being you. I love having you in my life.

5. Thank you for your existence in my life. I know it sounds weird to thank someone for staying alive, but I’m thankful that there are people like you who agree to live on this earth.

6. There are many things I have to say to thank you for your existence. Thank you for the friendship we share, it’s probably the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I know it will last forever.

7. Thank you for your existence. I would also like to thank you for doing your best every day, even in your hardest moments. It’s not easy. You are strong and brave, and I’m proud of you.

8. Thank you for your existence. Thank you for teaching me how to face the worst situations with dignity and perseverance, and for making a difference in a world that deserves a little more love.

9. Thank you for your existence. That seems simple, but it’s the truth. I like being alive, and I only get to do that because you were born. You are part of the reason I can breathe and travel the surface of this spinning planet. Thank you for being my friend.

10. Thank you for being in my life, and especially for the wonderful cook, you are. I don’t know where I’d be if you weren’t making me amazing food every day. Thanks so much.

11. Thank you for all the love and joy you bring into my life. I am so happy that we met each other and that you are in my life. Thank you for your existence. I want to share my whole life with you.

12. Thank you for being in my life. Sometimes, I’m frustrated with you, but mostly I’m happy to have someone by my side. I smile when I think of you. Thank you for your existence.

13. Thank you for your existence. Sometimes I feel like people are always focused on work, but you always have time to talk about other things in addition to being productive. I appreciate what you do, and hope that you continue being the same person.

14. Thank you for inspiring me. I hope that if you read this, you are doing well, and know that I am doing well because of you. Thank you for your existence.

15. Thank you for your existence. You are part of the reason I’m so happy today. I am very glad I got to meet you. You’re a very kind person, and your smile makes me smile too. You make my life better.

16. Thank you for your existence. You are always there for me, and I appreciate it more than you will ever know. There is no one else in this world that makes me feel the way you do.

17. Thank you for coming into my life. I appreciate everything you do for me, and the good times we have together. You are the best.

18. Thank you for your existence. Thank you for being you. You are a constant source of happiness and excitement in my life. I am very grateful that we are friends.

19. Thank you for your existence. I appreciate how you are in my life, and how you make me feel. You have done a lot for me, and I want to thank you for that. Without you, my day would not be the same.

20. Thank you for being the person you are. I am so happy that you are in my life, and that we have become friends. Thank you for your existence. Please don’t ever change.

21. Thank you for being in my heart. I feel like having you with me every day is an amazing gift. I’m so lucky I met you and had the chance to know you. Thank you for your existence.

22. Love has not been the same since I met you. Thank you for being my world, the anchor when I am at sea. Thank you for your existence.

23. Thank you for being around me in those times when I felt like my world is falling apart. I don’t know if I’d have made it through the past year if not for knowing you are there to support me, even though we are far apart. Thank you for your existence.

24. Thank you for your existence. Whenever I am sad and depressed, you are there to help me feel better. I can always trust you to talk with me when I have a problem. It has been a pleasure getting to know you over the years.

25. Thank you for your existence. If a person is not thankful when they come across you and in return you are not thankful, you are giving each other a negative form of gratitude.

26. You may not always realize it, but I am thankful for your existence.

27. Thank you for your existence. Because everything would not be the same if it weren’t for you. Just being there helps me so much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

28. Thank you for existing. I really don’t know what I would do without you. I’m so happy we have each other, and that you are in my life!

29. You’ve had an incredible impact on my life, whether you know it or not. You’re a good friend to have, and I’m glad we have each other around. Thank you for your existence.

30. Thank you for being there in my life. You have been through so much, but you always try and do the things that make people happy. You are the kindest person I know, and I am the happiest I’ve ever been.

31. Thank you for your existence. I am so glad that we met, it was fate and I’m very glad we took the time to get to know each other. You have enriched my life in ways I never thought possible and I couldn’t imagine life without you!

32. Thank you for being such an inspiration in my life. You have helped me overcome so many obstacles that I thought impossible to get past. Thank you for being there, and always cheering me on.

33. Thank you for the gift you will give me on my birthday. I love your presents, each one of them means a lot to me. Thank you for being so generous. Thank you for your existence.

34. Thank you for your existence. Thank you for being a good friend. You always lift me when I am down and keep me laughing when I need it the most. You are a great rock for me.

35. Thank you for your existence. I love that I can share my thoughts and feelings with you about anything and everything. Thank you for making me smile even when I don’t want to. You are the best.

36. Thank you for existing. This life is better with you in it. You make me smile when I need it. Thank you so much, and I will be forever grateful.

37. Thank you for existing in my life. It is comforting to know that someone is there for me. When I am sad, your smile and hugs help me feel better. Thank you for just being there.

38. Thank you for existing and in a way reminding me of my flaws. Because if I had not been into you, I would never have experienced what a committed relationship could be like with someone else, and because of that, I am now ready to take the next step into marriage.

39. Thank you for your existence. I’m sure there are some days in your life when you wonder why you were born or what your purpose is, but I’m so glad you are here with me. You are my friend, my lover, and my soulmate, and although we may not have been together for a long time, I’ve known forever that you, and I would be together.

40. Thank you for being part of my life. I’m glad you are in it, and I love having been your friend. You make me smile, think and feel — all good things. We have experienced joys together and supported each other through some very difficult times. I cherish our friendship.

41. Even though we may have our issues, I realize that I am very lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for being there for me, and giving me advice when I need it most.

42. Thank you for sharing your stories about the good old days and for reminding me that I am not the only person on this planet with things to worry about. Thank you for your existence.

43. Thank you for being you. Thank you for your support and encouragement when I feel down. Thank you for listening to me when I’m venting. Thank you for making me laugh. Thank you for being my best friend and confidant.

44. Thank you for your existence. Thank you for your friendship. I wouldn’t have made it in the last couple of months without you. See you next week.

45. Thank you for listening to the random stories of my day. Your thoughtful questions help me understand the problems I’m dealing with at work, and help me have a more productive workday. Thank you for your existence.

46. Thank you for your existence. I am always happy to see you, and when I’m thinking about you it makes me feel better. Thank you for being someone special.

47. Thank you for your existence. Thank you for being whatever it is that made you who you are. I appreciate the opportunity to have known you and loved you.

48. Thank you for existing. I am not sure who you are, but I appreciate the fact that you are there, even if I don’t know your name or what you look like. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face when I am sad, and a much-needed friend when I am lonely.

49. Thank you for existing. I love your smile and your kindness. It would be a much darker place in my life if you weren’t there.

50. I can’t put into words how much you mean to me, so I will just say thank you for existing, again and again.

I Appreciate Your Existence Quotes

I appreciate your existence. I know it’s not an easy task and it takes a lot of energy, but you have such a positive impact on this world. I am glad you’re around, I like to listen to your thoughts and I’m grateful you chose to share them with me. Thank you!

51. Thank you for being you! There are so many people in this world and even though we are different, I am grateful that you’re here. I appreciate your existence.

52. Thank you for all your quirks and qualities, especially those that may annoy me at times. You are unique and fascinating! I appreciate your existence, and I cannot wait to learn more about you.

53. I appreciate your existence. I’m just starting to realize how lucky I am that you are in my life. I love you, and can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us.

54. I appreciate your existence. I have no idea how many times I’ve said that line to myself in a time of complete hopelessness. You are there for the moments I am broken, and you listen and help me through it. There is nothing more comforting than that that makes everything better in life. Thank you, and I love you very much.

55. Thank you for everything you have done. Things are going a lot smoother now that I don’t have to take care of the kids by myself. I appreciate your existence.

56. I appreciate your existence. Thank you for being my best friend. You know everything about my life, things that happened in the past, and some embarrassing moments. But I still feel comfortable telling you all of them.

57. I appreciate your existence. You may think your life—or whatever it is that you do—is pretty ordinary, but to me, it’s extraordinary.

58. I appreciate your existence. Thank you for all the laughs and entertainment over the past years. Thank you for creating such a wonderful world for us to live in.

59. Thank you for being alive and in my life. It can be hard to imagine a world without you, but I enjoy your presence so much that I am grateful that we somehow made it on this earth at the same time. You are a good friend.

60. I appreciate your existence. There are many things I love and appreciate in life, but without you in those times of my life, I would not be able to see things or experience certain situations or go through the journey I’m currently on.

61. I appreciate your existence. Not all people are created equal and somehow you are better than almost everyone else I know. We make a great team, and I’m lucky to have you in my life.

62. I appreciate your existence. I am glad that you are in my life, not just as a friend, but in general. I wish nothing but the best for you and your future.

63. Thank you for being in my life, and I appreciate you being there. I love hanging out with you, talking to you, and spending time with you. Thank you for being so great and helping me through the hard times we had. Thank you a lot!

64. Thank you for being in my life, because I can’t imagine it without you. You help me every time I need somebody, and even when I don’t.

65. I don’t think people appreciate you enough. Many have never met you but wish they could, and those of us who do know you want to shout your praises from the mountain tops. The world would be at a loss without people like you. I appreciate your existence.

66. Thank you for existing and making me happy. There are times when I am sad or just feel down, but thinking about where I am in life makes me know that I am very fortunate to have everything I do. You are always there to support me. Thank you, and I love you.

67. I appreciate your existence. I love to wake up every morning and look at your face. I am so grateful that you are in my life. I only hope you can feel the love and energy I put in your direction as we go through life together.

68. I appreciate your existence. You make my life better just by being around. You have done some good things for me. You have extended your hand in friendship, and I really appreciate that.

69. I appreciate your existence. No matter how busy you are, you always make time for me. You’re very understanding, and I think that’s one of the reasons why we get along so well. Thank you for all that you do to make my life better.

70. Thank you for being born. I am very happy I don’t live in a world without you. Your existence is extremely important to me and the world at large.

71. Thank you for being alive and existing. It is amazing to be here on this Earth with all of the people who are living and breathing.

72. Thank you for your work. Your words inspire me to be a better person and to never stop reaching my goals. I appreciate your existence.

73. Life is short and it would be pretty boring without you around. You are a very kind, beautiful person and always help me out when I need it. Everyone could use a friend like you in their lives. Thank you for always being there for me.

74. Thank you for getting me out of my comfort zone. I appreciate all the fun times we were together. I’m going to miss you, and I hope we can keep in contact.

75. Thank you for being the possibility of my dreams coming true. The universe put you on my path, so I could see there is a brighter future for me, and I’ve found it. Thank you, once again.

76. Thank you for your existence. Your kind words, actions, and advice have truly made a difference in my life. I always get a gut feeling that you will bring the best out of me, and I am so grateful for having a person like you around me.

77. Thank you for your existence. We all feel blessed to have you around.

78. I appreciate your existence. Your mere presence in the world impacts everything around you. Thank you for being a part of my life and making me a better person. Even if we never meet, I’m glad you are out there somewhere!

79. Thank you for what you are doing. Your existence is a blessing to us all, and I am happy I get to know you.

80. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I know it doesn’t seem like much, but your actions mean a lot to me. I love your company and your presence in my life. I don’t know what I would do without your friendship.

81. Thank you for existing. I may not be able to tell this straight out, but I’m trying hard to show you that you are precious to me by the way I treat you. Before meeting you, my world was so boring. And now, it’s colorful because of you.

82. Thank you for dealing with my mood swings and morning grumpiness. I know I can be difficult, but you always show me love and help me feel better. I promise that I won’t bother you when I’m angry again, and will only talk to you when I’ve calmed down. Thank you for being a part of my life.

83. Thanks for the beautiful moments you give me every day. You are the reason I smile when I wake up and the reason I go to bed with a smile on my face. I appreciate your existence.

84. Thank you for existing. Thank you for being someone I can rely on. It’s nice to have a friend like you in my life. I wouldn’t know what to do if we weren’t friends.

85. I appreciate your existence. Thanks for being the kind of person you are. I can see that you try to do your best and be a good person. I appreciate that, as it’s easier to trust people like yourself.

86. There are many people in my life and it is hard for me to choose who I should thank for all the support, love, and help. So I thank everybody for your existence in my life. It’s a wonderful feeling to want and need people in your life. Without you, my life would be empty, and meaningless.

87. I am truly thankful for your existence in my life. Because I have you, this life that seems dark and depressing becomes meaningful and enjoyable. More importantly, you make me feel like I’m not alone. Thank you for the wonderful times we shared.

88. I appreciate your existence. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I don’t know what I would have done without you by my side this year. It has been a pleasure learning everything about your life and watching you grow into the person you have become.

89. I appreciate your existence. I am so proud of all your accomplishments and know that they are only the beginning of what you will soon accomplish as an adult. Thank you for being a wonderful role model. I look forward to watching your life unfold in the years to come.

90. Thank you for being you. I have learned so much from you, and I am very happy I know you. Your existence has made a difference to me. Thank you for all that you do for others. The world is a better place with people like you in it.

91. Thank you for existing in my life. There is something about you that makes me feel comfortable and I’m happy to have you as a friend. Thank you for being part of this journey.

92. I don’t even know your last name. But I just wanted to say thank you as I sit here at my computer, listening to you talk on the radio. Thank you for being on this earth, and doing what you do.

93. Thank you for existing. It is comforting to know I am not alone.

94. Thank you for being here and making my life lovely. Without you, no one is here and the world turns lonely. I am very happy to have you in my life.

95. Thank you for being in my life and for the support, friendship, love, and everything else you give me. Thank you for always being there when I need you. You are great in every way, shape, and form. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

96. Thank you for coming into my life and showing me what happiness is. I like being with you. I appreciate your existence.

97. Thank you for being a wonderful person. You’re very kind and always there to lend me a helping hand. Even though we don’t talk much, I know that when I need you, you’ll be there. I appreciate your existence.

98. Thank you for your existence. Without you, my life would be a lot greyer than it is today. I’ll never forget how much you’ve helped me this year.

99. Thank you for your existence. I don’t know where I would be today and what my life would be like if I hadn’t met you I appreciate your existence.

100. Thank you for all the great things that you do day in and out. Thank you for living because, without you, my world would be more boring. Thank you for every laugh that we share, every tear we cry, and every smile that brightens my day.

Hello there. I hope this meets you well. How did you feel about going through the collection of thank you for your existence quotes up there?

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