Avoiding Responsibility Quotes

Avoiding Responsibility Quotes

Avoiding responsibility is often considered a sign of immaturity. Additionally, when you avoid your responsibilities, you are not able to grow in your life and develop as an individual. You may be stuck in the same place for years because you are trying to avoid taking on new challenges and responsibilities.

Avoiding your responsibility can have you looking down at your feet as you go through life. We say things like, “I wish I had done that.” and “it’s too late for that now”. But it’s never too late to change and make a difference in your life and the lives of those around you.

Below are well-sorted avoiding responsibility quotes that you can read and share with friends. These quotes will help you see the ups and downsides of avoiding responsibility.

Avoiding Responsibility Quotes

Many people think that by avoiding responsibility, they are protecting themselves from pain and disappointment, but they are greatly mistaken. They are depriving themselves of the opportunity to know their hearts and minds, to grow as human beings, and to discover joy in living.

1. You will never be happy if you continue to avoid responsibilities that are important to you.

2. The avoidance of responsibility is a mark of the coward.

3. Avoiding responsibility is like trying to escape from yourself.

4. Don’t be a victim – take responsibility for your actions.

5. Do not shirk your duties, or opportunities will pass you by, and the world will forever be deprived of the benefit of your talents.

6. Don’t be a victim – take responsibility for your actions.

7. Do not shirk your duties, or opportunities will pass you by, and the world will forever be deprived of the benefit of your talents.

8. Be your superhero and make the meaningful changes you want to see in your life.

9. Whatever you are avoiding today is your greatest opportunity.

10. Don’t let the things you cannot do stop you from doing the things you can.

11. Avoiding responsibility feels good at the moment, but it comes with a price.

12. You cannot avoid responsibility. You can only run away and keep on running until you bump into it.

13. There is no surer way to mislive than to always avoid danger, pain and responsibility.

14. You can’t hide from responsibility forever. It’s time to grow up and take charge of your life.

15. You can’t avoid responsibility, but you can be irresponsible on a wider scale.

16. If you don’t start your own business, you’ll have to work for someone else for the rest of your life.

17. Avoiding responsibility is like putting a frog in the blender and turning it on.

18. Avoiding responsibility is a character flaw.

19. As soon as you’ve accepted responsibility for your own life, you begin to use your abilities, not just to get the job done but to do it better than it has ever been done before.

20. You’ll never grow if you keep avoiding responsibility.

21. The price of freedom is the willingness to do what’s necessary.

22. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

23. It is only when we forget all our learning that we begin to know that we are avoiding responsibility.

24. We’ve all been there, avoiding responsibility. But when responsibility keeps knocking at your door, you gotta step up to the plate. Get it together and stop making excuses!

25. If you’re a slacker, it’s easier to avoid responsibility. But if you’re a man of action, you can achieve anything.

26. The avoidance of responsibility, the search for the scapegoat, and the flight from self-knowledge are the three main symptoms of neurosis.

27. If you want to live the life you want, then you need to start living responsibly.

28. You need to stop focusing on how you feel and start focusing on who you are.

29. To be successful, you need more than talent. You also need drive and determination, and persistence.

30. You can pretend all you want, but it’s hard to hide in your dreams.

31. You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.

32. A man who avoids responsibility becomes a law unto himself; he finds no place to hide from himself.

33. Take responsibility for your life and get to the root of the problem.

34. The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.

35. When you avoid taking responsibility for your life, you also avoid being a fully functioning human being.

36. Be your superhero and make the meaningful changes you want to see in your life.

37. Whatever you are avoiding today is your greatest opportunity.

38. Don’t let the things you cannot do stop you from doing the things you can.

39. Avoiding responsibility feels good at the moment, but it comes with a price.

40. You cannot avoid responsibility. You can only run away and keep on running until you bump into it.

41. You can’t hide from responsibility forever. It’s time to grow up and take charge of your life.

42. You can’t avoid responsibility, but you can be irresponsible in a wider sense.

43. The trouble with avoidance of responsibility is that it doesn’t solve anything. It just delays the inevitable.

44. You can’t avoid responsibility in life. If you don’t accept your responsibilities, someone else will be forced to and that someone else may not be as responsible as you are.

45. The secret of happiness is not found in avoiding or denying responsibility but in finding a way to live with them.

46. It’s better to do something wrong than nothing right.

47. When we run from our problems instead of facing them, it usually makes them worse.

48. If you don’t start your own business, you’ll have to work for someone else for the rest of your life.

49. The price of freedom is the willingness to do what’s necessary.

50. The biggest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing that you will make one.

51. It is only when we forget all our learning that we begin to know.

52. We’ve all been there… avoiding responsibility. But when responsibility keeps knocking at your door, you gotta step up to the plate. Get it together and stop making excuses!

53. If you want to live the life you want, then you need to start living responsibly.

54. You need to stop focusing on how you feel and start focusing on who you are.

55. To be successful, you need more than talent. You also need drive and determination, and persistence.

56. You can pretend all you want, but it’s hard to hide in your dreams.

57. You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.

58. A man who avoids responsibility becomes a law unto himself; he finds no place to hide from himself.

59. Take responsibility for your life and get to the root of the problem.”

60. The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.

61. When you avoid taking responsibility for your life, you also avoid being a fully functioning human being.

62. Reality is always going to be just a little bit crueller than you expect it to be.

63. One day, you will wake up, and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now!

64. If you’re still avoiding responsibility. That’s a real accomplishment.

65. Let’s face it—life is hard. And nobody knows that better than us. Because no one avoids responsibility as we do.

66. Don’t leave it for later, do it right now!

67. Just because you have a to-do list doesn’t mean you have to do them.

68. A wise person will make more opportunities than he finds if he doesn’t avoid responsibility.

69. Avoiding responsibility is a common way of escaping feelings of guilt, but it doesn’t work. You can’t avoid yourself forever.

70. Don’t blame others for something that’s your fault. Stop avoiding your responsibility.

71. Don’t complain about something you could change, either by making an effort or by avoiding it.

72. Don’t let the fear of what might happen to keep you from doing what needs to be done now, and stop avoiding it.

73. The best way to avoid responsibility is to say, “The devil made me do it.”

74. When you’re walking in a forest, and you see a tree that has fallen, do you stand there and worry about who did it? Or do you just get on with your life?

75. Avoiding responsibility amounts to an unsuccessful life.

76. It is easy to avoid responsibility by laying blame on others.

77. When we fail to take responsibility for our actions, then we are destined for failure.

78. When you don’t avoid responsibility for your actions, then you become successful in life.

79. The wise man does not avoid taking responsibility for his thoughts and actions.

80. Never blame yourself. Avoiding responsibility amounts to an admission of failure.

81. When you avoid responsibility for your actions, you become unhappy with your lives because you feel like a victim that doesn’t take any action to improve his situation.

82. If you don’t take responsibility for your life, you’re a victim and a loser.

83. A man is not finished when he’s defeated; he’s finished when he quits and avoids responsibility.

84. The only thing more dangerous than fighting is avoiding it.

85. The best way to avoid responsibility is to say I knew nothing about it or I was only following orders.

86. The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is doing it now and never avoiding it.

87. The man who keeps avoiding responsibility but gets other people to do it for him has no talents but is a parasite on the labour of others.

88. Avoiding responsibility amounts to an unsuccessful life.

89. The secret to getting ahead is getting started.

90. The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do and not avoiding it.

91. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

92. The longer you avoid responsibility, the harder it gets.

93. You can run, but you can’t hide. Accept responsibility for your actions.

94. The longer your excuses roll on, the deeper they dig.

95. It’s not too late to make a change, but it is getting later.

96. But if you’re looking for someone to blame, then you can just look in the mirror.

97. When we do not accept responsibility for our self-esteem and happiness, we become vulnerable to those who are willing to make us happy at whatever price.

98. We all have choices to make in life. When we choose to be passive instead of active in our lives, we give others the power over us.

99. You can’t always avoid responsibility, but you can always avoid blame.

100. Responsibility is the price of freedom, don’t avoid it.

101. You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.

If you are avoiding taking responsibility for any of your actions, do not be surprised if this has consequences. The more effort you put into avoiding responsibility, the more intense the negative consequences will most probably be. It is never too late to change and take on responsibilities and leadership in both yourself and possibly your community or country.

These wise words should be shared with the world to encourage responsibility. Let me know what you think of these avoiding responsibility quotes in the comment section, will you? Please share this post with your loved ones before you go. Thank you for reading, have a peaceful day!

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