Trauma Bonding Quotes

Trauma Bonding Quotes

Trauma bonding is a term used in psychology to describe the emotional bond that is created between a victim and their abuser. It is a form of Stockholm Syndrome, in which a victim comes to identify with their captor and feel loyalty towards them.

Trauma bonding is a type of abusive relationship between an abuser and a victim. It tends to be an ongoing process, which gradually develops over time. As the victim begins to fall for the good parts of their psychological abuser, they become increasingly more attached to their aggressive partner.

Trauma bonding often occurs when an abuser creates an intensely emotional experience for the victim. The experience can either be physical, verbal or physical in nature, but it must involve some kind of power imbalance between victim and perpetrator.

Although it’s important to recognize that not all abusive relationships are characterized by trauma bonding, if you are experiencing abuse, it’s worth examining whether you have formed a trauma bond with your abuser.

Whether you are an abuse victim or an abuser, trauma bonding can be a confusing concept. However, it is essential to understand the dynamics of this dangerous type of relationship. That is why I have compiled these trauma bonding quotes below for you to understand the concept of trauma bonding.

Trauma Bonding Quotes

Trauma bonding is a psychological phenomenon that happens between an abused individual and the abuser. It is a very strong emotional attachment to the abuser, which is generally based on fear of the abuser, perception of isolation, and/or cognitive impairment.

1. Trauma bonding is when you emotionally connect with someone who hurt you. It happens quickly, often through repetition and mimics the behaviour of the abuser.

2. Trauma bonding is when we are so deeply connected with, and even feel protective toward, people who have harmed us.

3. When someone abuses you and then treats you as if you’re the abuser, it’s a form of trauma bonding. The trauma bond causes you to feel unsafe in your own body.

4. Trauma bonding is a process that occurs through repetitive abuse, emotional neglect and/or dysfunctional attachments.

5. A trauma bond is a form of emotional attachment between two people that forms when one person abuse or neglects the other. Trauma bonds are usually formed around the time of abuse and can last long after the abuse has stopped.

6. Trauma bonding is a term used to describe the way in which an abuse survivor attempts to develop an attachment with their abuser.

7. Trauma bonding is one of the most dangerous dynamics in an emotionally abusive relationship. It’s what keeps abusers from leaving and it’s the reason that victims stay trapped.

8. No one understands you like your abuser. Trauma bonds are nearly impossible to break.

9. Many people who have been affected by the trauma of abuse have developed what is called “Trauma Bonding”, where they have formed attachments to their abusers that they cannot sever.

10. When you’re in an abusive relationship, you may find yourself bonding with your abuser and even feeling relieved or grateful when they are nice to you.

11. Trauma bonding is the specific type of attachment a person forms with an abuser after enduring abuse.

12. The trauma bond allows one to be so comfortable in the abusive relationship that they may even begin to doubt their own reality.

13. Trauma bonds can be devastating. They can hook you in, make you feel close to someone, and then make you dependent on the other person for your security. Once you are fully bonded with an abuser, it is almost impossible to sever that connection.

14. Trauma bonding means that your brain reacts as if the abuser were still present, making it difficult for you to recognize their abuse as dangerous.

15. Trauma bonding is when an individual has a profound and lasting emotional connection with their abuser.

16. Trauma bonding is a term used to describe the relationship that may develop between an abused person and their abuser. It happens when the abused person feels like they have no other choice but to stay with their abusive person in order to feel safe once again.

17. The trauma bond is a powerful thing. It makes it difficult to stand up to an abuser, even when you know they’ve done wrong.

18. Sometimes, trauma bonds people together. But that doesn’t mean you have to stay. If you ever feel alone or scared, reach out for help.

19. Trauma bonding is a behavioural phenomenon that can exist between an abuser and the person being abused.

20. Trauma bonding is not a choice. It is the result of being repeatedly hurt by the same person or group of people, whether it be at home, in school or through the media.

21. There are many ways to survive abuse, and one of them is to bond with your abuser.

22. When you’re in an abusive relationship, you may experience a form of trauma bonding. This is when one person experiences something so frightening or overwhelming that it causes them to feel terrified and deeply connected to their partner.

23. Trauma bonding is a connection between an abuser and their victim that leaves victims feeling connected, bonded, and close to the perpetrator.

24. A person who has been abused and is still in the relationship with their abuser has trauma bonding.

25. Trauma bonding is a process where the survivor feels as if they have no choice but to stay in the abusive situation because they feel that it’s the only way they can feel safe and connected.

26. Sometimes, trauma survivors can feel stuck in a relationship with an abuser because they are terrified of leaving and that is what is called trauma bonding.

27. Abuse can cause survivors to bond with their abusers, even when they were the source of that abuse. This is called trauma bonding.

28. In a trauma bond, you will feel intensely loyal to the abuser, meaning that you are more willing than ever to do anything they say. You’ll feel that you have nothing without them and no way of living without them in your life.

29. When you are in a trauma bond with an abuser, the toxic relationship takes on a life of its own. You can’t imagine getting past the fantasy stage, even though it’s so painful.

30. Trauma bonding is the emotional attachment that trauma victims have with their abusers. The bond is formed because of the consistency and intensity of the abuse, and this connection may continue even when the victim escapes the situation.

31. Trauma Bonding is a situation where the relationship between the abuser and the abused involves the victim developing a connection with their abuser. They will be dependent on, or emotionally attached to the abuser for survival.

32. The trauma bond is a strong, emotional attachment that develops between two persons as a result of repeated cycles of abuse and rescue. This pattern is often found in victims of domestic violence, incest or cults.

33. The trauma bond is a state of emotional, physical and psychological shock in which the victim cannot save him/herself because of the total control held over them by the perpetrator.

34. It’s hard to break free from the trauma bond, but it is possible. You are not a bad person for being in this relationship. Your abuser is doing everything they can to make sure that you feel like the only thing you have control over is them and your relationship with them.

35. If you are in a relationship with an abuser, you feel trapped. You may have some people telling you to leave, but the trauma bond keeps you on the edge of your seat, wondering if this time will be different.

36. Trauma bonding is a psychological phenomenon that occurs between the victim and abuser. During and after traumatic experiences, the brain’s pheromone response system becomes activated, releasing chemicals and hormones that create an emotional attachment with the person who is creating the trauma for the victim.

37. The trauma bonding between an abuser and their victim is often a psychological process, which leaves the victim feeling emotionally attached to their abuser.

38. For many survivors, their experience with the abuser created a subconscious bond that can make the survivor feel like they owe their abuser something.

39. The trauma bonding process is one of the most bizarre experiences that can ever happen to a victim. The victim feels bound to their abuser, feeling as though they could never escape or be happy without them.

40. Trauma bonding creates a strong sense of attachment between victim and abuser.

41. Trauma bonding is an intense psychological bond between the victim and their abuser. Often, after the abuse has ended, victims feel that they still need to be with their abuser and want to protect them.

42. Trauma bonding is known to play a role in the continuation of abusive relationships. Bonding occurs when the abused person identifies with being dependent upon their abuser, who is often an authority figure or someone else in power.

43. Trauma bonding is a form of Stockholm Syndrome which can occur between a person who is being emotionally abused and the person doing the abuse, in situations where there is a power differential or perceived power differential between them.

44. Trauma bonding is a deep emotional attachment to someone who uses threats, intimidation, and/or abuse to control you. The attachment is a survival mechanism in response to extreme trauma; it is how the brain protects itself from the terror of abuse by convincing the victim that the abuser will keep them safe.

45. When you are with an abuser, the most vital need is to not feel alone. The trauma bond between you and your abuser imprisons you in a relationship where you feel like no one else can understand.

46. Trauma bonding occurs when partners become so enmeshed in a relationship that they block out the bad times of their relationship, especially when they face major life stressors.

47. An unusual aspect of trauma bonding is that the victim is aware that they are in an abusive situation. But despite this knowledge and their desire to leave, they stay because they experience feelings of love, trust, or tenderness towards their abuser.

48. Bonding with an abuser is a way of staying stuck in the trauma cycle, and it can be difficult to break out of.

49. Not sure if you have a trauma bond? Some of the warning signs that indicate a linkage with a dangerous person include: wanting to change them, having flashbacks of abuse and staying in a relationship because you feel it is safe to do so.

50. Trauma bonding is a strong emotional connection between a victim and his or her abuser, created through systematic abuse and neglect.

51. For victims of abuse, trauma bonding can be an extremely difficult concept to understand. It’s hard enough to realize that you have been abused and that you have been manipulated into feeling love for your abuser, but even harder when you weren’t sure if the relationship was real or not.

52. Most of the time, trauma bonding is what happens when you love someone and they hurt you. When you feel like you can’t get away, you start to make excuses for them. You become dependent on them. You look to them for cues as to how you should feel or react — how to interpret what is going on around you.

53. Trauma bonding is a term used to describe the very strong attachment that develops between two people when one person continuously degrades, abuses, or humiliates the other.

54. Trauma bonding occurs when you become so used to feeling a certain emotion, no matter how terrible it may be, that once you are removed from the situation, you begin to crave those feelings. Your mind becomes used to living in a constant state of fear, or anger.

55. When we are in traumatic relationships, it is not our own happiness and well-being that we most often sacrifice. We do this to have a partner who is addicted to us in some way, often because they unconsciously feel trapped or ‘entrapped’ by their addiction and may even see it as a ‘natural’ part of their personality.

56. Trauma bonding is a term used in mental health to describe the process of a victim becoming attached to a person who has abused them in some way. It is also used to describe very strong supportive ties between two people that have been created through trauma.

57. It’s hard to explain what it’s like to live with an abuser in a trauma-bonding relationship. It’s like having an invisible bubble around you, where those around you don’t understand what is going on and no one seems to notice that you are being constantly hurt.

58. A trauma bond is a strong emotional tie that forms between two persons who have experienced a traumatic event together.

I hope you loved these eye-opening trauma bonding quotes have enlightened you on what the concept of trauma bonding entails. Drop your feedback in the comment section below and as well share this post with your social network. Thank you for reading.

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