2025 Best Prayers for a Blessed Day

A new dawn usually comes with its blessings and an evil day cam not be predicted by the look of the atmosphere in the morning. This is one of the reasons it is expedient to commit the day to God’s hand in the morning.

Praying gives us the opportunity to connect to the supernatural. When we pray for the day, we go through the day with a supernatural back up. May every day of our lives be a blessed day for us, amen.

Blessed Prayer for the Day

It’s amazing how you believe so much in starting your day with prayers. I believe the same too. Why won’t I help with the best of prayers to say or send for the day? Say them to yourself, say to someone or send to them.

1. Good morning, dear lover. Thanks to God for the gift of life and good health You gave I and my lover to enjoy. I am thankful for all You have done for us in the past days. Lord, I pray that today shall be a great day for us, amen.

2. It’s the dawn of a new day. I trust in God’s Almightiness and believe that He will make all things work out for our good today and always. Good morning friend.

3. It’s your day and I join you in thanking God for another year. May He receive our thanksgiving in Jesus’ name, amen. Happy birthday, dear. Make sure you enjoy today.

4. Good morning Jesus. You are the giver of life and all good gifts. Thank You for the gift of life. I commit today to You, let Your presence be with me and let me enjoy all the blessings attached to Your presence.

5. Thank You for all of life’s wonderful blessings I enjoy from You. Thank You for the hope You assure me with each new day. Thank You because today is another day You made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. I go forth in Thy might.

6. My Lord, I am going out today to go about my daily activities. Go with me and preserve me from every evil, amen.

7. Hi sis. I pray that today shall be a great day for us and the Lord Almighty shall be with us in all we shall do. I care for us.

8. Dearest, wake up to see the dawn of a new day and go out to receive unmerited blessings of God. Be rest assured that no matter what happens today, God will never leave nor forsake you. Much love from this end.

9. It is the Lord’s mercy that kept us through the night and it has always been God’s grace and nothing else. Lord, I pray for my friend and I that Your grace and mercy shall not depart from us, amen.

10. Hi lovely brother. As you wake up this morning, do not forget to appreciate God for all His goodness and mercies on our family. He is the one who has never let us down. Thank God because we can always count on Him and because He has always there to help us triumph over life and its challenges. Thank Him for all the good things you can remember. Have a nice day.

11. Thank you, dear Lord, for everything that can be termed good in my life. Thank you, Lord, for counting me worthy to be a living soul today. I pray that You bless me around today.

12. Lord, I pray for my friend reading this message that You give him a fresh calm assurance that all shall be well. Let him know that the thoughts You have for him are thoughts of good and not of evil to give him a future and a hope. May Your peace reign in his heart. Good morning.

13. May the name of Lord be glorified forever for waking us up hale and hearty this morning. It is God’s grace that has sustained us till today. May He sustain today and may He keep sustaining us always, amen.

14. From the rising of the sun this morning to the setting of the sun in the evening, have a heart of thanksgiving for God. Be thankful for His grace; be thankful for His love and be thankful because you know that He will see you through this day. Glory!

15. Good morning Jesus. Lord, may Your name be exalted today and forever. May your praises never depart from my lips. May I never forget that You are my source. Help me to keep being in You, amen.

16. Waking up today, I woke to a bright day. Dear Lord, order my steps by your mercy today and make my way prosperous. Keep me from evil and keep evil from me.

17. Good morning friend. It’s a new day and we are blessed to witness it. May our Father in heaven, bless us in all we do today and wherever we go. May His hands lead us aright always. Amen.

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18. Good morning dear Lord, please do not let me walk in darkness today. Order my steps in your words dear Lord. Grant me divine insight into all issues that pertain to my life. Give me the spirit of discernment and let me make decisions based on your leading.

19. Dear Lord, today and every day of my life, let me say only what I should say and do only what I should do. Take control of my speech and actions.

20. The God that gave directions to Joshua at different points of his ministry, I pray that You give me divine directions at every stage of my life. Let all things be plain and clear to me. Bless me with your divine wisdom. Amen.

21. Jehovah Jireh, the Lord my provider, I pray that you provide for all of my needs today. I go into today with sufficient provision. I shall not lack anything good today and always.

22. The God of protection, I pray for me and my friend who is reading this text that You will protect us from all forms of evil. May Your hand keep me from evil today, may Your Spirit lead me in the way to go. May I never walk in confusion and darkness.

23. I speak abundant provision into my day. I live in the affluence of God and may He lead me by my hand into good success. Amen.

24. As much as I strive to live each day in holiness, Lord, I ask for Your help. Guide my steps, light my ways. Do not let me walk in the way of perdition. Do not let me fall into temptation I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

25. Shepherd of my soul, I’m willing to be patient as you lead and guide me today. I give you full control of my life. Don’t leave me nor forsake me.

26. Dear Lord as I go out today, grant me direction. Keep me from needless errors. Let every of my ways be perfect. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

27. Lord, lead me so I don’t fall in the trap of the enemy. Help me to be smarter than him and his devices. Amen.

28. I need your guidance today. Don’t allow me to make mistakes or fall into errors. Help me in all of my endeavours, amen.

29. Help me today oh Lord, make my ways straight. Let me not walk in a maze. Be my guiding light.

30. I will not walk in darkness. Each of my moves will be guided by divine light. I will not make mistakes in Jesus name.

31. Give me the strength to stand in the face of temptation. Grant me the courage to be willing to stand alone if that is what doing the right thing entails. Help me to represent you well today. Amen.

32. In my weakness, make known your strength. Let nothing stand in the way of my progress today. Let every challenge fall flat before me, amen.

33. Give me courage oh Lord, that I may face and slay every giant on my path today. Amen.

34. I pray for courage to resist every form of temptation today. Help me to say no when I need to. Give me the strength to stand.

35. I pray for courage to reach high. Help me to glide with the eagles. Help me to march onward.

36. Peace like a river, joy overflowing, let these two accompany me throughout today that my work may be done with ease. Amen.

37. Do not let any situation trouble my mind today. Fill my heart with unquantifiable peace. Let me enjoy rest on all sides. Amen.

38. I silence every storm ahead of me today. Whatever comes to threaten my peace today shall be destroyed in Jesus’ name.

39. Nothing will steal my joy today. I secure my joy and peace in the precious blood of Jesus.

40. I pray that today, I will enjoy the peace of the Lord and rest on every side.

41. Today may the calm and peace that supersedes human imagination shall be mine.

42. Oh God of peace, please grant that everywhere I turn to today, I will find peace. May your peace radiate all around me in Jesus’ name.

43. Whatever happens today, my heart rests in your saving grace. I am assured of your protective presence and because of this, my heart will be at peace.

44. Because I know you carry me in the palm of your hands, my heart is at peace and nothing will ever take my joy away.

45. May the joy you have given me never be stolen by the devil and the world. may my joy be full always.

46. Let your wisdom guide every of my step today. When I need to make any decision, may I not be lacking in sound counsel. Amen.

47. Dear father, fill my heart with your fear that I might be wise in all my ways. Let your wisdom guide every of my path in Jesus’ name. Amen.

48. Grant me discernment. Let my heart be filled with wisdom that I may be able to tackle every difficult situation that comes my way. Amen.

49. You are the giver of good things including wisdom. Let me demonstrate uncommon wisdom in all I do today. Amen.

50. By your wisdom, today, help me to outsmart my enemies and triumph over them. Amen.

51. I rebuke the spirit of foolishness and confusion. Today, I will operate in divine wisdom and understanding. Amen.

52. Dear Lord, help me to think clearly today. Fill me with the spirit of wisdom and discernment. Help me to rise above every challenges and difficulties today. Amen.

53. Let your wisdom guide me that I may be able to do the right thing at the right time. Amen.

54. I receive the spirit of wisdom today to guide me in all my affairs that I may give every situation the perfect attention it deserves. Amen.

55. I surrender my intellect to you, Lord. Let me not operate in my wisdom but fill me with wisdom that is from above to direct me in all of my paths. Amen

56. Lord, I’m aware that the devil is always busy planning evil. I pray today, disappoint every of his devices so that his hands cannot perform his enterprise. Amen.

57. Protect me oh Lord from all the wiles of the enemy. Keep me safe from all of his fiery darts in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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58. Keep evil far away from me. Protect me from the hand of the evil one. Amen.

59. No matter the plan of the enemy today, I will rise above it. The Lord himself will protect and keep me and land me safely on the shores of success.

60. Lord protect me from every attack of the enemy. When he comes in like a flood, as you promised in your word, raise your standard against him. Amen.

61. No weapon fashioned against me today shall prosper and every tongue that rises against me in judgment shall be condemned. For the Lord Himself will keep me in all my ways and protect me from all my foes in Jesus’ name.

62. Every plan of the enemy against me today shall come to naught. I decree that I shall prosper in all my ways and the enemy will not be able to do anything about it in Jesus’ name.

63. Dear Lord, please keep me safe, so that no matter what the enemy does, he will never get to me. Every of his machinations over me and my family will be in vain in Jesus’ name. Amen.

64. Every plan of the enemy to destabilize me today shall fail. The Lord hides me under the shadow of his wings. I am safe from the devil’s devices. Amen.

65. Father, I rest in your saving grace. Save me from all my enemies. Do not allow them to overcome me today. Bless the work of my hands with good, amen.

66. Clothe me today with the garment of uncommon favour. Let every one that sees me arise for my help. Amen.

67. Let your power colour every of my efforts today. Let the work of my hands be celebrated in Jesus’ name. Amen.

68. Let my little efforts be magnified in the sight of men. Let everything I do be pleasing in the sight of all who see me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

69. Have mercy on me today, let my ways please you. Let all men be at peace with me. Amen.

70. Let the works of my hands me beautiful oh Lord and let it attract favour from far and near in Jesus’ name. Amen.

71. Dear Lord, let your divine favour distinguish my work from that of others. Let excellence set me apart today in Jesus Name. Amen.

72. Let your fragrance of favour cover me. Let blessings and good things be attracted to me. Amen

73. Sweet Jesus. I know that You have Your eyes on me and that You will always watch over me. All I have to say this morning is: “(T)hank You for ever watching me. With You, I feel safe always.”

74. As I go out today, May I be favoured and may I be a source of favour to people. May I be blessed by people and may I be able to bless others. This I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

75. How wonderful are the works of Jehovah? How wonder has You made you dear. I look at your pictures and I acknowledge that God is creative. May He keep you safe and sound for me. I love you.

76. Good morning dearie. I pray that as you step out today, the Lord bless you and perfects all that concerns you. You have always been a source of blessing to me, may you always be a source of blessing. May you never bring sadness or sorrow, amen.

77. I’m not going to let today pass by without sending you my prayer for the day. I pray that you will always stand firm in God and may the Lord hold you close. May you not slip away from God’s presence.

78. Let the rain fall, let the thunder strike, let there be lighting and let there be a whirlwind. Notwithstanding, may God’s lovingkindness be ours always. May we enjoy his abundance always.

79. Good morning dear. This morning, I pray for you and I, we shall always abide under the canopy of God. He shall preserve us from all evil. He shall not allow evil to befall us. This and many more are my prayers for us.

80. I looked at the sky yesterday and I saw the sky decorated with many stars. God lavishly decorated the sky yesternight. This God of abundance will make us live in abundance. He will make us have all that we need and we will never be in lack.

81. We hear many news here and there and one will almost feel that there is no safe place but we have this solace that our God will protect us. He will keep our soul from evil and we shall be safe from all evil.

82. Dear Lord, help me to be discerning today. Grant me unusual insight and understanding in Jesus’ name.

83. Let my mind be blessed today, let my understanding be open. Be gracious to me and let your excellent spirit rest upon me.

84. Help me Lord, so that as you bless me with great ideas, I may be able to execute them and achieve greater success, amen.

85. Unusual inspiration, ideas that rule, bless me with these today and always, amen.

86. My mind will be sound today. I shall receive clear insights and understanding on issues concerning my life and work. I shall excel in Jesus’ name, amen.

87. As I step out today, I pray for courage to overcome every of life’s challenges. No matter what comes my way, I receive grace to overcome, amen.

88. I know how tough the world is. I rely on your grace to be courageous in the face of every battle that comes my way. To every obstacle that will be thrown at me today, Lord, give me the strength to overcome in Jesus’ name, amen.

89. Because I trust in you Lord, let me be bold in the face of every circumstance. I go forth in Your might and power. I am a conqueror today and always.

90. Today, I will be as bold as a Lion. I receive the enabling power to overcome all of my fears. I shall succeed in all of my ways. Amen.

91. I am bold, I am strong, for the Almighty is with me. Nothing moves me, nothing shakes me. I am more than a conqueror. I am a victor.

92. I believe and I speak what I believe. I believe that I can make it. I believe that I have all it takes to succeed. I believe that I shall be great. I believe that I am blessed always. I believe that I am favoured.

93. The Lords bless the work of my hand. I am blessed in the morning; I am blessed in the afternoon; I am blessed in the night. I am blessed always.

94. The Lord protects me from every evil. I am safe in the hollow of His hand and no evil shall befall me.

95. Amid crisis, the Lord is my peace. He gives me peace of mind and I shall not be troubled in Jesus name, amen.

96. Good morning dear. As you go out today, may you be blessed beyond measures. May today be a great day for you. Much love from here.

97. I pray this morning; we shall not be harmed by any evil force. Our enemies shall not be able to over power us. The arrows shall not hit us. We are protected of the Lord.

98. Oh, Lord! Let there be light in our lives. Let darkness has no place in our lives. Let us reflect Your glory and light. We are blessed always, amen.

99. Dear Jesus, as we go out today, we stay under Your canopy. Cover us with Your wings and do not allow evil near us. Thank You because You are the sure security anyone can ever have.

100. Good morning dear sis. As we step out of the house, you and I and every member of our family will step into success and blessings, amen.

Do you love these awesome prayers for a blessed day? Your day is blessed already, and so are that of your loved ones, friends and anyone special to you.

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