2021 Best Good Night Christian Prayers

2025 Best Good Night Christian Prayers

“You shall not be afraid of the terror by night…..” This is the assurance of God’s Word to us as Christians. Do you believe?
Having had a wonderful but stressful day, it is very much important to end the day with our hearty communication with God our Father in thanks and belief for more of His presence with us all through the night.
As we all retire into the night, there is a paramount need to commit ourselves into God’s hand for a sweet safety and sound night rest.

It is definitely of great love and concern to share to our brethren in the faith showing them more reasons to thank God and placing them into the hands of God our Protector and Salvation.
There bring yourself under the grace of these powerful good night prayers for yourself, family, friends, colleagues and all your loved ones. And you will be happy you had the chance to read and use these even on time, for its never to late either in the night now or whatever time of the day. Let’s dig deep and connect our heart! See you there!!!

Powerful Good Night Christian Prayers

Amazing good night prayers for Christians that you will never regret sending to your friends and family, because of the type of wonder its works.

1. Father of Lights, Ancient of days and the God of all grace, I thank You so much from the depth of my heart for Your gift of life, Your infallible guidance and protection throughout the day, Your mercies for the success of the day and all Your countless blessings. I bring my humble self into Your hands this night that as I am about to sleep, may Your abiding presence be with me, guide me through the hours of the night and wake me up to a bright new day tomorrow. I believe You have done all these and more. Thank you very much, Jesus.

2. O Lord God of the heavens and the earth, the Creator of all things, thank You for all You have done. Your Word says that we should ask and it shall be given unto us… I have come again in the multitude of Your mercies that You see me through the night period, protect me from all forms of evil and bring me to the dawning of another day. Be my guide and my shield always. I love you, Lord. Help me to find favour in all I do tomorrow. Thank You, God.

3. All glory and honour to You O God, for You alone are worthy to be praised. I can’t thank You enough for Your goodness and mercy over my life. I am about to lay my head to sleep tonight, Father I pray that every of my labour in the day shall yield bountifully for me and that tonight will be a peaceful night for me. May my tomorrow be successful for me in all ramifications. All thanks to You God.

4. God, our refuge and our fortress, I give all praise and strength to Your mighty name. My day was made successful but solely by You alone God. Now I commit this night unto You that as I lay on my bed, may Your guiding Angel watch over me, keep me from the evil of the night and may I be bestowed with strength for the day’s job. I pray that I will return back tomorrow night with a song of thanksgiving because of the success filled day I would have. Thank You, my Father.

5. Heavenly Father of mercy, all my appreciation goes to You for Your inexhaustible mercy and grace all round. I am about to sleep now, may the night not be against me, the bitter experience of today will never repeat itself, may I be granted mercy to achieve all that has been destined for me tomorrow successfully and in sweetness. Be my guide all through the night.

6. First of all, I give God all the thanks for His goodness and kindness over me and my family and all that surrounds me. Father Lord, as we are retiring into the night, I pray that no member of my family will have any reason to be rushed to the hospital neither will any calamity befall us while sleeping even throughout our lifetime. May Your peace that flows like a river abide with us and give us grace to be an overcome all through in all we do. Thank You for answering my prayer. Blessed be Your Name, O God.

7. Lord God Almighty, all glory, honour and praise unto Your Name. Just as You were as a cloud of fire for the children of Israel in the night in the wilderness, so also I beseech Your mercy that You be as a cloud of fire for me, my love and our family as we all close our eyes into the land of sleep. May we be filled with more rejuvenating power to overcome all the stresses, obstacles of tomorrow and be with overflowing blessings. All thanks be to You Lord. Good night, my love.

8. Everlasting God, I am so grateful for all Your kindness and love towards us. Be exalted O Lord. Lord, I commit this special friend of mine into Your hands as she’s about to sleep, may she never be confronted with any form of disturbances, may her night rest be calm and peaceful. I pray that all her labour shall be crowned with favour tomorrow. Amen. God bless, dear friend. Good night!

9. Thank You, God, for all Your wondrous works and the mighty works of Your hands. My family is in the verge of going to bed to sleep, please guide and protect them all. No weapon fashioned against them shall prosper. May Your goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives even to bring success in all they do. Bless them and strengthen our love the more for ourselves. Thank You, God. Good night, my blessed family.

10. Father Lord, my appreciation to You can’t be given enough. But I bring this little praise to You, be magnified, O Lord. I am about laying my head to sleep now, o please give charge to Your angel to keep me all through the night lest I dash my feet against a stone, oh help to achieve all You’ve in store for me tomorrow. May I receive new strength in my body to tackle tomorrow’s works. Thank You. God, my Father.

11. May your night be so peaceful and solemnly quiet. You shall be graced with abundance of new ideas to explore your opportunities tomorrow. God is with you. Have a good night.

12. Tonight shall not be your last on earth, may the power of God keep you through and bring you to a shining day full of favours and mercies. Sleep well, dear friend. The Lord is watching over you.

13. The eyes of the Lord shall be over you as you lay your head to have your rest tonight. You shall not have any reason to cry out for sorrow in your transition in the night. Mercy shall speak for you in all you do as from now on. Sleep on and sleep well, you are guarded by God. Good night.

14. Each day comes with a new lease of opportunities and strength to take its chances. May this night be so peaceful and blissful for you and you shall be bestowed with strength and wisdom to exploit the great opportunities of tomorrow and grace to do all according to God’s Will. Amen. Have a good night rest!

15. All thanks to God for His immeasurable mercies and loving-kindness towards us. His faithfulness is new every morning. I pray for you, daddy and mummy that the faithfulness of God in bringing you to a bright morning and doing all things good for you will be increased the more upon your lives. Amen. Good night dad and mum. I love you!

16. May the shield of God be for you and see you through all your phases in life. This night shall be a trouble and terror-free night for you, my love. Sleep tight and bask on God’s love for you. Have a very sound sleep and healthy waking up tomorrow. Good night, love.

17. The night is created for rest, so shall your night tonight be of a blissful rest for you. No calamity shall befall you, your family and properties. Be at rest, God is with you. Good night, friend!

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18. Nothing around you shall give you problem, nothing within you shall be of a snare to your rest tonight. The mercy of God shall bring answers to all the needy issues of your life. Be positive. Have a very calm night. Sleep well!.

19. To sleep is not just what is needed but to sleep with a trouble-free mind and calm brain. May God bring comfort to all your troubled thoughts and issues that your night might be peaceful and you shall have a very sound sleep and wake up rejuvenated with a joyful heart. Good night, lovely friend!

20. Nights are for planning and days are for execution of plans. I pray for you, dear that you shall receive great insight on how to plan according to the will of God and you shall be given the strength, vigour and favour to execute these plans tomorrow in good health. Have a gracious night rest. Good night.

21. As you lie down to sleep tonight, may the light of God be as a watch over you. May your dreams be of the desire of God for your life. Sleep well, dear friend. Good night.

22. All thanks to God Almighty for His infinite mercy over our lives. We appreciate Him as a family. I pray that as we all sleep and retire into the night, the Lord shall be a guide and buckler for us all, no one shall be a victim of the terror of the night. We shall all wake up healthy, sound and refreshed. God bless you all. Good night to you all.

23. Hello friend, all the praise and honour to God alone for His peace and love. By the abundant grace of God, may you have a very peaceful and blissful night rest. New dawn shall dawn on you at the dawning of a new day tomorrow. Have a good night rest.

24. Today might have been stressful and challenging but I pray for you that this night will be a night to dissolve every form of stress and challenges. Stay calm and have a very peaceful night sleep.

25. Tonight will be a night of revitalization and rejuvenation for you. May your spirit and body be strengthened the more to face the challenges of tomorrow. Bask on God’s faithfulness. See you tomorrow. Have a great night rest.

26. Each day is tagged with a lot of chances, successful happenings, stresses and lots more. So also shall your night be filled with so much peace and calmness, strength and insights. Love you so much. Sleep well and have a good night.

27. No weapon targeted against you shall be prosperous, every plot against you shall not have power over you. May your sleep be as peaceful as the calmness of the river. God shall guide you all through. Love you so much, my dear friend. Good night.

28. All glory to the Lord in the highest for His great wonders in our lives. As you lay your head to sleep tonight, may the very presence of the Lord abide with you and cause all your troubles to be dissolved. Good night.

29. Thank God for all He has done and that He will yet do. Hello friend, I pray for you that this night will be filled with so much joyful sound of solemn peace and quietness. Have a great night rest.

30. May perfect soundness and calmness surround you and even be within your heart as you sleep tonight. Good night.

31. Sleep well tonight, sleep tight for the Lord shall give His angels charge over you to watch over you through the night and at all times. Have a blissful night!

32. The love of God shall wax strong in your heart, and the hand of the Lord shall be strong upon you to keep all through. May your night be so peaceful. Enjoy your sleep, God is with you.

33. May your sojourning through the night be smooth and peaceful. You shall wake up strength and joy within to face the world and overcome tomorrow. Good night.

34. May you be granted grace to dwell under the shadow of the Almighty God as you unrest into the night. Good night and have a blessed night.

35. The light of God shall illuminate every form of darkness that might want to overshadow you tonight and forever more. Sleep tight. The Lord is by your side.

36. All thanks be to God for His faithfulness. May you be granted the grace to give thanks again to God tomorrow for by His grace He shall wake you up safely.

37. May the Lord grant favour over all your labours. This night will be so filled with calmness and solemn quietness. Sleep tight. Have a very good night.

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38. The Lord shall be your fortress and your refuge in all phases of your life. Stay blessed. Good night.

39. New strength and charged energy shall the Lord bless you with as you retire into the night. You shall wake up revitalized. Amen. Good night.

40. Today was indeed tiring and stressful but I pray that your night shall be relaxing and peaceful. Good night, dear.

41. You shall not be made to sorrow this night and every heaviness on your heart shall be made light by the reason of God’s peace in your life even starting from this night on. Good night, love you!!!

42. Your sleeping will hold no harm and your waking up will be with joyfulness. Bask on God’s love for your life. Have a very blissful night!

43. Hello my brother, the Word of God is definitely surer than the dawning of a new morning, His Word for you tonight is that you shall have a very wonderful night rest and you shall dwell under His shadow to protect you all through your sojourning at every time of your life. Believe this, it is well with you. Good night!

44. Nights are known for rest and also known by the world for fears and horror. But I want you to know that this night and many more shall be truly peaceful for you and no terror neither horror shall have their power over you for God is with you. Good night sir.

45. May never be shot with the arrows of sickness and sorrow as you sleep tonight. The guiding shield of God shall surround you. Have this assurance and sleep peacefully. God is with you. Good night.

46. The pestilence of the noon shall have no power over you neither shall the horror and arrow that flies by night hit you. Your sleep shall be in safety to a new day having being strengthened afresh. Amen and also… have a good night rest.

47. I want you to sleep arms wide open and relax very well even under the blowing of the fresh air. For the Lord shall keep His watch over you all through the night and always. Make sure you also pray tonight. Stay blessed, good night.

48. Though the disturbing thoughts flow like a running stream I pray and believe that the peace of God that flows like a calm and clean river shall overflow your heart. Don’t forget, God is with you, just believe in Him. Have a very good night!

49. May this night not be the last I shall see you and not the one that will bring you to the hospital. The King of Glory, our Lord Jesus Christ shall be with you and protect you from all forms of the terror of the enemy this night and henceforth. All thanks to Jesus Christ and to Him alone. Good night, dear. Love you!!!

50. The peace that overthrows the sitting of sorrows and troubles shall come unto you all. You shall be granted grace to explore all your opportunities tomorrow in accordance to the Will of God. Make sure you all sleep tight, God loves you all. Good night!

51. May you be strengthened the more to conquer all the quest tomorrow has held in place for you. This night is made a night of revitalization and re-energizing for you. Remain blessed and even more blessed bountifully. Good night, friend.

52. Your troubles shall be reduced and your joy be abundantly increased. Sleep with this assurance in God. Have a joyous night sleep!

53. Favours shall speak over all your labours and calmness shall come over the troubles of your heart. You shall be given more strength to soar higher throughout tomorrow’s quest and aspirations. Rest well, dear sister.

54. I know it’s your wish that you should untie yourself from the stresses you are going through now but have these at the back of your mind that the peace of God shall flood your heart and cause you to have a very sound sleep. Rest well. Good night!

55. Its almost time for you to sleep now, may the light of God dawn on you and guide you through your journey to the land of sleep. God shall be with you and bring you to a blessed new day. God bless you. Good night!

56. We give all the praises, honour, adoration and glory to God Almighty for His sure mercies over our lives. I commit you into God’s hands that as you sleep tonight, the Lord shall jealously watch over you and keep you all through. Be appreciative for He has done greater things for you. Remain blessed and have a blissful night rest.

57. May the goodness of the Lord come upon that investment of yours and bring glad tidings to you. Your night will be under the mighty watch of the angels of the Lord. Sleep tight, boss. God loves you.

58. By the great grace and infinite mercy of God, the perilous pestilence of the noon had no power of you, so also in God’s goodness and love the terror of the night shall not have victory of you. May you wake up hale, healthy and blessed. Good night, dear one.

59. The blessing of God that surpasses every striving and effort shall come upon that thing that is giving you sleepless night. You shall have testimony over such issues. Sleep well. Good night.

60. May this night be a night of soundness in sleep and calmness in rest for you. May you arise to the dawning of a new day as a revitalized person ready to overcome fears and troubles by the abiding presence of God Most High. Have a very good night. Love you!

You would agree with me that it is necessary to say a word of prayer to our Father in heaven in pouring out our heart desires according to His will, He is our Father, He cares most and also committing into His hands our sojourning into the night and also praying and sharing these prayers with those loved ones of ours. Do you agree? I know you agree. Therefore once again come into the grace of these prayers and you’d be very grateful! Thank you.

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