Samples of What to Say When Someone Dies Unexpectedly

120+ Samples of What to Say When Someone Dies Unexpectedly in 2025

Looking for what to send to that special someone who just lost someone close them, right? Here are 120+ (Samples of) What to Say When Someone Dies Unexpectedly.

It’s hard to believe when the news that our friends or loved ones are gone and they’re no longer with you and life continues with or without them.

There’s no word of comfort that would ever be enough to fill the void they left in your heart, life and world.

Are you looking for what to say to that loved ones or friends who just lost someone special in their lives?

Below are 120+ Examples of What to Say When Someone Dies Unexpectedly.

Things to Say When Someone Dies Unexpectedly

Best collection of things to say when someone dies unexpectedly.

1. I’m really sorry for your loss and it’s my prayer that the good Lord will give you the fortitude to bear the loss.

2. Nothing I will say can bring back your loved one, but I want you to know that you’re not alone.

3. I’m so sorry for your loss, but I also want you to know that I will always be here for you if you need anything.

4. Words won’t be enough to express my sincere condolences for your loss. May God give you the strength and courage to bear the loss.

5. It’s hard to believe that she’s no longer with us again. Please accept my warmest condolences.

6. My prayer is that the good Lord will give you and the entire family the fortitude to bear the loss.

7. My prayers are always with you. Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss.

8. It still feels like a dream to know that he’s no longer here with us. May God continue to give you the courage to bear the loss.

9. I was so nonplussed by the news of your loss. I pray that the Almighty God give you the strength to bear the loss.

10. As you journey through this time of your loss, I pray that God will give you the fortitude to bear the loss.

11. My sincere condolences for your loss. May the Almighty God give you the courage to bear the loss.

12. I want you to know that you’re never alone, and may the good Lord continue to watch over you and the rest of the family.

13. I pray for God’s presence as you grieve your loss. Please, accept my warmest condolences.

14. You have my prayer, support and help anytime any day. I’m so sorry for your loss, my dearest friend.

15. During this difficult moment of your loss, I will be praying for you and it’s my prayer that God will give you the courage to bear the loss.

16. I’m really sorry for your loss, and I want to remind you that you’re not alone. I’m here for you always and forever.

17. Just a reminder that I’m here for you and I hope you know that you’re not alone during this time of your loss.

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18. If you need anything, I will always be here for you. I’m really sorry for your loss, my good friend.

19. I know that it’s hard to believe that he/she is no more, but I also want you to know that I will always be here for you.

20. During this moment of your grieving, I just want to let you know that you’re not alone. Accept my sincere condolences.

21. My prayers are and will always be with you during this time of your grieving. I’m really sorry for your loss, my dearest.

22. I feel sorry for your loss and as you go through this grieving moment, I want you to know that I will always be praying for you.

23. I pray that God will continue to shine His glorious light on you during this dark moment of your life.

24. My warmest condolences to you and your family during this time of your grieving.

25. Please know that I will always be praying for you and may the good Lord continue to watch over you.

26. May the Almighty God give you comfort and solace you go through this dark time of your life.

27. May the good Lord give you peace during this time of your grieving and the fortitude to bear your loss.

28. My deepest condolences to you and your family during this dark and difficult time. May God continue to keep the rest of the family.

29. If you need anything, I want you to know that I’m right here for you. I’m really sorry for your loss.

30. My warmest and deepest condolences to you and your family. May God give you the courage to bear the loss.

31. I’m so sorry for your loss, and may the Almighty God give you peace as you go through this grieving time.

32. I pray that her/his gentle soul will find rest in the bosom of the Almighty God. My sincere condolences to you.

33. My heartfelt and warmest condolences to you and your family during this grieving and dark time.

34. I just want you to know that if you need a listening ear, I will always be right here for you. I’m really sorry for your loss.

35. I extend my warmest condolences to you and your family during this grieving time. May God give you the fortitude to bear the loss.

36. I will always be here praying for you and your family, and may the good Lord give you the courage to bear the loss.

37. It’s my prayer that God will fill you with His peace as you go through this dark time.

38. I’m really sorry for your loss and I pray that the Almighty God will give you the strength to bear the loss.

39. I wish you the fortitude to bear the loss and may God continue to keep you safe.

40. I’m really sorry to hear about your loss and I pray that God will give you the courage to bear the loss.

41. I offer you my time, resource and support as you go through this grieving time and may God give you the strength to bear the loss.

42. My heartfelt condolences to you and the entire family for your loss. May God continue to watch over you.

43. As you grieve the loss of your loved one today, my prayer is that the good Lord will give you the courage to bear the loss.

44. May the Almighty God comfort you and fill you with His peace as you grieve the loss of a brother.

45. Please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of your sister. May God give you the fortitude to bear the loss.

46. May you be comforted by God as you go through this grieving and dark time.

47. I’m really sorry for the loss of a wonderful brother like yours. May God give you the courage to bear the loss.

48. My heartfelt condolences for the loss of your caring, amazing and beautiful sister. May the good Lord continue to watch over you.

49. May God always be there to comfort you and your family as you grieve your loss.

50. It saddens me to hear about your loss. I pray that the good Lord will give you and your family the courage to bear the loss.

51. I’m deeply sorry for the loss of your great friend. May God give you the courage and strength to bear the loss.

52. As you grieve the loss of your brother, I pray that God will give you solace always and keep you safe.

53. It’s my prayer that you will always be comforted with the beautiful memories of your loved one who just passed away.

54. At this grieving time, may God always be close to you and your family, and may the good Lord give you the strength to bear the loss.

55. May the Almighty God bring you and your family peace of mind and body as you grieve the loss of your brother.

56. You had the best, sweetest and cutest friend ever, and it’s my prayer that God will continue to give you the fortitude to bear the loss.

57. As you grieve the loss of your lovely sister, I pray that God will continue to be with you and give you the courage to bear the loss.

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58. My sincere, warmest and deepest condolences to you for the loss of a wonderful friend.

59. I’m really sorry for the loss of your beloved husband. May the Almighty God give you the strength to bear the loss.

60. Your wife was such a caring, loving and understanding person. My warmest condolences for your loss.

61. My deepest condolences for the loss of your wonderful family member. May God give you and the entire family the courage to bear the loss.

62. May your peace knows no boundaries as you grieve the loss of your sweet sister today.

63. I want to let you know that you will always and forever be in my prayer. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss.

64. My heartfelt condolences for the loss of your beloved husband. May the good Lord continue to give you the courage to bear the loss.

65. It saddens me to hear about the loss of your dearly beloved wife. May the good Lord give you the fortitude to bear the loss.

66. I’m really sorry to hear about the loss of your good friend and as you go through this grieving time, may God give you the strength to bear the loss.

67. It’s my prayer that God will give you the strength during this time of grieving.

68. I want you to know that I will always be here if you need someone to talk to or a listening ear. My heartfelt condolences for your loss.

69. You have my prayer and my warmest condolences for your loss.

70. During this time of your grieving, I will always be praying for you and it’s my prayer that God will give you the courage to bear the loss.

71. I will always be here if you need anything and I pray that God will continue to comfort you and the entire family.

72. It’s okay to grieve the loss of your loved one, but it’s my prayer that the Almighty God will give you the strength to bear the loss.

73. May the good Lord continue to be with you and your family as you grieve the loss of your brother.

74. My sincere condolences to you and your family for your loss. May God give you the fortitude to bear the loss.

75. It’s my prayer that God will give you solace as you grieve the loss of your beautiful wife.

76. It’s my prayer that the wonderful memories of your friend will bring you the solace you need during this grieving time.

77. My deepest condolences for your loss and as you grieve during this time, may God give you the courage to bear the loss.

78. I wish you the courage and strength to bear the loss of your darling husband, and may the good Lord continue to watch over you and the rest of the family.

79. No words would be enough to bring back your loved one, but I pray that God will to give you the fortitude to bear the loss.

80. I pray that the Almighty God will always be with you and your family during this dark time.

81. I will be here if you need someone to talk to. My heartfelt condolences to you for your loss.

82. I wish you God’s peace as you grieve the loss of your beautiful sister.

83. It’s my prayer that your beloved husband will continue to rest in the bosom of the Almighty God.

84. I’m really sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter. May God give you and your family the strength to bear the loss.

85. May the Almighty God be your courage, peace and strength as you grieve the loss of your dearest son.

86. My prayers for you and your family are a life full of God’s peace and a heart full of the courage and strength to bear your loss.

87. May the good Lord always be there for you and your family during this dark time and give you peace of mind and body.

88. My warmest condolences to you and your family for the loss of your beloved uncle. May God continue to watch over you.

89. Your aunt will always and forever remain in our hearts and prayers. My sincere condolences for your loss.

90. I pray for God’s grace, peace and fortitude to bear the loss of your beloved wife and may God continue to keep you and the rest of your family safe.

91. It’s hard to believe that your mum is gone. I pray that the Almighty God will give you the courage to bear the loss.

92. I was dumbfounded when I heard the news about the loss of your dad. It’s my prayer that God will give you the strength to bear the loss.

93. It saddens me when I heard that your beautiful wife passed away. I pray that God will give you and your family the courage to bear the loss.

94. With a broken heart, I wish you heartfelt and warmest condolences for the loss of your lovely friend.

95. Words won’t be enough to fill the void in your heart right now, but it’s my prayer that God will give you the fortitude to bear the loss.

96. May God continue to give you the strength and courage you need each and every day to bear the loss of your beloved husband.

97. May the good Lord give you the strength to live each day to its fullest as you grieve the loss of your best friend.

98. During this dark time you’re passing through, may the Almighty God give you the strength and courage to bear your loss.

99. It’s my prayer that God will continue to guide you through this grieving time and give you peace of mind and body.

100. May your dearly beloved wife continue to live on in your mind and heart, and may God give you the fortitude to bear the loss.

101. May the good Lord forever bless you with the strength and courage to bear the loss of your dearly beloved son.

102. May the Almighty God heal you and the entire family of the heartache caused by the loss of your lovely wife.

103. May God replace the pain in your heart during this grieving time with His peace and love.

104. It’s my prayer that God will fill the void of the loss of your beloved husband with kindness, peace and fortitude to bear the loss.

105. I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now, but it’s my prayer that the good Lord will give you the courage to bear the loss.

106. May the Almighty God give you the heart to continue to cherish the beautiful memories you once shared with your beloved husband. My deepest condolences for your loss.

107. If you need a listening ear, someone to talk to or lean on, I will always be there for you. My sincere condolences for your loss, my good friend.

108. May the Almighty God be your courage and strength, and may He give you peace as you grieve the loss of your beloved father.

109. May the loss of your beautiful sister not be the end of the world to you, but rather a new life with her memories been your strength and courage during this dark time.

110. As you go through this sad and dark time, may God be your courage and joy, your strength and love.

111. My prayers are always with you as you grieve your loss during this sad time. May God give you the fortitude to bear the loss.

112. It’s my prayer that the good Lord will mend your broken heart as you grieve the loss of your darling husband.

113. May you find the courage and strength to bear the loss of your caring and loving wife. Accept my heartfelt condolences for your loss.

114. May you always find the fortitude to bear your loss in the presence of the Almighty God and loved ones.

115. With each passing day, it’s my prayer that God will heal you of the loss of your dearest brother.

116. May God fill the space of the loss of your sister with peace, boundless happiness and unending joy.

117. As you journey through this sad and dark time, may God continue to guide you and watch over you.

118. It’s my prayer that the good Lord will heal you of the pain and heartache that comes with the loss of your lovely wife.

119. My deepest and warmest condolences to you for your loss. I pray that God will give you the strength to bear the loss.

120. May you today and always find comfort, peace and courage to bear your loss within the presence of the Almighty God, friends and loved ones.

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