120+ Thanksgiving Quotes to God from the Heart 2025

To say words of appreciation to God, you don’t necessarily have to wait for the Thanksgiving day, even if it’s a great spot of one’s life to show unparalleled gratitude for everything God has done and will continue to do.

Every day is worth thanking for. So, show forth some gratitude to the one who made the sun and the moon stand still for your sake.

With these undermentioned Thanksgiving quotes the Psalms has got nothing on you.

Go ahead and have a swell time praising God. Thanksgiving quotes to God for Thanksgiving day 2024 and beyond.

Thank You God Quotes From The Heart

The best of Godly thanksgiving quotes and thanksgiving quotes to God.

1. My mouth will sing of your praises all day long. My hands will I lift up in appreciation of your kindness.

2. A day to reflect on all that you’ve given me in good measure. Dear Father, I say, blessed be your holy name.

3. Every good and perfect gift you’ve honoured me with sing of your praises on this day.

4. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord for He is deserving and worthy.

5. We exalt you, oh Lord far above all our needs and trials on this Thanksgiving day.

6. For all that you’ve done and all that you will do, be thou exalted, oh Lord.

7. There’s nothing too small to thank the Lord for. So, I praise His holy name over the little things He’s blessed me with.

8. As for me and my household, we praise the good Lord for His everlasting mercy.

9. You’ve done too much for me, I’ve lost count of my blessings. Thank you, heavenly Father.

10. Let my voice be heard in all ends of the city speaking well of your glory. Thank you, Father, for all that you’ve done.

11. For being alive to show forth your mercy on this Thanksgiving day, I say, be thou exalted, oh God.

12. Forever, I’ll lift up my voice to honour you. How great is your faithfulness, how plenteous are your mercies.

13. Let your name be praised forevermore because you have done so much for this household and country.

14. Even in these times of terror and famine, you remain a good Father never to be dethroned. I worship you.

15. You’re never outdone. You’re always on time and you’re always for us. Thank you, Father.

16. You rule in our lives. Hence, our peace and prosperity. To you alone, God, be all the glory.

17. Many times have I been afflicted, yet I am a winner because you are the lifter of my head. Thank you, Father.

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18. If not for anything, I thank you, God, for the breath in my body.

19. I’ll let the whole world know that you’re God in my life. Thank you for your authority over my life.

20. There’s none besides you, oh Lord. You’ve conquered my fears and wiped away my tears. How I reverence you, Father.

21. Your protection upon me is a gift and a privilege I’ll forever worship you for. I say, thank you, Father.

22. I render all my praises at your feet today. I surrender all the glory unto your name for your loving kindness and provision.

23. You loved us first even before we loved you. Thank you, Father, for your unconditional love.

24. I’ll do nothing but praise you from dawn to dusk. I’ll give all that I have to show you how much you mean to me.

25. Life is worth living because your love is pure and true all year round. Thank you, Father.

26. With the life you have given to me, I’ll worship you. For the blessings you’ve provided for me, I’ll reverence you.

27. The birds sing of your praises, the mountains of your mightiness. And my tongue of your wonders.

28. No one forgives as you do, none is as faithful as you are. I worship you with all my might.

29. You’ve shown me so much love and have delivered me from the lion’s den. I exalt your name for all that you’ve done for me.

30. Let them say what they want. But your praises are all I’ll sing all day long.

31. Your outstretched hands have delivered me from the claws of death and from the shackles of poverty. Thank you, my Father.

32. Your love surprises me and your faithfulness is new every morning of my life. Thank you, my Father.

33. How excellent is your name? How miraculous are your deeds? I’ll give your glory to no other but you.

34. Many are the works of your hands, faithful are the words of your mouth. You are the one and only true God.

35. You’re a Father like no other. I’ve tasted of your love and all I’m left to say is, I love you more than life itself.

36. You shine your light upon the surface of the earth and fill its void with the beauty of your wonders. How excellent are you, Lord.

37. I’ll say it to the Jews and Gentiles, you’re God and you’re kind.

38. You love justice and have caused me to rise above all my enemies. Thank you, Father, for making me a winner man.

39. My eyes behold your goodness all day long, my ears hear of your kindness to all generations and my heart feels your love beyond measure.

40. You’ve been more supportive than a friend and more protective than a loving parent. Thank you, my Father.

41. You’ve caused me to smile in the middle of life’s trial. And has given me the wisdom to handle my situations. Thank you, my loving God.

42. Your words are true and they give light to my feet. Thank you for being my guide.

43. You are righteous and holy. Yet, you love a wretched sinner like me. I can’t thank you enough for your unconditional love.

44. Thank you for not forsaking a sinner like me. Thank you for sending your only begotten son to die for me.

45. All my fears and worries are gone because you told me to rest in your loving kindness. Thank you for the peace of mind.

46. I confess that I am nothing without you but for your love, I could not be saved.

47. I forsake all my worries on this day to lift up the banner of praises in your name. Lord, I worship you.

48. Morning by morning, noon by noon, your praises will I sing till the end of time.

49. A thousand tongues will not do but I’ll praise you till my tongue starts to ache.

50. You parted the red sea and swallowed up the proud mountains because you’re the God of all creations. Thank you, Father.

51. For the shelter you gave to me, and for keeping my family as one, I say, be thou exalted above the heavens and let thy glory be above all the earth.

52. Thank you, dear Father, for you masterminded the creation of the world and even the salvation of our souls.

53. In all the challenges of life, you have provided your love to be our escape route and your words to be our peace. So, I worship you.

54. You’re always for me and never against me. You’ve made a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. How powerful is your love!

55. I am contented with your love and satisfied with the words of your mouth. I’ll say it to the hearing of the others, you’re good, oh God.

56. I may not have the untold riches of the world, and my needs may be many but I’m not down with a sickness or disease. So, I thank you for you’ve done that which matters the most to me.

57. You’ve caused your face to shine upon me and your hand to rest upon my head for good. Thank you, Father.

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58. My head, I lift up in glory because you never let me bow in shame. Accept my thanksgiving, Father.

59. You have only begun with me and I’m so full of your praises. Can’t thank you enough for not giving up on a daughter like me, oh heavenly Father.

60. Let the world know that I love you, let the people see how much you mean to me. For you’re kinder than the most loving mother I know on earth.

61. Had it not been for God, I might be having a bad day instead of a thanksgiving day.

62. On this day, let the sands beside the ocean, the leaves on the tree and the hair on many heads, thank the Lord for my sake.

63. It feels richer when you thank God, cause in turn your soul is lifted up. Hence, I thank the name of the Lord.

64. I have eternity to thank Him. However, I’ll choose today to show my gratitude to Him. You’ve been God and more to me.

65. Let the thunder rumble and the wind howl as the Lord accepts my Thanksgiving today.

66. From the depth of my heart, I offer a profound gratitude to God. I sacrifice my self on the altar of thanksgiving. Let this incense rise unto God.

67. I’m alive not because I was hopeful nor a warrior in the field of prayer, but solely by His mercy. Yet again, accept my thanksgiving, oh Lord.

68. I don’t want to be good at prayers and fasting. All I want is to give a sacrifice of thanksgiving to you.

69. Daily as I live, I’ll direct my praises to you. No one will I ascribe your wondrous work to. For you deserve all the thanksgiving in the world.

70. If I could talk unendingly and if I could sing unfalteringly; I’ll only wish to say one thing to you and that’s my profound gratitude. Time after time, I’ll thank you.

71. On the day of thanksgiving will I thank you graciously for the sacrifice of your only begotten Son.

72. No one can beat the work of your hands; not even the best sculptors, cause he is nothing but a tool in your hands. For this, I thank you wholeheartedly.

73. Scientists explain it all but never your conception. The wise comprehend it all but never the work of your hands. I can say it all but never your praises. Nevertheless, accept my humble sacrifice of praise.

74. I will live my whole life to thank you. I’ll thank you beyond today. Since I’m alive, then your praises will consciously be on my lips.

75. When the dogs’ bark they show their gratitude to you. Likewise, when the cat meows. As for me, I show my innermost thankfulness to you as long as I speak.

76. No one battles with you. Tsunami isn’t as forceful as the move of your right hand. The oceans and the seas ain’t as loud as your voice. All these I say to express my appreciation to you.

77. For the breath you’ve given me, and for the movement of my body; all day long, year in year out, I’ll thank you for the precious gift of life.

78. Your still small voice has journeyed with me than my confidante. You’ve bestowed on me the peace that passes all understanding. I’ll keep on thanking you till eternity comes.

79. I have a praise to last and it all belongs to you. It’s my earnest way of thanking you for everything.

80. I’ll thank you more than King David. I’ll dance better than he did. My Thanksgiving will be more poignant than his praises in the book of Psalms.

81. If I could lay down my life to thank you, I will. I just want to let you know that your praises count to me more than my life.

82. I’ll lay down my weapons of prayer. I will not bury myself in fasting. I’ll swiftly go into your court with praises, for today marks my Thanksgiving day to you.

83. It’s indeed true I cannot battle with you. But surely, I can sing of your praises all day long and all night long.

84. More than an anchor, I’ll hold fast to your praises. Thank you, Lord.

85. You’ve been more than a father and a mother to me; you’ve been my God. I do not take this for granted.

86. I’m a sinner, filthy like a rag, but by singing your praises, you’ve made me whole and whiter than snow.

87. I want to see the beauty of the Lord. For I know it lies in His praises. Hence, I’ll sing loudly to Him as far as my cord can take me.

88. Though I’m not the best opera singer, yet I’ll lift up my voice in praises to you with the breath you’ve given me.

89. In several ways, I want to appreciate you; be it with the hair on my head, the tongue in my mouth and the breath of my lungs. I’ll praise you with them all.

90. Be it in the valley or on the hill; I’ve learnt to praise you in all times and places alike. Thank you, Lord.

91. l cannot adorn you with my favourite jewellery. But truly, I can adore you with my praises. Thank you, my heavenly Father.

92. I may find it tasking to pray and likewise to fast, but your praises come naturally to me.

93. Nothing will take my heart as much as your praises do. I’ll thank you fearfully like my idol.

94. I sing to you alone, because you alone deserve my adoration. Thankful am I when I hum your praises like a hummingbird.

95. You brought me out of wretchedness and from a place of nothingness. I have enough because you’ve given me abundance. Thank you, Lord, for your graciousness.

96. If I had ten thousand tongues, I’ll still yearn for more to thank you.

97. I’ll praise you in every dialect if I were a linguist. I’ll play all the keys on the piano if I were a skilled pianist. Nevertheless, I am me. Hence, I’ll praise you in my own way.

98. When I praise you, it calms every roaring storm in my life. It takes me out of the tunnel and brings me to light. Thank you, Lord.

99. The sun appears when I praise you. Darkness gives way as I adore you with the words of my mouth.

100. What a mighty God you are. But as great as you are, you accept my humble praises. Thank you for being God the way you are.

101. Your nature speaks of your wonders and your deeds are good and powerful.

102. My family is healthy and strong all thanks to your name.

103. Every good in my life springs from your thoughts and kind wishes towards me. Father, I worship you.

104. No one can stop me from thanking you. So, I’ll worship you till my last breath.

105. A gaze into heaven, makes my heart thank you with unspoken words. You’re bigger than I can say.

106. A place of authority is the place of worship. Hence, I’ll worship you in the beauty of your righteousness.

107. Rock of ages you’ve been. Ancient God you are, yet you accept praises from a mortal being like me. Thank you, Lord.

108. The secret place I want to be is in your court of praises.

109. You’re the thread that holds my family together. The glue that mended my broken heart. And the potter that moulded me. Thank you for being all these and more to me.

110. You’re my shield. You’re the reason I survive all season. Thank you for being my innermost strength.

111. I lift my hands to you as I lift up my heart to worship you. I surrender all my thanks to you.

112. My heart is overwhelmed with your praises. My life is filled with your wonders. Seeing the sun makes me scream for joy.

113. The clouds remind me of the unseen God that holds all things together without letting any fall apart.

114. You formed my life, gave me a name. And made me your child. Thank you for choosing me.

115. I’m glad you’re the reason the sun, the moon and the stars shine. Only you could have done that.

116. Only you make all things beautiful and perfect just in time. You’re the only one who can make time stand still.

117. You’re doing the same today like in the time of old. The only difference is your grace that changes all things.

118. The rainbow reminds me of your promises and my life reminds me of your faithfulness.

119. Everywhere I look I see the work of your hands. Everything I touch speaks of your unending glory.

120. The melody of my heart isn’t enough to praise you. With the words of my mouth, I’ll sing a great song of thanksgiving to you.

Go shake the heavens with your Thanksgiving and make the Lord do the impossible with your attitude of gratitude.


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