Safe Journey Wishes, Messages and Quotes (2025)

Isn’t it wonderful when you have someone who cares so much to wish you well on a journey you take? And how lovely is it when you are the one I am referring to here? Yes, you reading this! Because, you do so great by searching for Safe Journey SMS Messages for that Special Person in your Life. Like you wish him or her safe journey, I wish same too. You will not lose anyone close to you to accident. Amen.

Did you know?

Sweetlovemessages.com has all types of love messages you can ever dream of sending to your lover and loved ones. No jokes! A visit will convince you. These are examples:

From Me to You My Love, Safe Journey

I wish you the best of your journey,
I wish you the best of all moments,
And I assure you the best of me here
Safe journey my love.

I see your good turning into better,
And I see your better turning into best.
I see everything turning around for your favour,
Even as you embark on this journey.

For all the journeys you embark on,
I miss you like I might just die.
So unhappy it’s happening again…
But I still wish you safe Journey my love.

There are good journeys and there are bad ones.
The good ones is what I wish for you.
And I mean good ones knowing your desires will be met.
See more hereSafe Journey Quotes for My Love

To My Dear, Wishing You a Safe Journey

Don’t mind it when the road is rough,
Don’t care much when the journey seems long,
Just care that with my love you will stay strong,
I just wish you the safest of the journey, dear.

In waiting I wish I wait no more,
Longing to see your face, that I so detest.
I guess this is another lonely moment for me…
But I wish you safe journey on this trip.

So great you are embarking on this journey,
This is all I have wished for you all my life.
Have the best of the moments,
And promise you will be back here on time.
See more here⇒ Safe Journey Wishes for My Dear

Journey Wishes for My Sweet Love

I don’t like it whenever you say goodbye,
For the warmth of your presence is better,
But I will patiently wait for your arrival,
Stay great and Safe journey my love.

Wishing you journey well my sweet love.
Praying that we meet again soonest.
I pains to watch you leave,
But it pleases me to see you back on time.
Safe Journey to you my sweetheart.

You made me smile and I love it,
You made me laugh, that’s my delight.
But a moment away from you,
Makes a hell out of me.
See more hereSafe Journey Wishes for My Sweet Love

Journey Messages to a Loved One

I just wish you wouldn’t leave me
For me without you could break me
But since you want to leave for good
I pray the best of safe journey to you.

No matter how long it takes,
May you find a lasting peace
And overflowing of joy,
Even as you go and on your journey back home.

Of all the sources of my daily joy,
I find being with you the surest one,
Of all the things I desire,
I see you as the loveliest one.
But you need to know how I will feel while you are gone.
See more hereSafe Journey Messages to a Loved One

Safe Journey Sms for a Friend

Please blame me for the stress,
Please blame me for the time,
Even for the unpleasant situations as you travel.
Safe journey and be back safely.

How lovely are you to me!
How lovely to see your face all the time…
But how sad to see you far away…
Anyway, Safe journey to you friend.

Life has favoured me with someone like you,
And sad life is taking you far away from my reach.
I would love we are together forever,
But so bad you have to go. Goodbye.
See more here⇒ Safe Journey Sms for a Friend

Safe Travel for My Love

I may not be able to control the weather,
I may not be in control of the time,
I may not be able to control even the driver,
But I know I can control the outcome of the journey.
So I wish you the safest journey as you travel.

You think I would be glad because I wished you goodbye?
I wish you know how hurtful a letter of that sentence is!
So much ill-feelings to see you far away.
But I can’t help but to wish you farewell.

You fail to understand how hurt I am when I am missing you…
You have not come to realize that I am always sad,
Each time you are away from me.
I have wished I have a way of dealing with this,
But so helpless and sad when I see you are the only way.
I am really missing you.
See more here⇒ Safe Travel Quotes for your Love

Safe Journey Quotes to You from Me

The best prize one can ever get,
Is the one freely given.
I wish you the best of your journey as you travel.
Safe journey love.

From me to you,
Wishing you the safest of all journey,
And eager to see you back home.
Safe journey dear.

The best I enjoy in life is your presence.
Making me feel your absence is like you want me dead.
I can’t stay here all alone!
Please come back on time my love.
See more hereSafe Journey Quotes for Someone Special

Journey Well Messages

May your goings be great and safe,
And so will your coming back.
The Angels of God shall be your guard
and you shall be back safely.

May your journey be well
May you experience the best of it.
May it be a moment of peace.
Safe journey to you dear friend.

Many have sheer happiness from their loved ones,
And I see mine dropping so fast, and I can’t help it!
I am missing you like I just might die,
And so lonely am I wishing you are here.
See more here⇒ Journey Well Messages

I Missed You, But Safe Journey

I will miss those romantic moments,
I will miss the times we spend together,
I will miss even the things we share together,
I will miss you, but I wish you safest of your journey.

YOU WILL LIKE THIS ALSO : 60 Nice Journey Wishes for Someone Special

I just don’t know how to express how I feel.
I just know all about me will miss you.
You will be wrong if you think I won’t miss you,
For I am missing you already.

It is such a lie that absence makes the heart grow fonder!
Just a moment away from me and I am missing you this much!
If this continues, absence might get my heart broken!
Please consider being back on time.

If all the safe journey quotes is gathered,
Plus all the safe journey messages and wishes,
And then I send them all to you,
It won’t make me stop missing you.
I really miss you.
See more hereI Miss You Journey Quotes

I Wish You Best on Your Way

May the earth comply with your safety,
And the whole world, your well-being.
May you go and come back strengthened.
I wish you best of the journey. I love you.

The very best is my wish for you,
And in all you do there, I wish you favour above struggles.
I pray you have all the reason to be grateful when you are back.
To me, it shall be a moment well spent.
See more here⇒ Safe Journey Wishes

Safe Flight Wishes for Loved Ones
This journey shall answer for the best experience.
It shall be nothing but the safest for you. Safe flight my love.

I cancel all the bad news of flights travelling that you have heard,
And I wish you the safest of all landing. May you go and come back in peace.
Safe journey to you friend.

Have a safe flight! That is what I wish you.
Go in love, and be back in love. See you!

All the engines of the flight are sound.
The weather is cool and so your mind too.
Just wishing you a safe flight.
See more hereSafe Flight Wishes for Loved Ones

Safe Journey Prayer Quotes

I wish you all the best on your way,
I wish you safety by night or by day.
It shall end in testimony, this I pray
I wish you safe journey… the best I can say!

All that you want you shall get
And all your needs will be met.
It’s your best journey, this I pray.
And God’s guidance, to and fro, on your way.

See more hereSafe Journey Prayer Quotes

See also⇒ Funny Safe Journey Quotes

Thanks for reading safe journey wishes, messages and Quotes
For that special someone. I wish safe journey for him or her too.
Please consider sharing this with your friends and loved ones,
on Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media. Thanks.

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