Thanks God Quotes for Everything in 2025

It is very important that you take some time each day to reflect on your life and become mindful of the blessings you receive from God each day.

We become so used to certain things in our lives that we fail to acknowledge that they are gifts from God for which we should be thankful.

Nothing beats being grateful for things no matter how little or seemingly insignificant they may be.

You should make it a point of duty to give thanks to God for everything and anything at all times.

Thank You God Appreciation Quotes

Here are best of all messages to appreciate God for everything.

1. Another day is here, another day to live and be glad, thanks be to God for the gift of life and the nature all around us.

2. God has given me abundant wealth to take care of all my needs and do all the charity I can with a grateful heart.

3. I may not have gotten everything I want but I thank God for all his provisions, I have everything I need.

4. Good health of mind and body, God in his infinite mercy has given me.
I am alive and well, God be praised.

5. Not every moment will be a happy one but I am completely grateful for all the beautiful moments I have had in the past few years.

6. For the gift of an incredible man as a husband, dear Lord, I am most grateful.
Be exalted above every other name.

7. Children are wonderful gifts from God that make our homes full and joyful.
Thank you, Lord, for my children and their progress.

8. God’s blessings are forever for all those who fear him; you have blessed me abundantly oh Lord, I will praise you forever.

9. With a thankful heart, I say thank you oh Lord for your provisions and protection upon my life and family.

10. There are a lot of people out there who are not sure of their next meal, all I have in my heart is grateful for all your provisions oh Lord.

11. For the grace to have a job that I love which also takes care of all my bills, Father Lord, I am eternally grateful.

12. Dear Lord, please forgive me if I ever become ungrateful.
You do so much for me, much more than I deserve.
Thank you for your grace in my life.

13. Today, I woke up with joy in my heart, it can only be you God and my heart is full of gratitude and endless praise.

14. For the blessings of family and friends who are always here to support and care for me, thank you so much, my Lord.

15. Dear Lord, for all this peace in my heart, I just want to say thank you.
I couldn’t ask for more because you have been so good to me.

16. When I take a look around me, my heart is full of praise, for the love and favours you give me oh Lord, I am forever grateful.

17. Today, I’m just going to have a thankful heart, God is really good to me and my home.
I pray I never take His blessings for granted.

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18. It’s a beautiful feeling waking up to another birthday, I appreciate that God sees me worthy to have a new age.

19. Father in heaven, I do not wish to ask for anything, I just want to say, ‘thank you Lord for all you have done for me’.

20. I thank you Lord for this day, it wasn’t everything I wanted but I know that by your grace, tomorrow will be better.

21. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of salvation, for your son Our Lord Jesus Christ and his death on the cross.
Thank you for saving my soul.

22. It is not by my power nor my might but your goodness oh Lord.
Thank you, father, for your constant love and provisions.

23. I don’t know how you do it Lord but I’m so grateful for all the times you made a way for me where there seemed to be no way.

24. Your name Oh Lord is a strong tower, thank you for being a constant shield for my family and me.
May your name be praised forever.

25. For all my answered and unanswered prayers, thank you, my Lord and Saviour.
You do everything at your own time.

26. Every morning that I wake up, I know that it is God’s grace that keeps me and my heart is full of gratitude.

27. Dear Lord, even when I cannot find the right words to express how grateful I am for all that you do for me, I truly am grateful.

28. Thank you, Lord, for all the countless number of times you lifted me up when I was at my lowest points.

29. My heavenly Father, you are the only reason I have made it this far in life.
I can’t say thank you enough.
Thank you, Lord.

30. I’m not the best person on earth but you still care for me Oh Lord.
From the depth of my heart, I say thank you, Lord.

31. Thank you Waymaker for making a way for me even when I had lost all hope.
You are a good God and I will praise you forever.

32. God of awesome wonders, I want to say a prayer of thanksgiving for this beautiful woman you blessed me with as my wife.

33. I go out and come back and you oh Lord keep me safe, thank you for my guiding my steps and keeping me safe.

34. Now and always, my heart will be filled with thanksgiving for all the beautiful things God is doing for me.

35. When I call on you Oh Lord, you hear me, you have never let me down and for that, I will worship you forever.

36. Lord, I do not deserve your mercy and kindness, but you give it to me in abundance.
Thank you, my Saviour.

37. Today, I want to say thank you Lord for healing my body and soul and restoring me to perfect health.

38. You have made me flourish like the flowers planted by the riverside.
Lord, my heart is full of gratitude.

39. Father, you have caused your face to shine upon me and have given me every good and perfect gift.
Be praised forever Oh Lord.

40. The Lord has been gracious and kind to me, in the past and here in the present, I thank you so much, my king and Saviour.

41. Almighty God, your love is felt everywhere around me; in my home, workplace and community.
Thank you so much, Lord.

42. Not everyone who slept last night woke up this morning, thank you, Lord, for granting me the grace to live another day in your presence.

43. The day has come to an end and you oh Lord kept me safe through it all, receive all the glory forever and ever, amen.

44. Thank you, Jesus, for anointing me with the oil of favour and gladness.
You have made my life so beautiful.

45. The banner over my life is Jesus Christ, thank you Lord for your light and unending peace in my soul.

46. There were days that I didn’t have enough to go by but look at me now, God is too good.
Thank you, Jesus, for blessing me abundantly.

47. God in heaven, everything you do is good, thank you for the gift of a well-paying job; I don’t say thank you enough, I am sorry.

48. Waking up to the sounds of the birds and realising how good God is; making everything beautiful.
All honour to you oh God.

49. I will praise you forever oh Lord for you have made me whole.
Thank you, Jesus, for making my life a whole lot better than ever.

50. When I think of all I have been through, I can’t help but say thank you to God for keeping me strong and bringing me better days.

51. Dear Lord, I want to thank you for my future, I know that you will make it beautiful, thank you in advance.

52. Thank you, Lord, for forgiving my sins and showing me mercy over and over again.
Thank you for your love and mercy.

53. For the miracle of life, thank you so much, Lord.
For with life, I know that there’s hope for a better future.

54. I’m super thankful that I have a roof over my head, people to call family and friends and the freedom to go wherever I wish.

55. The joy in my heart when I saw my exam results, it can only be you, God, thank you so much for granting me exam success.

56. Today, I am a graduate! Thank you, Jesus, for being with me every step of the way, I can’t say thank you enough.

57. Thank you so much, Lord, for a very successful wedding ceremony, all these days of planning; it ended in praise.

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58. My health isn’t great but I’m still here, alive and hopeful, thank you, my Lord and Saviour, for the gift of life.

59. Lord, today I am thankful for the ability to learn and take corrections, thank you for the good head on my shoulder.

60. I’m thankful for my first day at work, I can’t believe I finally have a job.
Thank you so much, Lord.

61. I look at my hubby and I know that on my own, I wouldn’t have merited such a good man, thank you, Jesus, for your blessing.

62. It has been another day of business, I know tomorrow will be better, but still thank you so much, my Lord, for today.

63. Some days it’s so tough out there but God’s strength and grace keep me going on.
Thank you so much, my Lord.

64. Today, I had a lot of reasons to smile and have a good laugh.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all the things that make me happy.

65. There is always something to be thankful for, no matter how little.
So thank you Lord for all that you are doing for me.

66. Thank you, Lord, for giving me a heart that sees beauty and hope in everything.
For making sure I get to live a good life.

67. Lord, thank you for all the children all over the world including mine, these little ones make our lives a lot happier.
Thank you for keeping them safe.

68. I’m not the richest person, but whenever I need something, I can afford it.
Thank you, Lord, for all your provisions in my home.

69. I am so thankful for my friends, they make all the difference in this otherwise tough life.
Thank you, Lord, for my friends.

70. Not everyone is privileged to have parents who support and care for them.
Thank you, God, for giving me amazing parents who are great support systems.

71. Thank you so much, Lord, for the gift of weekends that enables us to have some rest and renew our energy for the week ahead.

72. Dear Lord, I’m thankful for how healthy and strong I am.
I have never had to deal with any serious health issue, thank you, Lord.

73. At the end of every day, I get to come back to a lovely home filled with warmth and all the comfort I could ask for, I’m grateful Lord.

74. I look up to the skies and I see the twinkles of the stars, for some reason, it makes me a tad happier, thank you, Lord.

75. Dear Lord, I thank you that I had the opportunity to get a good education, it has made my life a lot better and brighter.

76. For the air that I breathe oh Lord, thank you so much.
I often forget that I don’t get to pay for it.
Thank you so much.

77. The warmth of the sun makes my days a little better.
Thank you, Lord, for this bright and yellow sun that shines on the earth.

78. The gift of time is something we often take for granted, sometimes even misuse.
Thank you, Jesus, for every second, minute and hour.

79. Water is said to be an essential part of life and often times we fail to be thankful for it.
Lord, I appreciate the abundance of water all around us.

80. The presence of love in our hearts makes the world a better place; for the gift of your love and the love in our hearts, thank you, Jesus.

81. Today, I am thankful for the presence of electrical appliances that make things a whole lot easier in our homes.

82. I went out today and people who don’t know me showed me great kindness, Lord I appreciate the kindness you put in the hearts of people.

83. Nothing matches the beauty of rainbows on a cloudy day, I adore You, the maker of heaven and earth.

84. Lord God, you are the author of all things, I am immensely grateful for how wonderful you make all things in your own time.

85. I am grateful that I have eyes that can see, ears that can hear and a tongue that can speak.
Thank you, my good shepherd.

86. Sunsets mark the end of each day and a reminder that a better day is coming.
Lord, I appreciate every day that you let me have a life.

87. I’m super thankful for a sound mind and the ability to reason.
Thank you so much, Lord, for my keeping my mind sane and good.

88. I look back and I see God’s hand in everything, I look around me and God’s blessings are all I see, I look to the future and I know it is promising.
Thank you, Lord.

89. Thank you so much, Lord, for the grace of having beautiful moments that make my life a whole lot meaningful and better.

90. I have a lot of amazing and beautiful memories and I’m totally grateful to God for each and every one of them.

91. I have encountered a lot of breakthroughs all through my life journey.
Thank you, Lord, for your divine interventions.

92. For the success stories that have filled my life, dear Lord my tongue is full of praise for all your blessings and goodness.

93. Dear Lord, today I say thank you for the gift and discovery of modern medicine that has relieved a lot of people all over the world from their illness.

94. Music soothes our soul and makes our hearts lighter from all the pain.
Thank you, father, for the beautiful music and those who sing them.

95. I am also grateful for all the challenges that I have encountered in my life, without which I wouldn’t be who I am.

96. Thank you, Lord, for the armed forces who fight our physical battles through your grace.
With them, you keep us a lot safer.

97. Totally grateful for the grace to travel the world and see the many beauties that you oh Lord created.
Thank you also for all the safe trips.

98. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of each new day and it’s an opportunity to have a fresh start in life.
The day brings with it all your blessings.

99. Thankful for the grace to believe in God, this makes all the difference in my life.
I don’t wish for any other life than this oh Lord.

100. Dear Lord, thank you so much for your unconditional love because even when everything else fades away, your love is ever present in my life.

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