Adoration Prayers Prayer of Adoration to God

2025 Adoration Prayers: Prayer of Adoration to God

We cannot overemphasize the place of God in human existence. He has always preferred a man to any of His other creatures, and He deals with us accordingly.

His primary reason for creating man is fellowship. He wants us to be with Him, in His presence, where we offer our worship, Love and adoration prayers to Him in form of prayers and service.


Best Prayer of Adoration to God

Here are awesome prayers of adoration we can offer to God.

1. Oh! You mean more than all the world to me.
My story is not known, so my commitment to You is not understood.
I love You, nevertheless. You are enough for me.
Please help me live daily in this truth, amen.

2. How wonderful it is to be loved by You.
You’ve connected me to You- the fountain of living water,
So when I’m thirsty, I’m satisfied.
I never run out of the water to drink.
May I stay connected forever. Amen.

3. Your love has been better than life to me.
You’ve given me You, You’ve given me all.
Saviour, Father, You’re more than life to me.
Give me more of You, Lord.
I want new encounters with You on a daily basis.

4. Oh Lord, To You is my love poured out.
My heart aches and my soul yearns
For more of You.
When I lie on my bed at dawn, all I see is a reflection of Your glory.
You don’t share Your glory, Lord,
But You glorify You in me.

Adoration Prayer to God

5. You’ve enthroned me in Your grace.
You’ve clothed me in Your beauty.
You crown me with honour and glory.
You give my feet a covering of peace.
You deserve more than I can offer.

6. O Lord! My Lord,
How breathtakingly sweet is Your love for me!.
You’ve put beautiful words of praise in my mouth,
Then you called them Your habitation.
Please Lord, inhabit my praise.

7. You are the best Lord.
You are true and real.
Even if the world proves You false,
Your goodness and faithfulness are the pillars upon which my confidence in You is built.
I thank You because this confidence cannot be shaken.

8. O Lord, my Father!,
When I pay attention to the love You’ve bestowed on me,
When I think and meditate on it,
My heart cannot understand it.
How can a God so vast,
Live in a me so small?

9. I bless You, Lord,
For You have called us as sons in Your kingdom.
You’ve given us first, Faith to believe,
Then, the power to be.
May we live our lives as Your sons. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

10. I long to see You, dear Father,
Having no restrictions.
I long to sit and speak with You,
Without any distractions.
I long to worship You with my entire being,
Without side attractions.
A cry in my heart, Maranatha!!!!
Come, Lord Jesus, come.

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11. Thank You oh God
For being our Father.
We know we can’t lack anything,
Because You know our needs,
And You are set out to meet all of them.

12. I adore You Lord,
Your beauty and might.
You’ve made me in Your image.
Oh! How beautiful You’ve made me.

13. I am a sheep in Your fold.
Thank You, dear shepherd, for how much You’ve taken care of me.
You always have my need at heart.
You give me the best of everything.
May I never stray from Your fold.

14. Creator of the universe I bless You.
When I consider the works of Your hands-
The sun, the moon and the stars,
I am left in awe of who You are and What You can do.

15.Before the beginning of time,
You’ve been God.
After the end of eternity,
You’d still be God
There’s no place for argument at all.

16. O Lord our God!,
You control times and seasons,
Situations and circumstances.
Please be in control of my life. Amen.

17. Omniscient God!.
You know the things hidden in the depths of the heart of men.
You see actions in darkness and You weigh motives.
Please search my heart and make it right for You.

18. Jesus!.
You are a wonder to my soul.
The things You do has made me fall in love with You.
Thank You for the Holy spirit that bears witness with my spirit.

19. Jehovah Elshaddai
You are our all-sufficient God.
You’ve given us Your son,
As the best and greatest gift.
I know You won’t refuse us anything we need in life.

20. The owner of the earth and all its inhabitants and resources is You o God
The cattle on a thousand hills are all Yours.
Bless me, Lord, out of Your abundant treasures.

21. O God of grace,
You, out of Your abundance,
Have promised to grant us the grace we need to love and serve You.
May the grace that brings salvation appear to us all. Amen.

22. O Lord,
You are the captain of the host of the army of Israel.
It is recorded that You have never lost a war.
It is also in the books that You never change.
Please arise and fight my battles for me.

23. Oh God of mercy.
You who show mercy to those You want to
It is by Your mercy we are not consumed.
Thank You for finding us worthy of Your unfailing mercy and love.

24.Thank You, Jesus!
You’ve done so much for me.
I counted my blessings,
Naming them one by one.
I’m awestruck by the things You’ve done for me.

25. Unlimited God,
You’ve broken barriers bounds and protocols
Since the beginning till date.
You are too big to be stereotyped.
May protocols be broken in my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

26. Saviour of the world,
Thank You for going all the way to Calvary for me,
Thank You for showing me love I did not deserve,
Thank You for healing my heart from the hurt of sin,
And setting it ablaze for You.
O Lord, every heart in this world needs You to rescue.

27. Jesus,
You’re the joy my heart feels,
You are the song my heart sings,
You are the peace that makes me still,
You are the anchor on whom my heart clings.
I love You, Lord Jesus.

28. O God You are holy.
You cannot behold iniquity and anything dirty.
You have called us into Your holiness,
As the only way we can get to see You.
I want to see You, Lord.
Make me holy.

29. O God of restoration.
You have mended our broken relationship with You.
You’ve restored our free access to Your presence through Jesus.
You’ve called us into the same ministry- the ministry of reconciliation.
May all hearts in the world be reconciled to You. Amen.

30. Thank You, Jesus,
For the opportunity You give us to be successful.
In all our successes o Lord,
May our heart remain stayed and focused on You. Amen.

31. Father, I just want to stop for a minute to say Thank You.
You’ve been to me, a Father I never deserve.
Unlike our earthly fathers
That are limited in resources and ability,
You are sovereign.
You do anything You want anytime You want it,
And You’re not answerable to anyone.
It’s a great privilege to be Yours.
I’m truly grateful.

32. All glory to You Lord.
Honor, adoration and hallelujah I ascribe to You.
You deserve way more than my love and praise,
My tithes and offerings,
My dancing and singing,
And everything else I can offer to You.
Even if I had a thousand tongues to praise You for a thousand years
It still won’t be enough praise for all You are.

33. Great is Your faithfulness O Lord.
Great is Your loving kindness
And Your tender mercies.
Thank You for the forgiveness of sins.
You promised us that whenever we confess our sins
You forgive and cleanse us.
Thank You because You’ve not dealt with us according to the multitude of our iniquities.
Indeed, Your faithfulness is great.

34. Great and mighty God,
You’re greater than the heavens and the earth put together.
You have, unto Yourself, Your saints gathered;
Those that have made a covenant with You by sacrifice.
All the days of our lives,
May our sacrifices to You never be abominable.
Help us also, to stay faithful to our covenant with You. Amen

35. Jehovah Shammah,
You’re always here with us.
You’ve been to us, Emmanuel- God with us.
Please be with us when we go out
And when we come in.
Let the world bear our testimony,
That we have a God who is always by our side.

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36. How can I say thank You enough?
Thank You does not fully express
How grateful we are for Your love.
How can I tell You I love You?
“I Love You” does not tell
What I feel in my deepest depths.
I love You forever Lord Jesus,
Beyond words can say.

37. You’re the solid rock on which I stand,
And upon which my hope is secured.
When the storms of life rages
And ocean rise.
When war against my soul the enemy wage,
I rest assure on You,
My strong foundation.

38. Merciful God,
May Your mercy always find me
When my feet from your path stray,
When my heart is turned away.
Please let Your spirit after me seek,
Bringing me back to Your fold.
This I ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.

39. You o God, are our Judge.
You’ve given us Your son as our advocate.
Thank You because our case is settled in You.
You judge us rightly,
We have a defence in our helplessness.
Thank You Father for all this. Amen.

40. Heavenly Father,
See how beautiful You are to me.
I call You excellent and wonderful.
Indeed, mighty are Your works,
And Your thoughts for me are very deep.
Eyes haven’t seen,
Ears have not heard,
And it hasn’t entered into the heart of men
The things You have planned out for me.
I adore You for this. Amen.

41. O Lord our Lord,
How glorious is Your name in all the earth!
The name that has been given for our salvation.
The name that assures of safety;
“Your name is a strong tower,
The righteous runs in and is safe”.
The name that gives us victory over evil,
Because everything and everyone bows to it.
Thank You for the name – Jesus.

42. O God to whom our praise is due,
You created us to give You pleasure.
You take the praises from our heart,
And with it You make a dwelling place for Yourself.
What is man, that You are mindful of us?
What are we oh Lord, that You so care for us?.
You’ve even placed all things under our feet,
And You’ve given us dominion over the works of Your hands.
You’ve made our bodies a temple for Your worship.
And our praises Your habitation.
Blessed be Your name forever.

43. Sovereign God,
You are self-created.
You created the world but nothing created You.
Everything exists through You and by You but You are totally independent.
You began time and You will end eternity.
You do whatever You please to anyone/thing You please, at any time You please and cannot be questioned.
In Your sovereignty You remain ever good and faithful.
This is the anchor that holds our faith.

44. Oh God of abundant grace,
Your grace abounds to as many that are willing.
You said if we be willing and obedient we shall eat the good of the land.
Thank You because as long as we show willingness,
And we obey Your commandments,
You give grace for results.
Thank You for You’ve never failed on this. Amen.

45. The earth is Yours, Lord
And all its fullness.
This is where our assurance lies,
That You can give us all things,
Because You have all things.
You said we should seek You and righteousness,
And ALL other things we be added to us.
We know You can do it because You own the earth
And everything in it.

46. Jesus, You’re everything to me.
You’re all I am and hope to be.
My help in ages past and hope for years to come.
My instant and ultimate salvation.
The only way to the Father.
My all in all, my Savior and Friend.
The sun of righteousness and the lamb of God
You’ve conquered hell and death for me.
I am Yours and You are mine.

47. Jehovah Shalom
The God of my peace.
“in this world you shall have tribulations, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world”
You’ve given us peace as succour through the wickedness and tribulations in this world.
Our storms and troubles pay attention to Your voice when You say “be still”
Your embrace is our solace in trials and temptations.
Thank You oh Prince of peace,
We have indeed, been beneficiaries of Your peace.

48. Bless be the Lord God of heaven,
Who has blessed me with all spiritual blessings.
When Satan attacks to bring me down,
My victory is in these words, ‘it is well with my soul’
For Your righteousness has made me righteous, by the faith I have in You.
This is Your declaration over the righteous “it is well with You”
I claim it by faith, amen.

49. Dear Lord, my Master,
Thank You because Your work is not grievous.
Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light.
Thank You because You do not owe. I get a recompense for every service I offer to You.
You are not a hard taskmaster, but You are good and You have integrity.
Help me to serve You faithfully until the end, when I’ll receive a “Weldon, my faithful servant. Enter ye into the rest of your Master”. Amen.

50. Lord, I proclaim Your majesty in all the earth.
I will tell the world of Your mighty acts that You perform in the midst of Your people.
You’ve made us for signs and wonders. You’ve made us the signs and wonders to the world.
To show Your unbeatable power to the ends of the earth, one that has lasted through generations.
This is who we are in You,
Objects of Your love and subjects to Your almightiness.
May the world see signs of You
And the wonders You do
In our lives every day. Amen.

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