I Hope Your Mom Gets Well Soon Quotes

I Hope Your Mom Gets Well Soon Quotes for Speedy Recovery

Just in case you have a mother figure who is sick, and you can’t seem to wrap your head around the right words to wish her better health, then you are in the right place.

You could send this message through their child which is your friend or someone close to you. I have got the best samples of get well soon messages to help you wish them well during their health crisis.

This hope your mom gets well soon messages will not necessarily heal them but will give lift their hope, give them the mental strength they need and make them begin to see positivity even in their illness.

Hope Your Mom Gets Better Quotes

I know this quote might not do something really big, or change the situation on the ground, but I hope your mom gets better, after reading this.

You might also like: sweet things to say to a friend’s mom who is sick.

1. I just learnt about your mom’s illness. I’m so sorry about it. She’s such a wonderful woman, and she doesn’t deserve to go through such at her age. I will be praying for her speedy recovery. I hope she gets well soon.

2. I know I have not been there like I should, and I have missed so many things, but I will never shun the illness of your mom. May God grant her speedy recovery. Take care.

3. Old age brings lots of unexpected situations, and I will want you to see this as a part of them. Please, take heart. Your mom will be fine again. Don’t stop praying for her too. I hope she gets well soon.

4. Your mom – our mom. She has always been there, since the demise of my parents. I will be ungrateful if I fail to acknowledge that she’s ill at the moment. Please, take good care of her. I hope she gets well soon.

5. Don’t even think you are unfortunate, ever! Some things happen so we can have headway in life. Your mom’s sickness will not take her life, I promise. Just keep praying for her. She will get well soon.

6. Learnt your mother is unwell, I am very sorry about that. This is only a phase, and if you don’t allow it to weigh you down, it will pass soon. Sending positive and healing thoughts for your mother.

7. I was told that your mom had gone for her surgery already. By the grace of God, she will come back home completely healed. Let’s just keep hoping she gets well soon. Take care of yourself.

8. Illnesses have a way of opening our eyes to certain things. This is when we realize that we’ve been far away from God. This is the best time to be closer to Him. Let’s keep praying and hoping that your mom gets well soon.

9. I am so sorry we lost touch for such a long time. I learnt your mom just underwent surgery. How does she feel now? Sending my best wishes for her quick recovery. I hope she gets well soon.

10. This is really sad. I couldn’t even look at your mom on that bed. She’s in so much pain. I pray that the Lord intervenes in her condition, and I hope she gets well soon. Thank you for taking care of her.

11. This is the time to get close to your mom, crack jokes to her and make her happy, not the time to start crying or feeling down. I know there’s no such thing as a minor illness, but it’s minor before God. Take care of her. I hope she gets well soon.

12. Your mom is such a good woman. I have known her for quite a long time now. This illness is something to be sad about, but then God is greater than all illnesses. I hope your mom gets well soon.

13. I just heard that your mom has been ill for a long time. I’m very sorry I was missing in action. How is she feeling now? I will come to check up on her soon. I hope she gets well soon.

14. I’m so sorry about your mother’s sickness. It came as a shock to me. I am just praying that she feels a little better. I wish for a speedy recovery and good health for her. Bye.

15. Sicknesses only make us stronger, and I’m hoping that that’s the case with your mom. She will be out of this in no time, with prayers for good health. I hope she gets well soon. God bless you for standing by her.

16. Here’s a get well soon message for your mom’s illness. I pray and hope that she recovers soon and gets back to her normal life with good health. I’m so sorry about it.

Praying for Your Mom to Get Well

I’m just here praying for your mom to get well. She has really had enough of this sickness. I wish her well, as she continues to go through this.

17. Your mom is not the one to go through this painful experience at all. She’s a very beautiful soul. I am sending lots of good wishes and prayers to her so that she can get well soon.

18. I feel very sad about your mom’s sickness. I know it is a hard time, but she is a very strong woman. You will handle this situation and God will help her through it. I am hoping for her to get well.

19. Your mom has always been a fighter. I have always known her to be someone who doesn’t give up easily, even at her age. This sickness is just a mere one, as she will tackle it and come out stronger. I’m praying for her to get well.

20. Your mom has fought almost all her life, and there are great records to this effect. A mere sickness can’t do anything to her, as she’s strong enough to fight it. She will be okay soon. Praying for her to get well.

21. When I learned about your mother’s sickness, I couldn’t stop crying, because she’s like a mother to me. She has been there for me for a long time ago. I wish her peace as she goes through this.

22. Your mom has taken care of us from our childhood, since my mom passed on, so I am very concerned about her sickness. I am sending lots of love and prayers for her quick recovery. I love her.

23. Can’t believe such a strong woman is sick. I’m so teary right now. She’s been so good to me and my siblings. All I want now is her quick recovery. I will keep praying for her to get well. Love you both.

24. This is a very trying time for you, and I’m so sad about it. I would’ve come to check on your mom, but things have been tight here too. I am very upset about her sickness, but God will intervene. I’m praying for her to get well.

25. I am so unhappy about your mom’s illness. Cancer kills, but I believe this won’t claim her life. The entire house is empty without her, and this gives me concern. I’m praying for a quick recovery.

26. I hope you’re not down because of your mom’s sickness. Please don’t be, it will pass. She will be fine again. I’m very sorry about it, and I won’t stop praying and hoping that she gets well.

27. I’m so very concerned about your mom’s state of health. It’s getting messier, and disturbing. Nonetheless, let’s keep hoping for her quick recovery. I’m praying for her to get well. Be good.

28. Don’t be too down because of your mom’s illness. Now is the time to be strong and hope in the Lord. This isn’t a new thing, so it’s easy for God to come in. Just stop being moody and start making her happy. Praying she gets well.

29. Your mom is a very wonderful mother. She is caring, loving, and extremely unique. She deserves to go through good and happy experiences, not this unfortunate one. God is still God, and He will hear our prayers. Amen.

30. I have been wondering why you are not in school. Your lines are off as well. I just learned that you have been in the hospital with your mom. It’s so saddening to hear, and I’m sorry about it. Praying that she gets well.

Wish Your Mom a Speedy Recovery

Who am I not to wish your mom a speedy recovery? She’s been there for me all this while. This is the least I can do. I hope this makes her happy.

Songs to sing for a friend’s mom who is sick.

31. Your mom’s condition should never weigh you down this much. You’re getting leaner by the day. Yes, she’s your mom, but you can do better than getting depressed over her illness. Start praying instead. I wish her a speedy recovery. Take care.

32. I’m glad you could stay with your mom in such a situation; that’s a good one. For your sake, she will get well sooner than you expect. Don’t panic, she will be just okay. I’m wishing her a speedy recovery.

33. I want your mom to get well very soon because her situation is telling on you already. I’m sorry for all you’ve been going through. Please, be strong for us all. I wish her a speedy recovery.

34. Learn that you are in the hospital, and this has made me sad. I pray to God for your mom’s quick recovery. I hope that she will get well soon and come back to us.

35. Your mom is such a cheerful person, she is a giver too. She deserves to be in the best condition, not this. I wish that she gets well soon. Please keep taking care of her. Wish her a speedy recovery.

36. Your mom inspires me a lot. She’s a force to reckon with, not just some random moms. I see myself as her daughter, cos she has tried for me. I’m wishing her a speedy recovery.

37. Your mom is too cool and reserved to be going through this. She eats healthy foods, and she’s always mindful of her exercises. Only God knows what went wrong. Whatever it is, I’m wishing that she recovers speedily.

38. Well, is there anyone your mom hasn’t inspired? Her whole life is written all over you. She’s a really great mom, and I believe that her condition is just a test and she will pass. Wishing her a speedy recovery.

39. Your mom is a very nice woman. I can’t forget all she did for me during our school days. Hearing the news of her illness is not something to be happy about. If at all I was going to hear from her, I was expecting something great. I love her, and I wish her a speedy recovery.

40. Your mom literally lives for others. She shoulders the responsibilities of the needy. She takes it upon herself to make people happy. She deserves perfect health, and I’m wishing her a speedy recovery.

41. Going out of one’s way to make other people happy is so hard, these days. Your mom does this and more. She’s too perfect to go through all of this. I’m sorry you going through sad times too. I wish her a speedy recovery.

42. Your mom is inspiring and she has done such great things in our lives, without having anything in return. Our support, love and prayers are all she needs now. Wishing her a speedy recovery.

43. There’s nothing I won’t do to see your mom walking out of her condition in good health. Our worse enemies shouldn’t even go through such an ugly condition. I’m praying and rooting for her recovery.

44. I consider your mom as my mom, and I’m proud of how strong she is. I am very sad about her sickness and wish there’s more I can do than just praying and wishing she recovers speedily.

45. Through all of these, I will never be missing. I will stand by you and your mom. She’s not a bad person, so she deserves all the love and support she can get, at this trying time of her life. I wish her a speedy recovery.

46. Your mother is different from some other mothers. I love you mom just like I love mine. She’s been a helping hand since you introduced us. I’m sad about her condition, but that can’t change anything. Wishing her. Speedy recovery.

Get Well Soon to Your Mother

Your mother is a very great woman. I just wish I can drop all I’m doing right now to be with you guys in the hospital. I’m so sorry about her illness. Get well soon to your mother.

47. Your mom is who I literally call my mother. She’s been in my life for only God knows when. I am feeling very sad about her sickness. I will be with you guys in the hospital soon. Till then, I hope that she gets well soon.

48. I truly deeply wish that your mother gets well soon. She’s been through it all in this life, and she deserves to start enjoying her life now. This sickness will never stop this. Get well soon to your mom.

49. I truly hope that this get well soon message reaches your mom and makes her get well soon. I miss her beautiful smile and warm hugs. She’s simply the best. Love y’all.

50. Your mom’s illness has got us all worried in my family. Everyone’s sad and moody. We love her, and it’s not a good thing seeing her go through this alone. Get well soon to your mother.

51. It’s very sad news for me that your mom is sick. Ever since I heard about her illness, I haven’t been myself. It’s so mind-boggling to think of. I am feeling too worried. I hope she will get well soon.

52. I am praying to God for your mom’s quick recovery. I am very surprised to know about her sickness. She’s always been a healthy and fit person. I have no idea how it happened, but I hope she gets well soon.

53. Everyone here misses your mom. We miss her beautiful face and funny jokes. This house isn’t the same without her presence. May God reveal His power above this illness. Get well soon to your mother.

54. All your mom has been through for my sake is more than this sickness. Guess what? She came out unscratched and even stronger. This illness already lost its battle, because its contender is the strongest woman ever. Get well soon to your mom.

55. Sickness is a part of our lives, and there’s nothing we can do about it, other than exercising when necessary and going for a checkup. I hope that your mom will be okay very soon. Get well soon to your mother.

56. I’m still here wondering how a brain tumour had its way to your mom. Like that’s a huge illness. I’m so sad right now. I will keep helping with prayers for her to be well again. Get well soon to your mother.

57. Your mom is like my mother, and I am very upset about her sickness. It’s such a sad story. I hope that she will get back to her normal life soon. Get well soon to your mother. Love you both.

58. Heart failure is so rampant these days. Heard of two other people suffering from this illness. I hope your mom is getting better and responding to treatment. Don’t worry, she will be fine.

59. My friend’s mom is also my mom, so I can’t just sit and be looking like I’m unbothered about your mom’s condition. We are in this together and trust me, we are going to be fine at the end of the day. Get well soon to your mother.

60. I know your mom is facing a critical health issue that is quite risky, but I truly do hope that things will get better within a short period. I’m very sorry about this. God will take control of this. Get well soon to your mother.

Hope Your Mom Feels Better Soon

I hope your mom feels better soon. You don’t look good at all. Please, try to be happy, because there’s more to life than your mom’s illness. She will be fine.

Gift ideas for a friend’s mom who is sick.

61. I was very upset about the news of your mom’s ill health. That’s quite much for you, my sweetheart. I am so sorry about it. Please take heart, and keep praying for her. Hope your mom feels better soon.

62. Nothing will happen to your beautiful mom. Wipe your tears, darling. Things will get better before you know it. Just don’t stop praying for her. Ensure she takes her medication too. I hope she feels better soon.

63. Your mom is a motivation and inspiration to so many people, and we all have faith in her. I believe she will scale through this. I’m so sorry, I hope she feels better soon.

64. Your mom is a woman who God has helped. I’m sure that nothing will happen to her. I am with you in the spirit. Continue to stay strong and happy. I hope she feels better soon.

65. Ensure you don’t feel down these moments. You can only help your mom by being happy around her. Don’t be sad, as this will tell on her. Please do things that will make her feel good. I hope she feels better soon.

66. Quit crying or making sad faces around your mom. It’s not healthy for you and her. Sing and dance for her, instead. Just make her feel happy, please. She will be fine. I hope she feels better soon.

67. When a sick person is happy, the sickness doesn’t weigh them down. This sickness will only tell on your mom if you don’t feel good around her. If she sees you’re happy, you are giving her reasons to stay strong for you. I hope she gets better soon.

68. It is very important for a patient to feel good when they are sick. I am very sure nothing will happen to your mom. This will be like just those random sicknesses, it will pass. I truly hope she gets better soon.

69. Everything will be okay again. Please, trust God. Do not joke with your faith in Him. He will show up when you least expect. Make mummy enjoy your company too. I hope she gets better soon.

70. The health shouldn’t be joked with. Health is wealth, and I’m glad you quickly took your mom to the hospital, immediately after this illness started. I believe she’s responding to treatment. I hope she gets better soon.

71. A lot of people are facing bigger problems than your mom’s illness, and they still haven’t given up on life. When there’s life, there’s hope. Don’t make things difficult for God. I hope your mom gets better soon.

72. People are facing this illness, and they got better with time. Just give it a little bit more time, your mom will be fine. I feel for you. I hope your mom gets better soon.

73. Life knocks us down with problems, most times. I am sure that your mom has been in worse situations, but she came out strong. This wouldn’t be an exception. Just be positive. I hope she gets better soon.

74. Your mother will be just fine. She will not die, because it’s not her time. I wish your mom will be able to get back to her normal life within the shortest period of time. I am sending lots of love to her.

75. I am praying to God for better health status for your mom. She’s been through it all in the past weeks. I pray things will be okay pretty soon. Keep making her happy. I hope she gets better soon too.

76. You are doing amazingly well, my dear. I love how you have your mom’s back against this illness. I’m sure she’s very proud of you. Don’t worry, her illness will soon leave. I hope she gets better soon.

I Wish a Speedy Recovery to Your Mother

From the bottom of my heart, I wish a speedy recovery to your mother. Cancer is no beans, and it sucks. I’m sad that she’s going through this.

How to surprise a friend’s mom who is sick.

77. Your mom is a very strong woman, that’s why she’s still alive and happy, up till now. Meanwhile, you shouldn’t just assume all is okay already. Let her keep using her drugs. I wish a speedy recovery to her.

78. Your mother is so strong-willed and powerful. She has survived this illness, because of her positive energy. She deserves to be celebrated because she’s a winner already. I hope that she keeps getting better.

79. I’m sure your mom will win this battle. She’s a strong woman, and this illness is just a little thing to her. Make sure she’s regular on her medicine and exercise well. I wish her a speedy recovery.

80. Surgery is not just taking drugs and injections, there’s more to a successful surgery. I thank God for your mom’s life, and I pray that this illness doesn’t resurface again. I hope she continues to heal.

81. When a person goes through a body operation, they need all the mental strength they can get. I want you to be supportive of your mom, please. I wish a speedy recovery to her.

82. I learnt that your mom will soon be going for her surgery which means she will be operated on. I know you are not happy, but this has to be done so she can be fine. I wish a speedy recovery to your mother.

83. I’m not happy about your mom’s health status, but that changes nothing. We need to keep our hopes alive and keep praying to God for her healing. How are you? I wish a speedy recovery to your mother.

84. Your mom has always been conscious of her health, so I don’t understand why this is happening to her. She has gone through this hard time, and I know things will be okay again. I wish her a speedy recovery.

85. How is your mom now? The surgery was a very critical one, but her strength and willpower were really on point. She still needs you, please. Don’t stop looking after her. I wish her a speedy recovery.

86. Your mom has tried fighting this illness. Not so many people made it, at the end of the day. She’s a hero, and I’m sure she still has the strength to fight this till the end. I wish her a speedy recovery.

87. You have done a lot just by standing by your mom, these past few weeks. You look worried, but seriously you don’t need to. You are not helping matters, by doing that. Be happy instead. Let your mom find strength in your happiness. I wish your mom a speedy recovery.

88. Your mom isn’t the only fighter here, you are too. You’re so strong. You kept yourself together all this while. I’m super proud of you. Your mother will be healed, in Jesus’ name. I wish a speedy recovery to your mother.

89. Be happy, darling. There’s always light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t give up on God. At the appointed time, He will do wonders. Come off it, as see it as a part of life. I wish a speedy recovery to your mother.

Praying for Your Mom’s Fast Recovery

I am proud of you, my dear. You are a good daughter. You are making your mom proud, even on her sickbed. I’m praying for your mom’s fast recovery, and it will come sooner than we expect.

90. I bet you have no idea how many times your mom has fallen ill even before you were born. But guess what? She always made it through. This won’t be an exception, so cheer up. Praying for her fast recovery.

91. Thank God your mom is getting better, by the day. That’s good news, you know. I am sending lots of good wishes for her fast recovery. Thank you for staying with her.

92. I learned about your mom’s sickness today and I am very sad about it. I am praying for better health for her and fast recovery from illness. I miss her so much, and I hope that she will be back soon.

93. I am very sad because of your mom’s illness. She has done a lot for me. She’s a very special person in my life, and I am praying a lot for her fast recovery. I hope God heals her soon.

94. I feel so concerned because of your mom’s sickness. I haven’t been this shocked and sad in a very long time. I want to see her back on her feet soon. Praying for a fast recovery for her.

95. I am sending lots of good wishes and love to you so that your mom can contract it, and be able to get well soon. Praying for a fast recovery for your mom.

96. I am praying for your mom’s fast recovery. I am not happy about her sickness. I know it is a hard time, but you are a strong woman. You can handle all these situations with her. Take care of you both.

97. When I learned about your mom’s sickness, I couldn’t stop crying. She’s a mother to us all. She has taken care of us from our childhood. We are so concerned about her illness, and I’m praying for a fast recovery for her.

98. I am feeling very sad to learn that your mom is in the hospital. I pray to God for a fast recovery for her. I hope she will get well soon and come back to us because we are missing her a lot.

99. Dear, the news of your mom’s illness just got to me. I’m so sad, right now. I’ll find a way to get to the hospital before the day runs out. Praying for your mom’s fast recovery.

100. May the Lord touch your mom and bring her back home healed. I’m so sorry about this. I won’t stop praying for a fast recovery for her. Please, be strong for us all.

Hello there! I’m so sorry about the health of the person you’re sending this to. I hope they feel better after reading from you.
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