2025 Good Luck Messages for Exam

Writing an exam can be quite a handful but your support and attention for the writer go a long way to see them through the strenuous period.

With love in your heart, let them know they have all your support!

Below are quite a number of goodwill messages to a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, brother, sister, son, daughter, and colleague to put a smile on their faces and to forge them ahead. Make your choice, be the strength they need to succeed!

Good Luck Messages for Exam for Friend

Lavishly use these good luck messages for exam for friends as your friends enter into examination season.

1. I know your exams are fast approaching, dear friend! So, I wish you all the peace and success that you desire to step into a new level with this victory.

2. Congratulations, dear friend, cause it’s another season to be examined and promoted. I know your success is guaranteed. Fret not!

3. Good preparation prevents poor performance, that’s the luck charm you need to know and adhere to, my dear. So prepare to be the best you can be. Good luck to you!

4. For your exams, you won’t get implicated, nor manipulated. Neither would you be caught in the web of confusion. Best of luck, dear friend.

5. I want you to know, I’m available for you as you write your exams. Wishing you the very best of luck!

6. Yes, you are smart! Yes, you are brilliant! And yes, you are hardworking. So step into that exam hall like you’ve made it already. I wish you good success.

7. Bear in mind that, these exams are to promote you and not to inconvenient, mar or shame you. So be the best you can be. Dear friend, I’m wishing you all the luck from this end!

8. Relax, this would be the best you have ever written so far cause, the odds would be in your favour. That I know!

10. Your script has been tagged for success and your name for understanding. Wishing you the best of luck, this time!

11. In these exams, you will neither struggle to comprehend nor struggle to put down that which you have learnt! Good luck, dear friend!

12. A little sleep, a little slumber! Be sure to make your book your best friend for this while. Wishing you the best of luck!

13. Dear friend, hard work does not kill but rewards greatly, therefore, do not hesitate to pick up those books and read them as much as you can! Best of luck, dear.

14. Success is for those who actually studied their books, do well too, dear friend. Success is yours!

15. I want you to burn those candles, exhaust the nights reading cause I know you will succeed. Wishing you the best!

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16. You’ve got all that you need to succeed, do not forget that, power also lies within you. Be the best, dear friend!

17. Success is for those who are prepared for it! If it comes knocking today are you ready? Best wishes, dear!

18. I want you to be full of gladness after these exams, so I’ll ask you to be committed to studying. Joy comes in the morning, don’t give up!

19. From me to you, best of luck. I got you covered in my prayers!

20. You will be elevated, that’s the only reason for these exams. Best of luck, dearie!

21. Hello, Bestie. Your exams are at the corner. You gonna score each as a goal. Best of luck!

22. With these exams, you shall make up for your lapses. Wishing you all the luck you need!

23. In case you ain’t sure, these exams will promote you. Best of luck, dear friend.

24. Failure cannot be your companion when you find solace in your books. I’m wishing you good success!

25. All play and no work makes you a dull student. Read well, dear friend. Best of luck. Exam Wishes Sms for Girlfriend

26. The charms of luck are wrapped in the sheets of your books and textbooks. Learn to open them and you will have good success.

27. Dear, friend! Let not your heart be troubled. Just study! Best of luck to you!

28. Everything you write will be born out of wisdom and understanding. Wishing you great success!

29. Your pen will not fail you and your memory will not disappoint you either. Best of luck, dear!

30. You won’t make mistakes, dearie. Best of luck on your exams!

Good Luck Messages for Exam for Boyfriend

Is your boyfriend in his exam periods? Make him know how much you love him as you generously send him these Good Luck Messages for Exam for Boyfriend.

31. Sweetheart, you can be the greatest, you can be the best, make a choice and take a stand! Best of luck to you.

32. I know my boyfriend is intelligent and hardworking, therefore, good success will he have. Best of luck on your exams, dearie.

33. When you feel like chatting, just stare harder into your book, there lies the companion you need. Wishing you a huge success, my love.

34. Failure ain’t meant for kings. I know my king isn’t an exception to that rule. Walk into the hall like you made it, sweetheart!

35. I’m always here for you when you need me. Do not be afraid to call when you need help. Success on your exams my love.

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36. Go ahead and make your girlfriend, proud. Best of luck sweetness!

37. Best of luck to you, boyfriend. Be rest assured you gonna make it cause your girlfriend has you in her prayers. Love you!

38. Success will not elude you, favour will not bypass you, good luck will not ignore you. Have a splendid result, my love.

39. It’s another time for you to be promoted, sweetheart. Sow the seeds of greatness and water them as much as you can. Good success on your exams, my love.

40. I want you to be committed to your exams as you are to me. Best of luck, my love.

Good Luck Messages for Exam for Girlfriend

Is your girlfriend in his exam periods? Make her know how much you care by sending her these Good Luck Messages for Exam for Girlfriend.

41. Best of luck on your exams, sweetheart. You need not worry cause you got my support and I know you are committed to being a success.

42. Success is knocking on your door. Do well to open your books to welcome it in. It’s all yours, my love.

43. I’m wishing you so much success, you’ve got all it takes to succeed my love.

44. Good performance makes good success, sweetheart. It’s all in your hands so you have nothing to be wary of. Wishing you the best of luck.

45. Your expectations will not be cut off, you will make great grades. That which you have sown will make great harvest for you, my love. Wishing you the best of luck.

46. You bear precious seeds, sow them with tears, my love. You will come back rejoicing. Do not hesitate to study really hard. Best of luck on your exams.

47. I won’t let you fail cause I’ll always be here to cheer you on, be your guide and be the alarm to wake you up at night. Best of luck, my love.

48. Success is all yours, my love. My kind wishes are for you.

49. These exams will promote you, you will be the best, my love. Study hard!

50. Do your best, stay committed, be positive. Best of luck, my love.

Good Luck Messages for Exam for Brother

Good Luck Messages for Exam for Brother you can send to your brother as he sits for exams.

51. Happy exams day, dear brother. It’s a happy one cause you’ve got all that you need to be at the top. Best of luck!

52. You will only write the right words, read the correct pages. Best of luck to you, dear brother!

53. You gonna succeed as long as you burn that candle. Best of luck, my dear brother.

54. Success ain’t miles away it’s all in your books. Reach out to it. Best of luck on your exams.

55. Congratulations, dear brother! Your promotion is assured. Best of luck on your exams.

56. Exams! exams! exams! Success! Success! Success! That’s just the way it is! Best of luck to you, brother!

57. There is time for everything, now is the time to get serious with your studies. Do not be deceived! Rest is sweet after much labour. Best of luck, sweet brother.

58. Read hard, and go claim all your successes in your exams. Good luck, brother.

59. I got you covered in my prayers. Be willing to study hard and good success will be yours. Best of luck, dear brother.

60. Failure is harder to put up with rather than hard work. Dear brother, read your books like your life depends on it, and you will succeed. Best of luck to you!

Good Luck Messages for Exam for Sister

Good Luck Messages for Exam for Sister you can send send to your sister as she sits for exams.

61. It’s that time of the session again! Study hard and score hard! Best of luck to you, my lovely sister.

62. The treasures of good success lie within the lines of the sheet in your book. Study them! Best of luck to you, sis!

63. If you need help, you’ve got me by your side. Wishing you good success on your exams.

64. Kick defeat out of the door, success is all yours dear sister. Best of luck!

65. You gonna run and win this race. Just keep moving. Best of luck, my sweet sister!

66. Exams ain’t meant to scare you, it’s just to qualify you for promotion. Study hard, dear sis and be glad you did.

67. Read your books every time, in it lies your confidence and success. Best of luck on your exams.

68. Now is the time to show yourself approved, all you gotta do is study. Best of luck, sweet sis!

69. I’m wishing you a prosperous exam and good health to help you accomplish that. Best of luck!

70. The odds will be in your favour and your markers will score you really well. Do your part and leave the rest. Best of luck, sis.

Good Luck Messages for Exam for Son

Encourage your son with these Good Luck Messages for Exam for Son as he sits for exams.

71. Failure is buried in laziness. Study hard and you will have good success. Best of luck on your exams, my dear son.

72. You can do it because you have all it takes, do not be afraid cause the power of success lies within you. Best of luck to you, my son.

73. My son, do all you can to make your parents proud of you. Best of luck, sweetie!

74. It ain’t easy but, let the joy of good success be your drive. Best of luck on your exams, dear son.

75. Study hard and you will have a good story to tell. Dear son, success is your portion.

76. May you read well, write well and reap the harvests of hard work. Best of luck, son!

77. Come rain, come shine. Study now and rest later. Best of luck, dear son!

78. Success is near to you, do not be afraid to do the needful. Best of luck, son!

79. I pray that you will have every reason to rejoice at the end of these exams. Best of luck, son.

80. Princes don’t fail, thus, you can’t fail my son. Best of luck, dearie.

Good Luck Messages for Exam for Daughter

Encourage your daughter with these Good Luck Messages for Exam for Daughter as she sits for exams.

81. Read well, my dear. That’s the way to good success. Best of luck!

82. You shall be the head and not the tail, you shall be above only. Best of luck on your exams, sweet daughter.

83. Success is yours to claim, that, you can achieve by loving your books. Best of luck, dear daughter.

84. Go ahead and make us proud, make yourself proud, my love. Best of luck to you, sweetness.

85. Princesses don’t fail cause royalty is in their blood. You are a royal, on the throne you belong. Best of luck, dear daughter.

86. I pray you have the strength to study hard and the will to be the best. Best of luck in your exams.

87. Your excellence lies in your will, efforts and determination. Make use of those during these exams. Best of luck, sweetheart.

88. Do not fail to read your books, adhere to your alarm and pay attention to your instincts. You will succeed, dearie. Best of luck!

89. Do not ignore instructions for obedience is better than sacrifice. Best of luck, my lovely daughter.

90. You will succeed with your own efforts, let not your heart be troubled. Best of luck, sweetie!

Good Luck Messages for Exam for Coworker/Colleague

Show your concern for the success of your co-worker/colleague by sending them these Good Luck Messages for Exam for Coworker/Colleague.

91. Promotions come to those who are willing and ready to pay the price. Stay focused. Wishing you the best of luck on your exams.

92. Wishing you good success on your exams. Best of luck, great colleague.

93. Do not allow anyone to take your crown. It’s your time and your season. Wishing you the best of luck, dear colleague.

94. Envision the reward and let it be your motivation. Best of luck, dear colleague.

95. If you can see it, you can possess it. Hard work is the key. Wishing you the best on your exams.

96. I’m here for you. Your success is my joy. Best of luck, great colleague.

97. Let failure be the inspiration behind your success. Stay committed to your goal. Best of luck to you on your exams.

98. Success all the way, dear colleague. Do not hesitate to be the best you can be.

99. It’s time for you to show yourself worthy of the promotion. Hard work would lead you there. Success, dear colleague.

100. Prioritize your success, pay attention to your goals. Wishing you the best of luck, dear colleague!

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