2025 Short Thanksgiving Prayers to God

There are several reasons to be thankful to God especially in this part of the world where almost everything seems not to work perfectly, but in all theses, we should still be thankful because we are better than people in war zones who not just fight for their peace but also for their dear lives.

It is always good to be thankful because when you are grateful for the little you have today, God in His infinite mercy will enlarge you tomorrow.
So today, I’ll be showing you 100 thanksgiving prayers you should say as long as you are living and grateful. Join me as we thank our faithful God.

Short Prayers of Thanksgiving to God

We can’t thank God enough for all He has done. Here are the Best Short Thanksgiving Prayers to God.

1. Dear father and Lord, I thank you for the gift of life and strength today, as with every other day. You’re loved forever, Lord. I’m grateful.

2. Father, I thank you for your abundant grace in my life and family. We wouldn’t be here if not for your grace. We are forever grateful, Lord.

3. Thank you, Lord, for making me to witness a new month. You kept us from January to this month, we owe it to you, Lord.

4. Thank you Lord for keeping every part of my body in good condition, it is by your grace we are not broken.

5. Thank you, Father, because my tomorrow shall be alright. You have said it in your word and you will bring it to pass.

6. Thank you Lord for keeping Nigeria in peace, there is no major outbreak of war that keeps people indoors for weeks, we are grateful for this.

7. Thank you Lord for the salvation of my soul, thank you for redeeming me from the traps of spiritual death.

8. Father, I thank you for calling me out of darkness and sin to your Marvelous light and freedom

9. Thank you, Lord, for making me to be part of the chosen generation, a peculiar people and a holy nation

10. Thank you, Lord, for keeping every part of my body in good condition, from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet.

11. Thank you, father, because my tomorrow shall be alright, yes I believe with you, my tomorrow shall be restful

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12. Thank you, Lord, for your blessings over my life from my childhood to my adulthood. I am so grateful

13. Thank you Lord for your endless provision for my life and family, thank you for not letting us lack any good thing.

14. Thank you for your divine protection day and night, when I close my eyes and don’t know what happens next, you kept me, thank you, Lord.

15. Thank you Lord for the peace in my world, you have given me so much peace that I’m grateful for. I’m not in the hospital or prison yard, I’m grateful for this.

16. Thank you, Lord for my family members, friends and loved ones that matter to me, thank you for not letting me hear any bad news from them.

17. Thank you, Lord,, for where you are taking me to, for where you picked me from and where I am destined to be. I know it shall be great by your grace.

18. Thank you Lord for loving me, your love is great and immeasurable over my life and I’m thankful

19. Thank you, Lord, for good people you surrounded me with, starting from my immediate family to my extended family and faithful friends

20. Thank you, Lord, for your constant mercy over my life, for not making me to be consumed by the storms of this life.

21. Lord, I thank you for being a faithful and reliable God, you are always worthy of my praise, you have never failed.

22. Thank you, Lord, for calling me your child, I’m so glad to have a loving father who is always there when I call.

23. Thank you, Lord, for safety everywhere I go in all the nook and cranny of Nigeria and beyond.

24. Thank you for not letting me be a victim of disasters, fire incidents, accidents, kidnap, epidemic and so on. Thank you, Lord.

25. Thank you Lord for my glorious future, I believe it is a great one and it will surely come to pass.

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26. Thank you for my beautiful destiny, the one you created for me in this journey of life, I’m eternally grateful.

27. Thank you, Father, for the heavenly home you are preparing for me, I can be sure of a resting place when this world is over.

28. Thank you, my solid rock for keeping me standing, even though I sometimes feel my legs shake, you still set my feet strong on your rock. Thank you, Lord

29. Thank you, Father, for the days you taught me yourself, the painful and sweet lessons which have made me who I am

30. Thank you for your holy spirit you gave to me, to teach me, comfort me and guide me in all ways and situations.

31. Thank you because your promises for my life shall come to pass, yes I believe all your promises in your word are for me

32. Thank you Lord for fighting all my battles physical and spiritually, the ones I know about and the ones I don’t know

33. Thank you Lord for dying on the cross for my salvation, without your death, I would be so hopeless.

34. Thank you, Lord, me not letting me receive any bad news from the beginning of the year. My ears have been ordered by you to hear goodness and I am thankful.

35. Thank you for keeping my family in perfect peace, without you in our lives, it will be a great disaster.

36. Thank you Lord because your plans for me are so great, great are your plans which are beyond human imaginations. I’m truly thankful

37. Father, I thank you for your thoughts towards me because they are of good and not of evil to take me to an expected end.

38. Thank you, Father, for your greatness in my life, you have lifted me from grassroots to a better place and I know you will take me to greater heights.

39. Thank you Lord for everyone you have brought across my way to teach me one life lesson or the other, I am thankful because I was made stronger.

40. Thank you Lord for forgiving me every time I slip, your unfailing love is so great and I’m so grateful

41. Thank you Lord for blessings you gave me even when  I didn’t deserve it, you are my everything indeed

42. Thank you Lord for your angels that watch me every step of the way to order my steps according to your will, I am grateful for the directions

43. Thank you, Lord for the ideas you have blessed me with, give me the courage to maximize them and helps others with them.

44. Thank you, father, for making me one of your human creations, even the animals on the street couldn’t have made a choice but you chose to make me a human.

45. Thank you, Lord, for my job and the profit that comes with it, your word says it is you that gives the power to make wealth.

46. Thank you Lord for not allowing me to be a burden to people, you have given me senses to think on my own. I worship you.

47. Thank you Lord for the hope of getting better every day, your word says there’s hope for the living.

48. Thank you Lord for all the beautiful things you have done in my life and for prayers answered thus far. I’m thankful.

49. Thank you for prayers I have not uttered but you have answered already because you know my thoughts and needs.

50. Thank you Lord for being my God, there’s no one else beside you, you are my incomparable God.

50. Thank you Lord for being my God, there’s no one else beside you, you are my incomparable God.

51. Thank you Lord for being invincible, immortal and omnipotent, you cannot be destroyed but you can destroy which makes me so privileged to have you as my God. I’ll always be thankful for this attribute of yours.

52. Thank you lord for your faithful works over my life. Your word says, have you said, will you not do it? have you spoken, will you not make it good? I thank you because you will do what you have said.

53. Thank you lord because you are great and great are your works in my life and family.

54. Thank you lord for the breath i breathe. Some are in the hospital bed taking oxygen but you have given me the ability to breathe freely.

55. Thank you lord for your protection over my life everytime i go out. You keep shielding me from attacks and disasters and i’m so grateful.

56. Thank you lord for the job you have provided for me, many people are being laid off on a daily basis but you have preserved mine. I am thankful Lord.

57. Father i thank you for blessing the little i have, thank you for not letting me beg for food, shelter or clothings before i can use one.Thank you Lord.

58. Jesus, the lover of my soul, thank you for teaching me your word everyday and taking my feet away from eternal damnation.

59.Thank you for your sufficient grace and mercy over my life, family and friends. This is what we enjoy daily as your children and we are grateful for it.

60. Thank you for our local government, state and country as a whole. We have not gotten there yet but we are not where we used to be, thank you Lord.

61. Thank you for keeping me at night when i don’t know what is happening around me anymore. You still wake me up everyday, it is your grace i enjoy lord.

62. Thank you lord for not making me to be a victim of unknown offences. Many are in the prison for offences they know nothing about but you have kept me from diverse traps. Thank you Lord.

63. Father, i thank you for past achievements in my life and upcoming ones. With your grace, i have achieved these little feats and you will lead me on to greater ones.

64. Thank you lord for the gift of health. I keep enjoying your peace all around my body. I am not terminally ill, thank you Lord.

65. Praise ye the Lord oh my soul for all his benefits and wondrous work. My soul praises you Lord.

66. Thank you lord for the wonders you have shown me and your mighty works in my life. They are countless and i’m thankful for everything.

67. Thank you lord because anytime i call upon you you answer me. Thank you for answered prayers and more answers to come.

68. Thank you for being God alone from before time begun, you are God alone and you will forever be.

69.Thank you for comforting me in bad times, thank you for the assurance of a better tomorrow that you constantly give me.

70. Thank you because all your good promises for my life will surely come to pass. I believe so and it shall be fulfilled by your grace.

71.Thank you for your gift of kindness and your loving care over evry soul. It is truly immeasurable and i am glad to be a recipient of such kindness.

72. Thank you lord for taking care of your missionaries far and near, thank you for providing for them and protecting them every day.

73. Thank you for some trials wrapped with love to make us grow wiser and deeper in you and to make us grateful for every good thing we enjoy.

74. Thank you for giving us hop that cannot be conquered neither can it be deemed by any form of circumstances. We owe such faith to you Lord.

75. Thank you for binding my family together with love. Thousands of family without God are scattered around but you have kept us with your love and grace.

76. Thank you lord for the fruit and the gifts of your spirit in my life which keeps me sane, pleasant and approachable to everyone around me.

77. King of glory, thank you for your glory in my life. The glory that never fades is in your hands, thank you for making me a part of your glory.

78. Ancient of days, thank you for making me one of your creatures. Your hands make all things beautiful and i am glad to be one of your creatures.

79. Excellent God, thank you for making everything i do to turn out excellent directly or indirectly, it is by your grace.

80. O Lord, my father, thank you for being a good father to me. You are the father of the fatherless. Thank you for your care that supersedes human care.

81. Changeless God, thank you for being a God that can never change. Your yes is yes and your no is no. Thank you for being a reliable God.

82. Thank you lord for the seasons of perseverance and trials because they made me stronger and helped my belief in you to be deeper.

83. Thank you for sending your son to die for me on the cross of calvary for the remission of my sins. I am thankful for the salvation of my soul.

84. I worship you Lord for making me to be born into a good and peaceful family. Some were born into a hurting family but they had no choice than to grow in it, but your grace picked me up and made me experience family love.

85. Thank you Lord for the peace in Nigeria and environmental stability we experience.

86. I am thankful Lord for every part of my body, tissue and cells. Thank you for keeping them all together in one piece.

87. Thank you lord for the beautiful things you have created all around us, the light, the air, the trees, the birds, the sky. Thank you for the gift of nature.

88.You are worthy to be praised my redeemer. Thank you for redeeming my soul from the pit of hell.

89. Thank you lord because your plans for me are of good and not of evil to give me an expected and glorious end.

90. You are the reason i live. Thank you lord for giving me every reason to be grateful for the life you have given me.

91. Thank you for helping me to conquer all forms of fear in this world. Unknown fears are now bygones because my life and purpose is in your hands and you will never let me down.

92. Thank you for keeping me close to you all through my trying times, you have given me reasons to keep my head up and forge ahead.

93. Thank you for everyone you have used for me one way or the other to make me who i am today.

94.Thank you for all the beautiful promises in your word concerning my life. I believe they will come to pass by your grace.

95. Thank you lord for accepting my sacrifice of praise and worship each time I offer it.

96. Thank you lord for loving me wiht an everlasting love, your everlastign love has brought me thus far and it will never leave me.

97. Thank you because you hear my heart desires even before i say it, you answer my prayers even before i lay them before you. I’m grateful Lord.

98. Thank you Lord for you have answered all theses prayers i have just said and i will always have reasons to thank you.

99. I acknowledge everything you have done and for what you will still do in my life, thank you Lord.

100. Glory be to your name Lord for your love towards them that love you. Thank you for teaching me how best to love and how to pass it on to others around me.

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