Best Meaningful Status for Whatsapp

2025 Best Meaningful Status for Whatsapp

Looking for meaningful words to use as WhatsApp status that are yet meaningful?

You are in the right place.

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I have taken time to write meaningful random quotes on love, life, courage, motivation and as many as you desire.

Just scroll down, select and copy whichever one you want. And don’t forget to share if you love them. Thanks.

Meaningful Quotes for WhatsApp Status

When your WhatsApp Status is relevant, it becomes a source of inspiration to your contacts. Therefore, you can use these Meaningful Quotes for WhatsApp Status as your Status update.

1. Stand on your feet. Don’t ever quit. You are stronger than you think.

2. The world is a beautiful garden. Open your eyes to the beauty around you.

3. Tomorrow never comes, you need to do today, what needs to be done.

4. Smile broadly. Laugh wholeheartedly. You are a gem.

5. Wake up with thanksgiving and a heart of gratitude to God.

6. The end will surely tell. Your hard work will pay off someday.

7. Love is a gift. Choose to love deeply.

8. Keep your head up high. You are a star.

9. I am special to God. I am the apple in His eyes.

10. Decide to be courageous. The one with courage always win.

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11. True love is rare but you can be one of those who chooses to love truly.

12. Stop feeling ugly. You need to know that you are a beauty to the world.

13. Despite discouragements. Don’t be discouraged.

14. You are a blessing to the world.

15. At the end how many times we fall does not matter but how we choose to stand firm amidst our falls.

16. The only gift we have is now. Use it for your good.

17. You shall be elevated from the valley to the mountaintop. Now is your time to succeed.

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18. I give you kisses and love from the bottom of my heart.

19. Silence is a sign of intelligence.

20. Tomorrow will be good.

21. I am beautiful in and out.

22. I am a special breed.

23. Now is the only time we have, use it wisely.

24. God will never leave me.

25. Praise God, He is good. I am forever grateful for His goodness.

26. I am destined to be great. I am a star.

27. Breath. Take a walk. Let go of the stress.

28. Choose to be happy.

29. Develop the right attitude to life and every other thing will work out well.

30. Hard work pays.

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31. I am a king. I sit on a throne of gold.

32. My heart sings of your love. I love you so much.

33. My joy is beyond measures.

34. God bless me.

35. The world belongs to the strong.

36. Your happiness depends on your attitude to life.

37. I am an architect of my life and destiny.

38. It is well with me. I am happy with life. No worries.

39. My enemies shall bow for me.

40. You are all I think about. I love you.

41. My name is boldly written on the palms of the creator.

42. God is my strength I will trust in him.

43. I am unique. An epitome of beauty.

44. Be kind. Give generously.

45. Life will never be difficult for me. I will make it.

46. I choose to be strong despite challenges.

47. God has been good to me. I am grateful.

48. I am a hero. A fighter. A winner.

49. Always choose to be positive no matter what happens.

50. I am born to reign and rule.

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51. Be determined. Determination is key.

52. I will surely be crowned because I am a king.

53. Heaven is happy with me. Everything is working.

54. As sweet as me. I love me.

55. You need to discover yourself. You are more than you know. You are a talent.

56. I am a child of a king. An heir.

57. The world is waiting for my manifestation.

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58. I bless the lord. I will sing of His goodness.

59. Beautiful despite my imperfections.

60. Breath, live and love.

61. God will never leave me alone. He is my all in all.

62. The battle is always won by the courageous

63. You are my God, I will exalt and lift you up.

64. Persistence pays. Work till you achieve your goals.

65. God, you are my king I trust in you.

66. Don’t wait for another person to give you the love you deserve. Treat yourself with love. Self-love is key.

67. I am a warrior who is born to win every war.

68. Your happiness depends greatly on you.

69. Procrastination is a disease that kills silently once we allow it in.

70. Today might be tough but all will be well, I believe.

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71. I am the best of my kind. A ruler in my kingdom.

72. Launch me oh God, to the place of my destiny.

73. Deliver me oh God, from pain and sorrow. From shame and lack.

74. Joy and happiness is mine. I choose to be joyful.

75. When I love, I love with all my heart, leaving no part behind.

76. The lord is gracious to me. He is my shield and provider.

77. I will surely laugh at last. I know the storm will be over soon.

78. Love makes us achieve the impossible. Love is sweet.

79. Dream as wide as the ocean and sea.

80. Understand your journey and enjoy as you walk to your destination.

81. Your future is bright.

82. Save yourself the stress. Smile. Be happy.

83. Do meaningful things with your time. Time is a gift.

84. I believe in myself and in that, I can do.

85. I am a champion.

86. Life will surely be pleasant for the good. Be good always.

87. My love for you shall never die. I love you dearly.

88. I am a queen. I am a beauty.

89. Life is not a bed of roses. You need to be responsible for your life.

90. Speak rightly. Learn to speak the right things. There is power on our tongues.

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91. I will never be afraid of the face of danger. I am a fighter.

92. You are special. You are wonderful. Love yourself.

93. Love brightens the world.

94. Your enemies will bow for you.

95. Keep trying. You will succeed.

96. I am a champion.

97. A special miracle is coming your way.

98. My labour shall never be in vain.

99. The sun shall rise for my good.

100. This is the beginning of miracles in my life.

101. Forgive with the whole of your heart. Grudge kills slowly.

102. How time flies. It waits for no one. Use time diligently.

103. I am unique and excellent.

104. The world will celebrate me.

105. God is good.

106. I am blessed. My generation is blessed.

107. When people bring you down. Don’t stay down.

108. Make sure you work towards your goal every day.

109. I love with the whole of my heart. I have no space for hate.

110. Life is beautiful.

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111. You will surely succeed.

112. Smile always.

113. Life requires persistence.

114. I believe in myself. I believe in my future.

115. I am born to be happy. To rejoice. No sadness for me.

116. The sky is my starting point in life. Nothing shall bring me down. I am determined to succeed.

117. I am the child of a king. I am not a slave.

118. Zero worries. God got my back. He is forever good to me.

119. I am the best if my kind. The most amazing person. I love me.

120. Life might be tough now. But it surely will be fine soon. I believe.

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