Powerful Prayers for Gods Favour Divine Favour Prayers

2025 Powerful Prayers for God’s Favour: Divine Favour Prayers

When you need a divine favor – God’s favour, these prayers will help.

Short Prayers for Favour

Everyone needs favour to make life interesting. Anytime you need favour, these Powerful Prayers for God’s Favor are always available here for you to use.

1. Dear God, I ask for Your favour in my academics, holding You by Your word that says “I shall be the head and not the tail”. In Jesus’ name, amen.

2. Father, You said in Your word that “You’ll bless the works of my hands” I’m praying for a manifestation of this word in this business I’m venturing into. In Jesus’ name, amen.

3. Lord God, You’ve promised that “none shall be barren in the land”. Please make me fruitful. In Jesus’ name, amen.

4. Please help me find favour in the sight of my boss, oh God. Your word says when a my way pleases You, You make even my enemies be at peace with me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

5. Jesus, please grant me favour in my search for a spouse. He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtain favour from You, lead me to a wife that is a good thing. amen.

God’s Favour for Employment

You need Prayers for God’s Favour for employment? These God’s Favour for Employment Prayers are here for you.

1. Dear Lord, as I go out in search of a job, please crown my effort with success.

2. Order my steps, Lord Jesus, to the place you want me to work

3. I pray, dear Lord, that as I submit my application letter I shall be preferred above others.

4. I give the heart of my proposed employer to you oh God, please turn it in my favour

5. Grant me favour o Lord, that wherever I apply for a job, I shall be taken. In Jesus’ name, amen.

6. I pray that new position shall be made because of me in a company without vacancies, in Jesus’ name, amen.

7. I pray against every fear that grips people during job interviews

8. I receive wisdom to answer all the questions the right way during the interview

9. I possess every office I submit an application, in Jesus’ name, amen.

10. I pray that I shall be found qualified for the job, as I apply. In Jesus’ name, amen.

God’s Favour for Business

Effective prayers for God’s Favour for Business.

1. Dear God, You promised to bless the work of my hands, please fulfill this promise in my business. In Jesus’ name, amen.

2. Please direct me Lord, just as you directed Peter in the Bible, on where to launch into for a drought. amen.

3. Give me wisdom oh God, for good marketing strategies. In Jesus’ name, amen.

4. Please may all my investment yield increase, in Jesus’ name

5. I possess for my business, every land wherein I step my foot, according to your word, amen.

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6. Bring people from all works of life to patronize me in Jesus’ name, amen.

7. As I sow in this land of business may I reap a hundred fold even in the midst of dryness. In Jesus’ name, amen.

8. Please open doors of favour for me in my business. In Jesus’ name, amen.

9. Please take away every adversaries standing in the way of my entrance into the doors You’ve opened. In Jesus’ name, amen.

10. I pray that I shall excel in the midst of many rivals, amen.

God’s Favour for a Life Partner

Prayers for God’s Favour for a Life Partner are here for you to use as you wait on God for a Spouse.

1. Bless me Lord Jesus, with a spouse. I trust that your blessings comes with no sorrow

2. Your word says that ‘He that finds a wife finds a good thing’. Please lead me to a wife that is a good thing, in Jesus name, amen.

3. Grant me Lord, the husband of my heart. You promised to grant me my heart desires

4. I pray that you lead my spouse my way at your set time, oh God. amen.

5. I pray that my spouse shall not fall into the hands of wickedness before he/she meets me. In Jesus name, amen.

6. Iron sharpeneth iron. Oh God in my search for a spouse, please give me iron for my iron. In Jesus’ name, amen.

7. May I not end up with a spouse that will lead to my destruction, in Jesus’ name, amen.

8. Please take away confusion from my heart as I search for a spouse in Jesus’ name, amen.

9. Oh God, you are a perfect God, and You’ve asked me to be perfect, please show me Your perfect will as concerning my life partner

10.Give me a virtuous woman as a life partner, in Jesus’ name, amen.

God’s Favour for Success in Exams

Prayers for God’s Favour for Success in Exams.

1. Father, please let the excellent spirit that was found in Daniel rest on me as I prepare for this exams.

2. As I study, in preparation for this exams, dear Lord please grant me retentive memory, in Jesus name, amen.

3. I pray against examination anxieties in Jesus name, amen.

4. O Lord, please I commit my answer script into your hands, I pray that it shall not go missing, in Jesus name, amen.

5. Please grant me understanding in this course/subject that has been difficult for me.

6. Give me directions, dear Father, on the exact topics to study for this exams, because You know all things.

7. Please Lord, as I take this exams may I be promoted, for promotion comes from you only.

8. Keep me in sound health and mind throughout the period of the exams, dear Lord

9. I declare that in this examination, I shall be the head and not the tail. I shall be above and not beneath, in Jesus’ name, amen.

10. Ideclare that I shall not fail in this examination, amen.

God’s Favour for Child Bearing – Fruitfulness

Waiting for the fruit of the womb? Here are God’s Favour for Child Bearing prayers you can use.

1. Dear Lord, Your word says that none shall be barren in the land. Please make me fruitful, in Jesus’ name, amen.

2. Lord God, You’ve commanded us to be fruitful, let the manifestation of this command be evident in me. In Jesus’ name.

3. Father, please give me children, as Your heritage. In Jesus’ name.

4. Lord God, just like You did for the people of old that had difficulties in bearing children, please do for me in Jesus’ name, amen.

5. Please God, heal my womb in Jesus’ name, amen.

6. May I be found among the people that are multiplying the earth as You’ve commanded, in Jesus’ name, amen.

7. Reward my services to You oh God, with the fruit of the womb, according to Your word, amen.

8. Your word says that every branch that abides in the Vine bring forth much fruit. Please as I abide in You, cause me to bear fruits of the womb.

9. Your word says that I will decree a thing and it shall be established. I decree that my womb is opened in Jesus’ name

10. Tapping into Abraham’s blessing of being a father of many nations, I pray oh Lord, that You cause us to be fruitful, in Jesus’ name

God’s Favour for Promotion

Effective prayers for God’s Favour for Promotion.

1. Dear Lord, it’s in You to promote people. Please promote me, in Jesus’ name, amen.

2. As I take this promotional examination please give me wisdom to pass, in Jesus’ name, amen.

3. Please bring down whoever You need to bring down just to lift me up, in Jesus’ name, amen.

4. Father, destroy anyone sitting on my promotion in Jesus’ name, amen.

5. Daddy please cause me to be preferred above as many as are qualified for this promotion, amen.

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6. Your word says that when men are experiencing casting down, I shall be lifted up. Let this be so for me, o Lord as I trust You for promotion, in Jesus’ name, amen.

7. Just as Joseph found favour in the sight of Potiphar, so that he was placed in charge of everything in his house, let me also find favour in the sight of my boss so that he’ll lift me up to a high position in Jesus’ name, amen.

8. Standing on Your word that says “I shall be above and not beneath”, I receive promotion in my place of work, in Jesus’ name.

9. In the name of Jesus, I declare that when men are being lifted, I shall not be sidelined.

10. Lord Jesus, please lift me up in my place of humility, confirming Your word that says that if we be humble, You would lift us.

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