Used to Being Hurt

Used to Being Hurt Quotes

We all have people in our lives who hurt us. Whether it’s a family member, a friend or even a stranger, we all have people who have hurt us in one way or another. Getting stuck in the cycle of being hurt by others and letting that pain dictate how we act towards them in return is easy.

It’s easy to get used to being hurt. We can develop a thick skin or a cynical attitude, but this is not the same as healing. At some point in life, most of us have been hurt so badly that we stop expecting anything else from people. We become accustomed to being let down and disappointed, often treating ourselves poorly in the process.

Perhaps we’ve learned that people are only out for themselves and that there is no such thing as unconditional love between two human beings. Or maybe we’ve experienced betrayal so many times that it has become our default expectation of others.

These used to being hurt quotes are great for you to use to express that deep feeling of being accustomed to people hurting you.

Used to Being Hurt Quotes

I’m used to the ups and downs of life, the things that will hurt me and the times I’ll be broken. But if it wasn’t for those broken times, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I wouldn’t have gotten through the hard times because they made me strong enough to live through them and make myself better for tomorrow.

1. I am used to being hurt, but it isn’t my fault. I don’t want to be there, and I know why. I want you to love me.

2. I am used to being hurt; I am used to rejection. It is a part of life.

3. I am used to being hurt. My heart is a scarred battlefield. It will take time to heal from what has happened, but I love you no matter how much it hurts or who has hurt me.

4. I am used to being hurt; I deal with pain, pain and heartbreak. But I’m not afraid of growing up, and I’m thinking about it every day.

5. I am used to being hurt, but I won’t let it define me, and neither will I let it control me.

6. I’m used to being hurt. I have a big heart, and it can get broken too easily.

7. I’m used to being hurt. I’m okay with that because I know that this whole thing is not about me. It’s about you and what you want for yourself. So let me be that for you if you’ll allow me.

8. I always seem to bounce back from the hurt. I am used to being hurt and I know how to take care of myself.

9. I’m used to being hurt. I’m used to disappointment and unhappiness. I want to be happy again, but I can’t seem to find the key that unlocks this door inside of me.

10. I’m used to being hurt by others. For me, “hurt” means loss. Without it, I don’t know what to do.

11. I’m used to being hurt. I’m used to the feeling of being used and not knowing why. I’m used to people thinking less of me because I’ll be too scared to show my feelings even though I know they care. And yet, somehow, I still believe in love even when it hurts so much, even when love seems like an impossibility.

12. I’ve been hurt before, and I’m good at recovering from it. Plus, I know it’s not forever—it will pass.

13. I am used to being hurt, but I’m not ready to let it break me.

14. I am used to being hurt, but it doesn’t matter. I know I’m worth something.

15. I am used to being hurt and rejected. I just need to not give up on myself, to know that somebody else loves me as much as I love them.

16. I am used to being hurt. I have gotten so used to feelings of rejection and abandonment that treating my own heart with kindness is almost a foreign concept for me.

17. I am used to being hurt by all these things you throw at me. But I am more than the sum of my pain.

18. I am used to being hurt. I am used to people not listening to me. I am used to feeling like no one cares about my problems, hopes and my dreams. I’m just used to feeling like I don’t matter.

19. I’m used to being hurt. I’m used to looking for reasons why I can’t change. But, this time, I am changing.

20. I’m used to being hurt. I’ve grown up in a world that tells me I’m not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, or thin enough.

21. I’m not used to being hurt. So, I want my heart to be protected in its safe place so that I can harden it again and not let anyone else see how much pain it can cause.

22. I’m used to being hurt. I don’t mean that in a negative way; I just mean that I have been through plenty of stuff and feel as if I can handle anything. But every once in a while, something happens that makes me freak out how will I deal with this?

23. I am used to being hurt. It’s a part of my life, and I can’t change it. But I’m not going to let it define me.

24. I am used to being hurt, and I’m telling you guys, there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. You will find someone else who will love you just the way you are, who will make you feel loved unconditionally, but that person is out there somewhere…you’ll just have to be patient.

25. I am used to being hurt. I know how to push people away because they are just not good enough for me. I’ve put so much time and effort into building a wall around my heart that no one can get over it. But now I’m ready to let it down, even if it means trusting someone completely again.

26. I am used to being hurt. Hurt comes easy to me, so I know how to take it again and again. I’m good at taking pain. Sorrows come easy to me too, but this is something new

27. I am used to being hurt, and I don’t like it. But I have learned to forgive. Remember that.

28. I am used to being hurt, used to falling and getting up. I’ve been there for so long that I’ve learned how to pick myself up again.

29. I am used to being hurt. With each new relationship that didn’t work out, I felt more and more disappointed in the world. It wasn’t until I began to take a closer look that I finally realized that it was me who kept failing myself. It’s like my life had become a series of failures rather than an opportunity to improve and thrive.

30. Yes, I am used to being hurt, but it’s all part of the journey.

31. I’m used to being hurt. I’m used to being misunderstood. But the only way I can move on is if I stop letting your words and actions define me and instead just keep going no matter what.

32. I’m used to being hurt, of course. It comes with the territory. But I’ve learned that when you’re hurting, it doesn’t mean you’re worthless. It means you care enough about yourself to be honest with yourself and others about your feelings.

33. I’ve been hurt before, so I know what it feels like. But that’s when I learned the most valuable lesson: I’m still here.

34. Life has always been full of hurt. When I was younger, I hid from it. I bottled it up and then wasted it away. It took all the courage I had to see my parents, who were always there for me, and admit that, yes, life is hard at times, but we will get through this together.

35. I learned that I couldn’t expect anyone to love me as I do. I learned that you couldn’t make someone feel the way that you want them to. I learned that my heart is a broken record, and it will never get better because it was abused when it was young.

36. If I can’t handle the pain, then I might as well have never been hurt in the first place.

37. Sometimes, it’s just too hard to love someone. Sometimes in your heart, you just don’t think they know how much they mean to you. It doesn’t matter what the reason is; we’ve all been hurt by someone at one time or another…

38. I am used to being hurt, but I never was for a moment; in my eyes, you are perfect.

39. I am used to being hurt; I just don’t know if I can take it anymore.

40. I am used to being hurt, rejected, doubted and attacked. I am used to people making fun of me and treating me as if I am not worthy.

41. I am used to being hurt. It’s not a surprise when it happens.

42. I am used to being hurt when someone I care about and trust hurts me.

43. I am used to being hurt, but I have learned that pain is just a part of life.

44. I am not used to being hurt. Every time I get love from someone else, I seem to lose my own. So what does that mean? That I should just give up? That’s not me…

45. Although I am used to being hurt, it is still hard for me to accept that people can be so cold-hearted.

46. It’s hard to be positive when you’re used to being hurt.

47. I’ve been hurt so many times I don’t know how to deal with it anymore.

48. I’ve been hurt a thousand times. I’ve lost a thousand people. But nobody’s ever gone away.

49. My heart is a house of mirrors. People say I’m hard to understand and that I’m moody, but I just don’t know how to move on from the one person who hurt me.

50. I know what it’s like to be broken, hurting and searching for a way out. I know what it feels like to not see a way forward, and let go of the past is the hardest thing to do. Don’t give up hope.

51. I am used to being hurt; you might say I have a tough life. But I believe there is good in every situation and bad. But even if it’s bad, there’s always a way to fix it.

52. I am used to being hurt, but I’m unsure how to tell you. I’m used to letting others have their way with me, but I’m not sure how to let you know that. I’m used to being the one who always has to do things the hard way, but I’m not sure how to let you know that. Almost every time someone hurts me, they say they are sorry.

53. I am used to being hurt, broken down and built up again.

54. I am used to being hurt, but now I want to be healed.

55. I am used to being hurt, but the beauty of this world is that it’s never permanent.

56. I am used to being hurt. It is a part of life, but I am not going to let it get in the way of my dreams. I will keep fighting for my goals and dreams no matter what life throws at me. Never give up on your dreams.

57. I am used to being hurt by people. The thing that is great about the Lord is He doesn’t give up on us, even when we are constantly broken.

58. I’m used to being hurt. I’m used to not feeling good enough; I’m used to not meeting your standards. I’m used to you leaving me hanging without even saying goodbye.

59. I’m not used to being hurt, but I am used to being strong.

60. We’ve all been there before, and we know exactly how it feels. We’re always telling ourselves that this won’t be the last time someone hurts us. But I am used to being hurt. I know that it’s normal for people to want to hurt me because it makes them feel better about themselves if they can get my attention by tearing me down. So I’m going to stop caring and learn from my mistakes, so I don’t make the same ones again.

61. I’m used to being hurt. I’ve always been this way. And now I don’t know what to do with myself.

62. I will not fall apart when they hurt me because I am used to it.

63. I’ve been hurt enough to know what love is. And now I’m learning to trust my feelings.

64. It’s a little bit of an adjustment for me to accept that he’s really not going to take the time to know me. But I guess this is something I have to deal with and see through because it is what he wants. In the end, what matters is that he keeps himself busy while I’m at work, and we can continue as if nothing happened.

65. I am used to being hurt. It is part of the deal when you have been in love for a long time.

66. I am used to being hurt. I learned years ago that the only way to deal with the pain is to keep going because there is beauty in the struggle.

67. I am not used to being hurt, but I am ready to forgive. I want to start a new life where I can put my trust in God and believe he will never let me down.

68. I have learned that a broken heart can heal. I have also learned that it’s ok to feel the pain, to feel raw and exposed. But what terrifies me is when I don’t allow myself to love fully again. I am used to being hurt, and I fear more pain ahead.

69. It’s taken me years to learn how to be ok with being hurt. I have healed, but it did take time and a lot of self-care.

70. I am used to getting knocked down, but I’m not willing to stay there anymore.

71. I am used to the truth. I am used to being lied to. I am used to the pain. But no more.

72. I have been hurt a thousand times. But I am finally learning to let go of pain and pick up the pieces on my own.

73. I have been hurt so many times I’ve lost count. The pain has never ended or dimmed. All of it will always be with me, but now there’s something else that follows.

74. Why do people hurt me? Why do they make my life so hard? I’m used to it—but still, I feel something inside.

75. I’m used to being alone. I’m used to feeling like I’m not good enough, but that’s by design.

76. I used to be a victim, but now I am not. I can’t control the people that hurt me. The only thing I can do is love myself and forgive them.

77. I am used to being hurt. I am not used to being made a priority. I am not used to feeling valued and important. But with our relationship, you are always there for me, valuing me and making me feel important.

78. I am used to being hurt because there are so many voices looking for something to tear me down. I don’t need another person to do that for me; it’s my job.

79. I am used to being hurt; I am not used to being right.

80. I am used to being hurt. I have a lot of scars, and no matter how many times I heal, they are always there waiting.

81. I am used to being hurt, but the pain goes away if I remember how much love there is in this world.

82. I am used to being hurt by people who are supposed to love me the most, but they didn’t even care that I was hurting and in pain. They let me down one by one until I felt like there was not enough power left to fight back.

83. I’m used to being hurt, but it doesn’t change the fact that I still love you.

84. I’m used to being hurt. I’m used to not being good enough. But today is the day when I decide what kind of person I want to be. Today, I choose to be the person who finally understands that life happens and takes everything that you have, but you always have a choice about how to live it.

85. I am used to falling in love with people who don’t make me feel like I’m enough.

The secret to being happy is trust and not caring about what others think. I hope these used to being hurt quotes helped express the feeling of constantly being hurt and getting used to it. Thank you for taking the time to read through it. Please share this post with your loved ones, also.